Experience With Salvia Was Traumatic


I have a group of 5 people, occasionally more, who come together every night to get high. We always have a blast doing it and have the time of our lives. Not that long ago, we decided to try salvia. For the most part, the trips were pretty wild, and it's not until later that I realized I'm usually terrified the whole time when I'm tripping. I've had a bad trip before and it disturbed me deeply, but it wasn't enough to make me quit using it. I was curious about it and wanted to try it again. My bad trip was nothing like what just happened. This trip didn't even happen to me and I was scared out of my mind.

Our friend got back from a month long trip and we threw her a party. We had all taken a ton of marijuana before hand and we were all havving a good time. We had recently purchased some salvia and we only wanted to use 10x (I had a horrible trip on 40x), but the packed was mislabeled and we wound up getting a 40x, according to the actual packaging. We had smoked it before and we found out that if you smoked the salvia after you were already really high on weed, you would get extremely high after using the salvia and remain that way for quite some time. My other friend thought he was the tail of a cow once.

But this... this was just awful. The friend who left was the first and only one of us to take a hit. She used a bong and packed the bowl piece with a good amount. She took a massive rip and was done. Someone took the bong from her and then she proceeded to zone out. She was very quiet for a couple of seconds. From my view, I thought she was just having a normal trip. I was already really high on weed and didn't really notice anything was wrong. She immediately started to lay across us (we smoke in a canopy that is in the woods and we sit in a line on the edge of a matress). I thought it was funny, and so did several others and we started to laugh.

All of the sudden, she climbed over who was sitting next to her and, like, looked like she embraced her sister. Little did I know at the time she was trying to strangle her. he then proceeded to fling herself on the ground. A small table was on in the way and stump with a cusion on it was too. She simply crashed through all of it. The table was one of those small Little Tikes table that we use for rolling. It was literally flung out of the canopy and one of its legs came off. Candles were sitting on top of it and hot wax spilled on one of us. By this point, I was standing in the corner at one point to avoid touching her and she grabbed my ankle and squeezed it. The pressure was so intense that I felt like my ankle was going to shatter. She let go and stood up for a few seconds. She was flailing around, throwing punches and kicks and eventually fell back in the dirt.

This whole time she was screaming at the top of her lungs. At one point, she got a hold of herself for a few seconds. I though she was going to come down and I started to calm down. I was utterly wrong. She let out a shriek and cried out that she had no idea what was going on. After that, she full force smashed her face into the ground and gurgling noises were coming from her throat. At this point, everyone was terrified. None of us could keep her restrained. A few of us heard what sounded like voices of people in nearby houses talking, as if they were searching for the source of the screaming. I figured the least amount of people that were there, the better. I took two of my friends with me and we began to walk away from the canopy.

We could hear the continued screaming from a far distance and we had no idea what to do. One of us had spotted a police car slowly patrolling my street, so we could not leave the woods. I decided to turn around and see if she had calmed down. We didn't hear any noises coming from the canopy, so we figured we would just get everybody out and leave. When we got there, I found myself so terrified and out of control that I couldn't stop talking about it and myself and a friend found myself pretty much yelling her. People yelled at me to stop and I was angry with myself that I had lost control. I just shut myself up and a group of us left and waited in the car.

By now, two people had gone home. One of them was fully sober and he was even scared. Eventually, everyone met us at the car. She and her sister sat down in the back seat and she was completely calm, as if nothing had ever happened. I was entirely scared and all of us were crying at that point. Nothing unusual had really happened after that, but I was told what was going on in the canopy after I had left.

One of my friends, my best friend, stayed with them in the tent. I learned that When she was embracing her sister, she was also licking and biting her. She was mumbling complete gibberish, it definately wasnt anything close to interpretable. The worst part about the mumbling was that when it was understandable, she kept answering questions over and over that nobody was asking. All of us were just telling her to calm down, but she would just say the same thing over and over. When she was rolling around on the ground, she found one of our phones because it got a text message. She tried to break the phone in half by grabbing onto my friends hands and grabbed his fists and tried to snap the phone in half.

