WBW Indoor kush Thread!

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Tha Larry will stretch some in flower the bubba no stretch at all.I cant wait to see how this Larry bubba cross does aswell as the Larry valley


Well-Known Member
larry brings sum strong input Elite leaned on it a lot for the male input

must be a reason why maybe you be able to tell me-this my first attempt with her on our first date only 3 days in

thanks for stretch input thats what i need, see go in prepared is much better board position to be in

i know you have been there an got the T shirt -played the game and masterd it -dats why im tapin into yo knowledge bank -i know its guranteed correct -much respect


Well-Known Member
Larry of x Chem valley Kush
def sounds inerestin i think larry brings a strong influence to end product whatever its mixed wit
like dark gene in people mix half and half white gene -outcome almost as dark as the dark gene not almost as light as the white
me thinks dats larry strong input



Well-Known Member
have you got intouch wit all yo real peops yet
how oldis chico mine just took off couple days ago- driving to texas for pilot training as second liutenant D_ - _-_-_-_
in the Air Force already comissioned hes nutin like me
he just got back from a 3 week trip covered i think it was chiro -spain -isreal i think -me i been here fkd up ,glued to this bench i made

Lml my youngin is 7 months and my oldest is 3 doing good in pre k .I really didn't get in touch with anybody but the real people on here I'm in touch with waiting for few more.you racer flo a couple more


Well-Known Member
this is the best of times wit them can hold them squeez them rough house witem
as they get older just wave good bye say seeyou later

i feel sorry for guys not a part of their kids childhood and life they missing out

stay true


Well-Known Member
its a tough decision to make sumtime-what to grow next -especially when you got a bunch of seeds stuff you want to get to -and a small tent in a unfriendly state
that part suxs to be us
my bud in cali gets to grow 12 plants at a time what da fuk about us

stay true
So true.but eventually I'll get to that point I like my variety and I will continue to grow with nixed strains in the room 2 of each hoping for 1 oc each sex.it just sucks when both end up male I rather take two female I've been ending up with slot of males so I'm good in that department got plenty of f1 seed stock and pretty sure they will give some keepers because the parents were fire


Well-Known Member
its a tough decision to make sumtime-what to grow next -especially when you got a bunch of seeds stuff you want to get to -and a small tent in a unfriendly state
that part suxs to be us
my bud in cali gets to grow 12 plants at a time what da fuk about us

stay true
Lol, i got like 25+ plants right now. hell you already breaking the law might as well go all out. But i feel you, its always hard to pick out which seed you wanna pop next. especially if you have a choice between fems and regs.
Lol, i got like 25+ plants right now. hell you already breaking the law might as well go all out. But i feel you, its always hard to pick out which seed you wanna pop next. especially if you have a choice between fems and regs.
I got a couple gems but I'm running the regs right now stock up some more and then I'll grow out the fems.z


Well-Known Member
There he is!! How's it man. I totally feel you with the parent duties man. Hope alls good, i'll try catch you through the week mate.



Well-Known Member
Hey bro glad yet ok. We were all worried.we chi's at the club.ill take sum them crosses. You forgot my bubba pollen lol.
Thx bro. I have the elite sk going too so we can fulfill the list. I believe yer on it. If nit I'll add ya. Peace. Check out the club we miss ya there too.
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