LSD from Ergot fungus?


New Member
Is it possible to try and attract Ergot fungus to produce LSD at home? Could I just wait till a piece of rye bread is infected with fungus, identify it and eat it (or transform it into a useable LSD form and eat)?

I've never tried LSD and its one drug I'd like to try at least once.


Well-Known Member
i think theres a lot of things u have to do to the fungus. just go buy 2 hits from someone. dont do it alone! my friends left me and i was pacing the hallways freaking out for hours until the visuals started


Active Member
1. There are better routes to LSD then ergot fungus as a source of ergotamine.
2. There is no way in hell you can pull off an LSD synthesis. You don't know anything about organic chemistry/microbiology and you don't have the facilities necessary.

If you want to try acid so bad just buy it like everyone else.

edit: Did I mention that careless handling of ergot fungus can cost you a limb to gangrene?


New Member
Yea I know the side effects of ergot. I don't know where to get LSD, never came across it in the 25 years of my life. I highly doubt I'll come across it ever unless I make it my self. Maybe I should just try LSA and call it a day


Active Member
You could buy Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or Morning Glory seeds and very easily extract LSA from them. I believe the Hawaiian Baby's are stronger...
I have a synthesis on how to make LSD from LSA on my PC, but like forgetfulpenguin said, you need equipment, money, experience, knowledge etc. for that so yeah.


Well-Known Member
Yea I know the side effects of ergot. I don't know where to get LSD, never came across it in the 25 years of my life. I highly doubt I'll come across it ever unless I make it my self. Maybe I should just try LSA and call it a day
dont make it yourself. it takes a good amount of chemistry knowledge. im sure there is acid in your area. ask some young hippies


Well-Known Member
It's all about having the right connections!

I was first introduced at Voodoo Fest in New Orleans, made a really good bond with the person that offered and from there it blossomed like a flower... I couldn't imagine a summer's hike without my girl Lucy.



Well-Known Member
I read this somewhere on here and it stuck with me. "You don't find acid, it finds you."

I kinda believe it to be true as you find different things with the different crowds you meet.

Like mentioned, it's all about having the right connections.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to try and attract Ergot fungus to produce LSD at home? Could I just wait till a piece of rye bread is infected with fungus, identify it and eat it (or transform it into a useable LSD form and eat)?

I've never tried LSD and its one drug I'd like to try at least once.
No, you can't. Unless you have a degree in organic chemistry, which you don't.


Well-Known Member
1. There are better routes to LSD then ergot fungus as a source of ergotamine.
2. There is no way in hell you can pull off an LSD synthesis. You don't know anything about organic chemistry/microbiology and you don't have the facilities necessary.

If you want to try acid so bad just buy it like everyone else.

edit: Did I mention that careless handling of ergot fungus can cost you a limb to gangrene?
What he said.


i think its eazer than what people make it out to be ...if you can follow the recipe to the exact detail ..than you can check to see if it was made right with the black light test


Well-Known Member
i think its eazer than what people make it out to be ...if you can follow the recipe to the exact detail ..than you can check to see if it was made right with the black light test
Definitely not the case. You can't just "follow" such a complex synthesis without knowing chemistry. Not to mention there aren't very many people in the whole country that have access to some of the things you need.

Do you know how to bring a compound to reflux? Then add another compound at a rate so you can maintain the reflux? If not, you haven't even made it past the first line of the synthesis.


New Member
theres no tutorial that actually goes in depth as to what you're supposed to do. They just say do this and they don't explain how to actually do that. Probably should be that way though, stop random people from blowing up their house.

I was PMd a source for LSD online so looks like I'ma get my fry on :hump:


Well-Known Member
theres no tutorial that actually goes in depth as to what you're supposed to do. They just say do this and they don't explain how to actually do that. Probably should be that way though, stop random people from blowing up their house.

I was PMd a source for LSD online so looks like I'ma get my fry on :hump:

LOL! GOOD LUCK with your online lsd!


Well-Known Member
theres no tutorial that actually goes in depth as to what you're supposed to do. They just say do this and they don't explain how to actually do that. Probably should be that way though, stop random people from blowing up their house.

I was PMd a source for LSD online so looks like I'ma get my fry on :hump:
sounds like a cop lol. or its not really lsd. what are you gonna do, call the cops?


Well-Known Member
Man you guys are a bunch of idiots, yes you can make it at home, will it be really hard? will you probably F yourself up horribly trying to do it and even if sucessful probably wind up in a straight jacket or in prison for life, yes.

first off its my understanding that ergot is deadly poisonous, so yeah you have to do your homework,

Now having grown up in the NW I have met many Tweakers, many of which have cooked, If these high school dropouts can succesfully cook crack from brake fluid, Im sure you can figure out how to do anything you want.

Bunch of A-hole naysayers, if your to lazy to try something yourself SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS THINKING ABOUT TRYING IT.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys are a bunch of idiots, yes you can make it at home, will it be really hard? will you probably F yourself up horribly trying to do it and even if sucessful probably wind up in a straight jacket or in prison for life, yes.

first off its my understanding that ergot is deadly poisonous, so yeah you have to do your homework,

Now having grown up in the NW I have met many Tweakers, many of which have cooked, If these high school dropouts can succesfully cook crack from brake fluid, Im sure you can figure out how to do anything you want.

Bunch of A-hole naysayers, if your to lazy to try something yourself SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS THINKING ABOUT TRYING IT.
you are obviously not aware of the steps it takes to make LSD. if you are, please explain how it works. making crack and meth is a LOT easier than making LSD. also like someone said before, it takes a lot of equipment that is very expensive and hard to find


Well-Known Member
Definitely not the case. You can't just "follow" such a complex synthesis without knowing chemistry. Not to mention there aren't very many people in the whole country that have access to some of the things you need.

Do you know how to bring a compound to reflux? Then add another compound at a rate so you can maintain the reflux? If not, you haven't even made it past the first line of the synthesis.
lol reflux is just an apparatus used in chemistry, its like a distillation setup (has a condenser) but its vertical w/ some kinda packing material at the top to catch vapors. you dont bring a compound to reflux-you simply reflux the compound.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Is it possible to try and attract Ergot fungus to produce LSD at home? Could I just wait till a piece of rye bread is infected with fungus, identify it and eat it (or transform it into a useable LSD form and eat)?

I've never tried LSD and its one drug I'd like to try at least once.
Well, you might want to read up on ergot poisoning first, LOL. In the Middle Ages, a bunch of villages got ergot mold on their rye and whole villages went stark raving crazy--- and many died. the problem is not being able to know what dosage you're taking. LSD is TINY dosage, usually no more than 300 MICROgrams. And that was back when there was real LSD.

IMO, trying to get LSD from ergot is dangerous. Well, unless you have a Ph.D in chemistry.

I'd also be dubious about any so-called LSD anybody tries to sell you. You'd be safer to get some shrooms and they're similar enough to give you a good idea of what LSD is (or was) like.

Id love to have some good acid again, too....but if somebody offered me some ergot, Id have to say, "no, thanks."

Seriously, before going thru with it, please google, "etgot poisoning".