She was screamming and pulling her own hair. At one point she rolled and her head and chest were out of the canopy. She was screaming for it to get off of her. At one point, after I was gone, her sister was holding her down and her head was still out of the canopy, she licked her sisters arm and told her she was fine and just went silent. She almost needed to be forced off of her sister and she knocked herself over onto the matress where she proceeded to flail around. She got off the matress and got onto her hands and knees and crawled over to her sister and my other friend.

When we were in the car, she gave us an explanation of what she was feeling at the time. She felt like she was time itself and she understands it completely. She told us she understands what happens when you and that her whole body was made out of thousands of zippers and they were slowly becoming unzipped. She was loosing her body and she felt like she would die. She felt like she was trapped in a television with the channel on nothing but static. She didn't know who she was and she heard our voices but couldn't respond.

All I know is, none of us are ever taking that again. None of us will ever be even capable of taking it again since we'll be so afraid of that happening to us. I have no understanding of what happened and my only belief is that she was truly possessed at that point. Just the way moved, the way she screamed, it was so genuinely real.

Never again.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Salvia is reverse-tolerence. As in, the more times you smoke it, the more intense each trip will be. It's funny like that.

Your friend's description of her trip is very reminiscent of one of my last trips..you can actually feel pressure, and physical pain from tripping. This is where the rift between concious reality and subconcious reality begins in my opinion. If you allow yourself to just go with it, not resisting where your mind is taking you, you can enter a whole new realm of thought. However, resisting the effects can lead to adverse behavior, like the behavior described of your friend. She was freaking out so much from the overwhelming feelings of pressure, pain, and distorted reality that her subconcious took over.

A similar thing happened to a friend of mine after smoking it; he went into a state of complete fear and began grasping my legs and crying hysterically, pleading "help me, [my name]" over and over. I think he was being taken to the other reality but was resisting with all his mental might.

It is notable though that since it is a reverse tolerence substance, many persons trying salvia for their first, second or third times will not get this "dual-reality" effect, where they might be fighting to stay in the concious realm, or slipping into a world that is of their own mind's creation.

This is my humble opinion about the effects of salvia. It is not to be fucked with by the weak-minded, as goes for most any other entheogen.


Well-Known Member
Salvia is one of the most intense things i've ever ingested. I love it.

the fact that its legal in most places lulls unsuspecting victims in, and they loose it.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Salvia is one of the most intense things i've ever ingested. I love it. the fact that its legal in most places lulls unsuspecting victims in, and they loose it.
Very true. Maybe it should be kept legal, after all salvia's IS one of the most intense psychadelics and that way all these unsuspecting people can have these profound experiences and maybe change the way they think about life and themselves if they don't have access to mushrooms, acid and what have you.


Active Member
Well that sounds about right for Salvia. It seems to be getting a pretty bad reputation among those who know what it does. Then there's the dumb little kids who think its a substitute for weed.

Salvia is not to be toyed with. Nothing about the Salvia experience can be considered fun. Its just weird. Not saying its not worth doing or not something I like to do but it just isn't fun.


Active Member
I find it highly fun, our opinions on fun must differ greatly.
Maybe the first time I could say it was fun but subsequent times I found it just a bit too strange and with an uncomfortable body high that just made it way to weird to be fun. But it was worthwhile and I would do it again. Maybe fun isn't the word I'm looking for, maybe it is. But salvia is strange there's no doubt about it.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Salvia is one of the most intense things i've ever ingested. I love it.

the fact that its legal in most places lulls unsuspecting victims in, and they loose it.

Man darth to be honest i think Salvia is the gnarliest thing ive ever ingested as well. Stronger the blasting off on DMT, fat acid trips, mushys, k, the works.

Salvia is straight up NUTS!!!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
That's way too much text for me to read as high as I am. :lol:


Traumatic.... or enlightening?

Depends on how you attempt to learn from your experience

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I find it highly fun, our opinions on fun must differ greatly.
Lol like i always say... Your the only person i actually know that enjoys a good ole salvia trip!

I def dont enjoy it at all, i do however find it VERY interesting!

The first time i pulled my sole from my body and put it into an in-animate object was the time i realized the reality of meta-physics... Fucking amazing! Scary, but amazing lol.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Traumatic. There is no other word I can use to describe the feeling.

