Would it be acceptable to assume...


Well-Known Member
Dogs for me,i prefer American Bulldogs,you get all the lazyness of a cat but the protection of a bear.


Active Member
I love dogs.

looks like that 99% theory is a little wrong.

Cats are ok... The only reason i would say stoners like cats is because cats are fucking stoners. look at them all lazy all day with their chinky eyes. haha. j/k

I smoked up my dog and he was down for it too.

Dogs are much more useful for protecting the garden from unwanted passerbys.


Well-Known Member
I have a cat that acts like a dog, he is pretty fucking awesome. Then I have another cat that is fucking huuuuuge 30+ lbs he looks like a little tiger. But dogs overall seem like they like to chill with you more.. cats always hide and shit.


Well-Known Member
i love cats and dogs... but having a cat is easier... and when you don't own land its crule to have a dog.


Well-Known Member
I have chihuahua/jack russell terrier mix, he is about 15 lbs. And he loves the herb. I had a cat for almost 10 years and he just passed about 2 months ago.. :cry: I miss my cat ALOT, but I think I do prefer dogs over cats..

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Yeah, cats are a bunch of bitches.. I'd much rather have a dog. And I have both, but the dog still kicks the cats ass :hump:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I like both, and have owned both. I have to say I prefer Dogs by far. More interaction and can do lots more with dogs than a cat. I enjoy walking my dogs, taking them swimming, to the dog park etc. I can't see doing any of that with a cat, lol. Dogs are more a companion than cats in my opinion. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm a cat lover myself. I have always had cats.I have 4 Siamese and 1 Persian now. I do like dogs also and own a Golden retriever. But I have to have cats . A house just wouldn't be a home with out a few. I have to have cats sleeping on the bed to purrrrr me to sleep! Siamese are more dog like ..They follow me around they are smart and playfull very people oriented..

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Ew my cat just puked/coughed up a hair ball on the side of the couch. (While my dog was quietly sitting upstairs being a good pup). Damn cats :evil:. :mrgreen: