Leaves turning yellow bottom of plant, first time grower!


Hey, first grow - first post..

Any help would be appreciated - reading other posts i have guessed lack of nitrogen but would appreciate any comments you have - thank you :bigjoint:

Some information -

Automatic blue berry lowlife
I used bio bizz grow soil, she is in her 6 week of grow - could only fit one plant due to grow space..
Used bottled water,
Light is Sun Mate Reflector with 150w Grow lamp
Used tomato plant food -
N - 4.0
Phosphorus pentoxide - 2.0
Posassium - 6.0
Magnesium - 0.03

She was fine a week ago, i changed from the white walls to silver foil but now have taken it down in case..

As well as the leaves yellowing, bottom ones look dead.. the tips all over look brown and point up..

Have brought - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0039QV6AU/ref=oss_product
should come soon is this a good idea?




Well-Known Member
2 possible problems, 1. underfed, their not getting enough nitrogen... 2. You have a magnesium def due to the fact your using bottled water. How much is the recommended amount that is says to feed them and how much have you actually fed them?


Well-Known Member
u remember that other post max? the one where we were both wrong? and argued like children?...lol ya well it was a K def. and this looks very similiar.


Well-Known Member
which one? My brain is fried right now lol I need some proof hehe, do you by any chance have the link to that thread?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that!, how close is your lamp?, that looks to me like heat stress or nute burn
Lack of nitrogen will have the whole leaf turning not just the edges, I think the lamp is too close check that first, if the plants return back to normal in a couple days everythings fine, if not flush them and wait and see if they perk back up then


Well-Known Member
After really looking I'll say it is both heat stress and nute burn, I already gave you the solution for both.


Well-Known Member
i'd hit her with some calmag, and feed her something higher in potash. other then that she is looking very good my man.


Well-Known Member
Missryo how close is your lamp?,what are your temps?, I'd hate for you to start dumping nutes on your plants first, please make sure it's not an environment issue, wouldn't hurt none to start there, you start dumping the wrong ferts for misdiagnosed problems and that's gonna make things worse for you. Lights too close can cause plants to fade from light bleaching, heat stress comes in many forms not just what's shown on your pics gobskii, that's heat burn there's a difference; the temps can overtax the stomata (pores on the underside of the leaf edges) causing yellowing then necrosis of the leaf edges resembling a K def., you said you put some foil on the wall and they were fine before then, that can bounce back like laser beams and burn the plant as well, if you're using 4-2-6 NPK fertilizer with Mg. added I'm thinking the nitrogen & potash are covered unless their locked out. I suggested nute burn because of the way the new growth was looking and I didn't know which Bio Bizz soil you were using if it's All -Mix and you've been using liquid nutes it maybe overfertilized. Hey, it could be K or Ca too, If I'm wrong fuck it, if you're wrong.........


Thanks for your comments..

Shes been in the same place basically and only now the problems have started so i dont think shes too close..
The lamp is - Sun Mate Reflector with 150w Grow lamp - http://www.1st-hydroponics.co.uk/powerplant-sun-mate-grow-cfl-reflector/prod_4277.html

The leaves seem to be mostly brown now at the tips, like their burnt? - the bottom leave seem to turn yellow from the edges then all over yellow the look.. dead! :(

I use a fan most days, mist spray on occasion.. ive taken good care of her, but it is my first time - learning as im going.. i dont know what is wrong with her!



Well-Known Member
ya...thats a CFL. the odds of you having a heat issue with that thing are minimal. i still think it is a K def. also looking like N as well. i would giver her a light feeding of both, and go from there. K is Potassium.


Well-Known Member
i just read your first post again. hoe often are you feeding? could be locked out as max said, and if thats the case then you should flush real good first, and then go with a light feeding.


Well-Known Member
i had the EXACT same issue , i was told it MIGHT be loads of things, so.....i looked into every one, in the end i flushed and started over with different noots, shes in flower now and slowly recovering, i lost 10% of the leaves, as the plant got better , the damaged leaves got worse, so based on my own experience im going to say its a ph issue, possible start of noot lockout.
BUT i could easily be totally wrong.
dont panic tho, it WILL recover if you do the right things, and it wont die overnight if you dont.

it could even be potassium def...
