Old Spice To Fight Weed Odor


Active Member
Okay, so this might seem like an odd question, but I was wondering if anyone has ever tried using underarm deodorants in their grow room to fight the smell of the weed? After all weed smells similar to underarm odor also known as B.O. Actually, it smells more like one of those black and white animals that goes by the name of Mr. Skunk that has a bad case underarm odor. Don't get me wrong. I love the smell but I don't want anyone else to share that love with me, especially law enforcement. I've been debating whether or not I should get a scrubber because I only have 5 plants. Though the smell is noticeable at 3-4 weeks, maybe I could get away with the Old Spice deodorant. I put it in the grow room yesterday and now the smell isn't really noticeable. Now it just smells sort of like a locker room. Any comments?


Well-Known Member
Have you started flowering yet? 5 flowering plants could stink up your whole street, not just your house.

Gary Busey

New Member
It's gonna take a lot of deodorant to mask the smell of flowering weed.

Maybe try Ona gel? I use it, and it works pretty good for smaller grows. And will be cheaper than Old Spice in the long run.

I like their commercial though.



Active Member
I've never tried Ona Gel but I'll have to give it a shot. Yea, my plants started flowering and the smell is getting stronger. So, I am concerned. I was thinking about chopping them down and just keeping one of them. I'd hate to do it, but at the same time I don't want to get busted. Next time I'm going to make sure I have scrubber before I start. The paranoia isn't worth it. I swear everytime I hear a police siren off in the distance I get butterflys in my stomach. I was just holding out to determine the sex before I chop them down. I'll just have to make do with one plant for now. Do you guys think one plant will be able to go undetected or will it smell too bad also?

Gary Busey

New Member
I'd grow them all out as long as they're female and you have the room for them.

Ona will take care of 5 plants. I've had more than that going before, Skunk #1 at that, and Ona worked great. Makes my downstairs smell like a hospital or a freshly cleaned public bathroom a little, but I rather that than people that are on a not need to know basis smelling my plants...

Madden NFL

Active Member
Ive read something with febreeze, Get a bottle of febreeze and stick it in like a bucket or a cup and get a pc fan or something on top and it'll smell like febreeze, Im new to all this just giving u an idea but like they said above if it can stink up ur whole street then yeah. The gel stuff or a carbon exhaust thing would be best
I have a 3 plant grow in my spare bedroom and its 18 days into flower....going to stinky very soon

The grow is in a purpose built sliding mirrored door closet so where would i put the tin of ona gel in relation to the room

would it be in the actual tent or outside the tent but in the bedroom?

Gary Busey

New Member
I've tried it in a few different places, and a few different ways as well.

I have put a small amount in a small plastic container, and drill a few holes in the top, then tried placing it near the exhaust fan, then also tried near the circulation fan like they recommend, and both worked good, near the circulation fan worked better though.

I've tried the Ona Blocks too, and though they work good, they dry up pretty fast. Gel is better.

Another way a lot of people use Ona, is to fashion a bucket together with a fan, and add Ona, Soil Moist and water in the bucket, and put it right to the grow room. I've yet to try it that way, but will soon.

Madden NFL

Active Member
Im gonna ask a question since im new and this thread is already about smell. How long into the grow does it start smelling? Because my grow thingy is apart of my computer desk lol. and..yeah If it starts smellin then yeah. Im gonna try the febreeze thing though xD


Active Member
Mine started smelling around 2-3 weeks old, probably more like 2 1/2 weeks. I just simply went into my shed one day and noticed the smell right away. I don't smoke cigarettes so I have pretty good sense of smell. Thanks guys. I'm going to look into getting some Ona Gel. Does anybody know a good website to get it relatively inexpensive? About my grow area/box, yea, I'm just renting a house and there's this shed out back. Anyways, the shed is probably 10W x 25L. Inside the shed there is already a grow box that is 2W x 3L. I'm guessing the prior tenant must have been growing. Actually, I know he was because I found a few old dried up leaves. The first time I saw the grow box I thought it was for a water heater box or something and didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until months later that I tried to get inside it and then realized the true nature of the box in the corner. What the hell, right? I couldn't complain. Someone had already set up a grow box for me. By the looks of it, the guy was only doing one plant because he only had one hook in the ceiling. I suppose he could have used an hps or metal halide lamp for a bunch versus what I'm doing, which is 5 plants with 5 CFL lights; all of course, require extra hooks etc.


Active Member
BackWoodsBurner, actually, I'm glad you mentioned it. I was wondering if the Old Spice would mess with the respiration of the plants or something like that. I'm simply not going to try to do half ass stuff anymore because it is a waste of time. I realize now that I should be using ona gel or a carbon scrubber. I honestly didn't realize how potent the smell of weed is when you're growing it. Plus, I was trying to be a cheap ass by using some old underarm deodorant. The truth in the matter is if a person can't afford to safely grow, then they shouldn't grow. I'm a newbie and in the beginning stages of my grow and I only focused on getting the seeds, soil, soil containers, soil containers' containers (water drainage), lights, hoods for the lights, hooks for the lights, light timer, mylar or Walmart emergency blankets, and fans. In this process, I got so caught up with getting everything going that I didn't think much about what to do once everything was up and running. I think the list of things that are needed for growing weed needs to be updated, perhaps, I should say that it needs to be stressed more. I do realize that not everyone grows indoors like myself or many others on these forums, for those who do though, carbon scrubbers or ona gel should be right next to seeds on the list of necessary components needed to grow. Again, this is my first grow and I only have 5 plants but I'd make an educated guess that the odor of one plant in flowering would be enough to get a person busted. They really are quite potent. Sure some strains are less potent than others but all weed smells. I don't personally know about all weed smelling. I just read it in someone else's post. The point is that precautions need to be taken to deal with the odor that weed produces. Many new growers, such as myself, don't understand what they are getting themselves into in the early stages of cultivation.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure your girls are gonna liked being poisoned by the shit they put in aerosoles. I wouldn't even spray it in the same room as my grow tent, let alone within the tent itself.


Well-Known Member
Dude,Old Spice is a cologne/aftershave not an aerosol.

To the OP,don't take any risks,a carbon filter is pretty much 100% effective and doesn't need to be replaced for months. If you're running an exhaust you've no reason not to.

I had 5 AK48's (note: INSANELY smelly plant) in a DR80 with a 125x200mm carbon filter and couldn't smell the plants until I opened the tent...it's not just a good investment,but a really nice piece of reassurance too.


Well-Known Member
That's not REAL Old Spice,real men apply Old Spice cologne by slapping it onto their masculine skin. If you started using Old Spice instead of girls aftershave you could be a man just like me ;)