With do time, traumatic will turn into enlightening i promise. Ive had quite a few VERY traumatic experiences with various Hallucinogens including salvia. After a couple weeks to settle down you will be able to start pulling the good from it.

For instance, i had an acid trip 6 months or so ago where i went blind freaked out and wanted to kill myself. i tripped for 20 hours and never thought i was going to come down.

Very traumatic, so much so that words cant even describe it. Overall though i can say i learned more from that trip then any other trip ive ever taken. I would personally consider that enlightening.

I am a firm believer in "scary" trips are a necessity, everyone needs to have their ego destroyed from time to time. It keeps everything in perspective.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Traumatic. There is no other word I can use to describe the feeling.
Phelps beat me to it, but to reiterate... in a few weeks when you come down you will take something from the experience.

Afterall, your spirtual journey is being channeled from your subconscious.. something we are not very aware of during the day, but (sometimes)fearfully aware of during our trips..

It's like dream analysis.... :lol: except way more accurate I think.


Well-Known Member
I have a group of 5 people, occasionally more, who come together every night to get high. We always have a blast doing it and have the time of our lives. Not that long ago, we decided to try salvia. For the most part, the trips were pretty wild, and it's not until later that I realized I'm usually terrified the whole time when I'm tripping. I've had a bad trip before and it disturbed me deeply, but it wasn't enough to make me quit using it. I was curious about it and wanted to try it again. My bad trip was nothing like what just happened. This trip didn't even happen to me and I was scared out of my mind.

Our friend got back from a month long trip and we threw her a party. We had all taken a ton of marijuana before hand and we were all havving a good time. We had recently purchased some salvia and we only wanted to use 10x (I had a horrible trip on 40x), but the packed was mislabeled and we wound up getting a 40x, according to the actual packaging. We had smoked it before and we found out that if you smoked the salvia after you were already really high on weed, you would get extremely high after using the salvia and remain that way for quite some time. My other friend thought he was the tail of a cow once.

But this... this was just awful. The friend who left was the first and only one of us to take a hit. She used a bong and packed the bowl piece with a good amount. She took a massive rip and was done. Someone took the bong from her and then she proceeded to zone out. She was very quiet for a couple of seconds. From my view, I thought she was just having a normal trip. I was already really high on weed and didn't really notice anything was wrong. She immediately started to lay across us (we smoke in a canopy that is in the woods and we sit in a line on the edge of a matress). I thought it was funny, and so did several others and we started to laugh.

All of the sudden, she climbed over who was sitting next to her and, like, looked like she embraced her sister. Little did I know at the time she was trying to strangle her. he then proceeded to fling herself on the ground. A small table was on in the way and stump with a cusion on it was too. She simply crashed through all of it. The table was one of those small Little Tikes table that we use for rolling. It was literally flung out of the canopy and one of its legs came off. Candles were sitting on top of it and hot wax spilled on one of us. By this point, I was standing in the corner at one point to avoid touching her and she grabbed my ankle and squeezed it. The pressure was so intense that I felt like my ankle was going to shatter. She let go and stood up for a few seconds. She was flailing around, throwing punches and kicks and eventually fell back in the dirt.

This whole time she was screaming at the top of her lungs. At one point, she got a hold of herself for a few seconds. I though she was going to come down and I started to calm down. I was utterly wrong. She let out a shriek and cried out that she had no idea what was going on. After that, she full force smashed her face into the ground and gurgling noises were coming from her throat. At this point, everyone was terrified. None of us could keep her restrained. A few of us heard what sounded like voices of people in nearby houses talking, as if they were searching for the source of the screaming. I figured the least amount of people that were there, the better. I took two of my friends with me and we began to walk away from the canopy.

We could hear the continued screaming from a far distance and we had no idea what to do. One of us had spotted a police car slowly patrolling my street, so we could not leave the woods. I decided to turn around and see if she had calmed down. We didn't hear any noises coming from the canopy, so we figured we would just get everybody out and leave. When we got there, I found myself so terrified and out of control that I couldn't stop talking about it and myself and a friend found myself pretty much yelling her. People yelled at me to stop and I was angry with myself that I had lost control. I just shut myself up and a group of us left and waited in the car.

