My plants have been repeatadely raped and pillaged!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so this shits rele gettin to me now, this the fourth occurance of my plants being fucked over(not counting the 2 i lost early in the year to rabbits) the first occurance my plants were devastated as some of u may have read in "WTF my plants have been nearly destroyed" broken stalks, a few looked as if they were sticks w/ tiny leaves in the corners thats all that was left, i suspected it was sum dumb kids due to the nature of the damage, so i moved em. less than a week later bam theres more tops and leaves gone ,wtf 2 times in less than a week, so with all the brush i cut down to clear the area i made a sort of octagon of brush, very thick and it didnt seem as if and rabbits could sqeeze through. so i didnt have any problems for a couple weeks my plants were recuporating quite well, the ones that once looked like twigs were starting to look like plants again, and then again it happens i go back and theres tons of fan leaves missing a banch is broken down missing tops, wtf. so i say this is the last straw im gettin sum fuckin chicken wire this isnt happening again, so i go to lowes and on my way to look for chicken wire i see this stuff call "liquid fence" deer and rabbit repelent, so i decide to get it along with this organic bug stuff and some flowering food, i go back spray a nice thick barrier of this stuff around my girls, spray em down with the bug stuff and im on my way, no sooner than the next day is there more leaves missing, not only that but that organic insecticide seemed to fuck up alot of the new growth and the leaves coming out of the tops, there all twisted and curled and dnt look healthy, its just one thing after the other, im hoping and prayin i dnt run into any more problems and that the ugly leaves will fix themselves, i dnt think ive ever run into this many problems with fuckin rodents


Well-Known Member
Sorry bud about the shitty luck. All I can do as a fellow grower is give ya this advise. "Find out what is going on right now" so that you do not have this shit go on next year and possible pull off a few buds come harvest yet this year.

You have found no tracks of potential perpetrators?


Well-Known Member
i havent seen any signs of human activity other than my own but regardless i moved them again just in case, and now i have them elevated so it it is rabbits they wnt be able to get at them, ill still have a descent havest but not nearly as good as it wldve been, but u live n learn ill be more prepared for next year


Well-Known Member
ok so this shits rele gettin to me now, this the fourth occurance of my plants being fucked over(not counting the 2 i lost early in the year to rabbits) the first occurance my plants were devastated as some of u may have read in "WTF my plants have been nearly destroyed" broken stalks, a few looked as if they were sticks w/ tiny leaves in the corners thats all that was left, i suspected it was sum dumb kids due to the nature of the damage, so i moved em. less than a week later bam theres more tops and leaves gone ,wtf 2 times in less than a week, so with all the brush i cut down to clear the area i made a sort of octagon of brush, very thick and it didnt seem as if and rabbits could sqeeze through. so i didnt have any problems for a couple weeks my plants were recuporating quite well, the ones that once looked like twigs were starting to look like plants again, and then again it happens i go back and theres tons of fan leaves missing a banch is broken down missing tops, wtf. so i say this is the last straw im gettin sum fuckin chicken wire this isnt happening again, so i go to lowes and on my way to look for chicken wire i see this stuff call
"liquid fence
" deer and rabbit repelent, so i decide to get it along with this organic bug stuff and some flowering food, i go back spray a nice thick barrier of this stuff around my girls, spray em down with the bug stuff and im on my way, no sooner than the next day is there more leaves missing, not only that but that organic insecticide seemed to fuck up alot of the new growth and the leaves coming out of the tops, there all twisted and curled and dnt look healthy, its just one thing after the other, im hoping and prayin i dnt run into any more problems and that the ugly leaves will fix themselves, i dnt think ive ever run into this many problems with fuckin rodents
No they eat (or drink)that shit for breakfast(liquid fence). Build a solid fence with chicken wire ,wire and post holes.


Well-Known Member
yea but then it stands out more from the sky thats why i decided to go w/ it, and it said money back guarentee so fuck it i can juz get my $ back


Active Member
It sounds like you have a problem with deer. The damage sounds like the damage deer cause. Good luck, deer can and will eat and destroy crops.


Well-Known Member
Hi kush, i take it you havent got any pics of your girls. I currently have about 50... 30 in a secure field (yellow leaves as they need feeding) 2 under a pylon in a farmers field (looking very good and must be 4 foot tall. 5 in a back garden that is going very well. The 30 in the field is whats causing me most grief. F**KING RABBITS galore up there. Some are stunted some have been mullered by the buck tooth bstards. I am surprised they are still there. Is there anything you reccommend for other pests. eg spider mites, bud worm, caterpillars etc. Whats sprays are you using for them?



Well-Known Member
i use seven, works amazing and the deer wont touch it. nor rabbits, if they do they wont be around much longer to do it again, lol

human hair works great for getting rid of deer because of the sent of human on the hair scare the deer off, also you can piss around your grow area to, that will also keep deer away, of course dont piss on your plants.
hope this helps.....good sourse of hair...check your wife's hair brush, should be gob's of the shit thier


Well-Known Member
seperate 3 eggs add 1 gallon water and 4 or 5 table spoons of hot pepper stir well thenstir in whites of eggs.let sit out all day or two---spray around plants<bushes>and spray plant lightly--the egg makes pepper s stick to leaves--reapply when it rains--the longer it sits the louder it gets---i use it on all my gardening vegs etc rotten egg and hot peppers will help egg shells can be crumbled on ground for extra calcium to plants ------ country boys can survive


Legal Moderator, Esq.
one thing you can always do if you think it's people, take some thin bark that's fallen off a tree, drive a few rusted nails through it, and leave them strown around the plants.

But yeah I always piss around my outdoor grows it tends to ward off animals and seven dust or spray is a lifesaver.


Well-Known Member
So you mix 3 yolks with a gallon of water then add the egg whites? Surely the whites will curdle the mixture and then get stuck in the spray bottles nozzle. Especially if its left for a day or two. Or am i wrong folks?????


Well-Known Member
3 egg white mix well with1 gallon of water. no clumps but could be strained first--it will stink but no clumps i use a hundred gallons or so for all my gardens--i raise potatoes---corn---peppers---tomatos 150 plants or so--corn--sweet potatoes---okra --watermellons and cantalope and peanuts i use a garden sprayer on all of this no other pest control---put in sprayer and shake well to mix pepper powder then spray--


Well-Known Member
one thing you can always do if you think it's people, take some thin bark that's fallen off a tree, drive a few rusted nails through it, and leave them strown around the plants.

But yeah I always piss around my outdoor grows it tends to ward off animals and seven dust or spray is a lifesaver.
my forgetful ass would either forget where the nailtrap was or just forget about it all together and id endup w/ the tetnis shots