The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cancer, haha, not me, i'm like powdered toast man. Although saying that my health is fucked. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest :D I treat my body like i would a woman, throw it off a bridge if i could get away with it :p

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the thread Leon :) Ya best have thick skin for this therad, not to mention a bit of a dark sense of humour :D

Who is it here who's from Wolthemstow place, however the fuck it's spelt? Know there's someone on this thread from there. I can't in any way condone the looting, wtf have mobile phone shops got to do with police shooting a man dead without him doing anything, but that aside, FUCK YEAH BURN PIGGY BURN! I'm fucking loving the numbe of officers being taken to hospital, driving cars into their vehicles and such is epicly great :D I do enjoy all of the politicians stating there's just no excuse, umm, you're a bunch of corrupt treasonous murderers, how does that shoe fit? :D

UK Rebels Unite! :lol: The police cannot arrest you for carrying a metal pole ;) only if they have evidence to suggest illegal intentions :D Although in this day and ager they will just say by the very fact you were holding it you weree conspiring to give the queen an enima (that type of talk will get this forum shut down :O oh nose, best keep quietsies :D)

However, is giving the queen an enima really illegal? They'll stuff shit up your arse and penis in hospital wihtout your consent.

Out of curiosity, being someone who rarely visits health centers, what's the law on getting out of your bed and telling them all to go get fucked you do not consent?


Active Member
Good thx Wiggy - chillinga after another day of paying taxes to - how did you say TT? a bunch of corrupt treasonous murderers


Active Member
Welcome to the thread Leon :) Ya best have thick skin for this therad, not to mention a bit of a dark sense of humour :D

Who is it here who's from Wolthemstow place, however the fuck it's spelt? Know there's someone on this thread from there. I can't in any way condone the looting, wtf have mobile phone shops got to do with police shooting a man dead without him doing anything, but that aside, FUCK YEAH BURN PIGGY BURN! I'm fucking loving the numbe of officers being taken to hospital, driving cars into their vehicles and such is epicly great :D I do enjoy all of the politicians stating there's just no excuse, umm, you're a bunch of corrupt treasonous murderers, how does that shoe fit? :D

UK Rebels Unite! :lol: The police cannot arrest you for carrying a metal pole ;) only if they have evidence to suggest illegal intentions :D Although in this day and ager they will just say by the very fact you were holding it you weree conspiring to give the queen an enima (that type of talk will get this forum shut down :O oh nose, best keep quietsies :D)

However, is giving the queen an enima really illegal? They'll stuff shit up your arse and penis in hospital wihtout your consent.

Out of curiosity, being someone who rarely visits health centers, what's the law on getting out of your bed and telling them all to go get fucked you do not consent?
I'd like too think I tick those boxs :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hehe, i had my parents storm out of my flat in a rage after a big heated debate about how i flat refused to pay any taxes or national insurance ass i was a UK rebel on conscientious grounds :D They can put me in jail for £30K a year if my £500 a year of taxes really means that much to em :lol:

You'll soon notice about me, as the evening goes by and the alcohol is drunk my posts become much less ranty and long :D When i finish work though i'm normally buzzing to ponder things and whatnot :D The number of emails i've sent out to various newspapers and lawyers and politicians today as well AS FOI requests, they must think i'm a nut case, but i'll get them, i'll get em into court if it's the last thing i do :D


Active Member
Hehe, i had my parents storm out of my flat in a rage after a big heated debate about how i flat refused to pay any taxes or national insurance ass i was a UK rebel on contentious grounds :D They can put me in jail for £30K a year if my 3500 a year of taxes really means that much to em :lol:

You'll soon notice about me, as the evening goes by and the alcohol is drunk my posts become much less ranty and long :D When i finish work though i'm normally buzzing to ponder things and whatnot :D The number of emails i've sent out to various newspapers and lawyers and politicians today as well AS FOI requests, they must think i'm a nut case, but i'll get them, i'll get em into court if it's the last thing i do :D
