The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive already got the aircon arriving tomorrow. The guy that runs the LED company has offered me a 3 month trial period and if Im not happy he will refund. Hes giving me 8 of them lights for £4000. Need leccy bills lowish and heat will be an issue. I know most people are haters of LED but Im willing to give them a chance and if I not happy I'll get a refund(the guy is that confident) Its going to be a big DWC with SCROG.
fookin hell billy, what happened to the 32 wilma dripper? scrog is definitely the way to go with LEDS though seeing as the light penetration is pretty poor


Well-Known Member
fookin hell billy, what happened to the 32 wilma dripper? scrog is definitely the way to go with LEDS though seeing as the light penetration is pretty poor
The LED's are for my next op. Im defo gonae go with them. Been doing loads of reading and comparisons. The Wilma's are good but after using DWC and Wilma's, DWC's win hands down(a bit more work but better yields)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What a laugh. Blokey who tried to custard pie Murdoch has been sentenced to 6 weeks in jail. Two people who attacked a bbc reporteer at the antiques roadshow with sillystring, £80 fine. Seems Mr Murdoch is anything but a normal civilian, that; like £4K of ta money and a space in ail we don't really have.


Active Member
i can vouch for the diamond mylar! tis gud stuff strong aswell!

the only thing tho is it dont like heat,does a mad crinkle thing with the heat from the masssiv fuckin cfls i was using.

areet supersillybillyboy what LEDs are u thinkin of usin????
are they like grifftas?


Active Member - first tent ( 80x80x160cm ) details description looks ok - second link ( budda grow tent double mylar ) even though not alot of description, googling this brand had good reviews - drs60, third link.. ( second generation dark street one ) mixed reviews on this

which ones do you guys think : )


Here's another question for you all - I'm on day 17 of flowering, I've got three plants, all diff varieties, and none of them are showing any signs of flowering at all. 400W HPS on 12/12. I've checked that when the lights go out the plants are in total darkness. I'm feeding them biobizz according to their chart. The plants are all growing vigorously but not flowering, I can't even sex them yet. Is this anything to worry about? What can cause slow flowering?


Well-Known Member
Here's another question for you all - I'm on day 17 of flowering, I've got three plants, all diff varieties, and none of them are showing any signs of flowering at all. 400W HPS on 12/12. I've checked that when the lights go out the plants are in total darkness. I'm feeding them biobizz according to their chart. The plants are all growing vigorously but not flowering, I can't even sex them yet. Is this anything to worry about? What can cause slow flowering?
there could be a light leak that means they're not actually getting 12 hours dark so they could be still vegging. How long did you veg them for?


I've checked for light leaks, there's nothing, it's pitch dark, you can't see your hand in front of your face. They were vegged for 2 and a half weeks.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm that should be long enough for them to be mature enough but del might know more on the subject. just give it a bit of time bro, they have to turn at some point.


not a single hair, the lights are out now so I can't take pics until tomorrow...
I'm growing in compost, when I switched to flowering I also repotted from little pots (6inch) to big pots (about 25 litres I guess), so I'm wondering if the compost is overwhelming the plants with N and keeping them in veg?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
17 days to show sex is a very long time. are there any balls showing or is it just getting bigger? are your timers set right? 12/12 and not set to permanently on. i made that mistake with a cheapo one from morrisons, the slide switch for timer and permanently on was a bit loose.


no balls, no hairs, just getting bigger. timers defo on 12/12, I've checked the lights go out, it's one of these - ebay id 270732866707