By now, two people had gone home. One of them was fully sober and he was even scared. Eventually, everyone met us at the car. She and her sister sat down in the back seat and she was completely calm, as if nothing had ever happened. I was entirely scared and all of us were crying at that point. Nothing unusual had really happened after that, but I was told what was going on in the canopy after I had left.

One of my friends, my best friend, stayed with them in the tent. I learned that When she was embracing her sister, she was also licking and biting her. She was mumbling complete gibberish, it definately wasnt anything close to interpretable. The worst part about the mumbling was that when it was understandable, she kept answering questions over and over that nobody was asking. All of us were just telling her to calm down, but she would just say the same thing over and over. When she was rolling around on the ground, she found one of our phones because it got a text message. She tried to break the phone in half by grabbing onto my friends hands and grabbed his fists and tried to snap the phone in half.

She was screamming and pulling her own hair. At one point she rolled and her head and chest were out of the canopy. She was screaming for it to get off of her. At one point, after I was gone, her sister was holding her down and her head was still out of the canopy, she licked her sisters arm and told her she was fine and just went silent. She almost needed to be forced off of her sister and she knocked herself over onto the matress where she proceeded to flail around. She got off the matress and got onto her hands and knees and crawled over to her sister and my other friend.

When we were in the car, she gave us an explanation of what she was feeling at the time. She felt like she was time itself and she understands it completely. She told us she understands what happens when you and that her whole body was made out of thousands of zippers and they were slowly becoming unzipped. She was loosing her body and she felt like she would die. She felt like she was trapped in a television with the channel on nothing but static. She didn't know who she was and she heard our voices but couldn't respond.

All I know is, none of us are ever taking that again. None of us will ever be even capable of taking it again since we'll be so afraid of that happening to us. I have no understanding of what happened and my only belief is that she was truly possessed at that point. Just the way moved, the way she screamed, it was so genuinely real.

Never again.
great story the most interesting story i have read today :D :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
i dont get why so many people freak out and yell while on salvia. we all seen it on the youtube videos. i havent done salvia in a long time nor do i care for it anymore but everytime i felt like i was freaking out i kept my fucking mouth shut so i wouldnt draw attention. you gotta realize before you do it, you will come back to reality, and you wont die.


Well-Known Member
One time me ad my gf thought that it'd be fun to smoke huge gravity bong rips of 20x salvia. I completely lacked out and so did she. Apparently I was screaming at the top of my lugs nonsensical bullshit and so was she. I was so confused that we ended up getting in a huge salvia trip fight and screaming nonesense at each other. It was horrible, cause I thought she was being super mean for some reason. And I started crying lol. It was the most confusing, bad time ever lol. never smoke with someone else and no sitter, it's horrible lol


Well-Known Member
i dont get why so many people freak out and yell while on salvia. we all seen it on the youtube videos. i havent done salvia in a long time nor do i care for it anymore but everytime i felt like i was freaking out i kept my fucking mouth shut so i wouldnt draw attention. you gotta realize before you do it, you will come back to reality, and you wont die.
If you take enough it will happen to you. It happens when I'm blacked out, I dont TRY to do it at all.


Well-Known Member
Woah that girl lost her mind quite a bit. As Darth pointed out Salvia brings out what was within. We know she was panicking, she didn`t know who she was, she thought she was going to die. But her solution to this was a massive violent tantrum and thats not cool.

Salvia does cause paranoia, my friend had a stash of 10 grams of 40x (he was that much of a user) at one time and sold it all to his friends because he had a few run ins e.g had a friend up the wall by his throat and was talking amongst a group of people about how they all set him up and he knew the shit they were up to. He was drunk too though which is a VERY BAD idea on Salvia I belive lol

I`m thinking this girl will suffer from panic attacks if she keeps using drugs.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Phelps beat me to it, but to reiterate... in a few weeks when you come down you will take something from the experience.

Afterall, your spirtual journey is being channeled from your subconscious.. something we are not very aware of during the day, but (sometimes)fearfully aware of during our trips..

It's like dream analysis.... :lol: except way more accurate I think.

Dream analysis is a perfect way to describe it!

Nice sig BTW haha. I forgot to add the word help in their. "i eat 3 every day to help keep me strong..."