FDD's De-MODification PARTY.!!.


Well-Known Member
For people that do not know whats going on . The blue light is a laser and it is shinning thru the balloon . the medium in the middle has a lower flash point so it catches on fire before the balloon dose. Hence fire in a balloon

i recall my statement. it looks like he is changing the focal point to concentrate the laser at a desired distance



Well-Known Member
Happy De-Modification FDD2BLK.!.

First things First, this thread is meant for the Small Group of Sexii People.
Mods are invited to Leave this thread once entering due to the fact No foul play shall be going on here..

This is a time for Reminiscing on the Great Past.. to relive our Infractions given to us By FDD..

Let the Healing Begin.. .

Eh, I have a total of like 3 or 4 infractions. I've moved on with my life since then.. but I'll never forget the infractions due to the intense ignorance of the whole situation. I honestly and truly did nothing wrong. Some kid (which, IMO.. we have too many of those around here) created a thread with the title of, "How to persuade my mom into letting me grow?" - that was the exact title.. pretty sure of it. But, I basically told the kid that he apparently has no respect for his parent(s) or mom.. whoever it is. It was just my opinion.. I wasn't trying to "attack" the little guy, honestly I wasn't.. I was merely trying to get him to see my point of view of his situation with trying to "persuade" his mother to let him grow.. was only trying to let him know how messed up it is, for him to try and "persuade" (meaning "con" or "tell lies to..") his mother let him grow cannabis in her house. That's all I was trying to do.

But, its okay.. like I said, I'm not even worried about it. It's the people that get extremely mad (hard to miss those ppl) and put on a show for everyone and get all mad about getting the infractions.. that are the ones that let the infractions get to them.

Anyhow, my situation with that thread.. wasn't even a situation really. It was more of a 'miscommunication' issue in my opinion. But again, its no problem.. I got real world things to worry about. ;)


Brick Top

New Member
Excellent points, as usual.

Change gears. Good buddy, remember that vineyard I told you I put in a few years ago? Well, I've got 25 gallons of wine in a secondary going, all should be premium - white, rose', and Merlot blend. I sold hundreds of pounds too and if I had to guess the birds stripped 700 lbs. Worst drought and heat ever. Animals are so stressed they are digging up irrigation risers looking for water, porcupines are stripping landscape trees and eating the bark, wildlife and birds have abandoned their young and nests, can't feed themselves much less their offspring, most rivers, creeks and ponds are gone. Coons about to drive us all crazy. Trap and shoot, that's all you can do. :wall:

I've been watching the weather in your part of the country and wondering how your grape vines were holding up and producing. I am glad too hear that things have turned out better than I expected they had for you given the weather you have been stuck with. I figured if animals hadn't stripped your vines you had a nice crop of sun dried raisins instead of grapes for wine.

While not nearly as bad as your region it has been hotter and drier here than most years. We have had 61 days of 90 degrees or hotter, most in the mid to upper 90's, and about 15 of those days were 100 to 105 degrees and in that period of time we have had very little rain. The only time it has been decent outside has been at night. The lows have been mostly in the mid to upper 70's. Three nights ago I was up all night and the low was 80 degrees here, though the official low for the area, taken about 50 miles away, was 78 degrees that night. To make it worse the humidity has been, as is usual for my area, very high most of the time. It was 90% the other day, and a number of other days, and when added to the heat that made it brutal outside, even at night. But for the first time in a while we have several days forecast that are only supposed too be in the upper 80's so we are finally getting a break in the heat.

With a large lake in my backyard it's not been bad for the animals close to the lake but for those a little ways away, or farther, it has not been easy. I heard a guy on a local radio station telling about how he accidentally left a door slightly open and found a possum in one of his bathrooms drinking out of the toilet. Animals are doing almost anything to find water.

Now back to your regularly scheduled broadcasting.


Moderatrix of Journals
^^^^^^ *psst* ^^^^^^

[whispers] ok guys, let's get our partaaaaay on while the oldsters are distracted with their weather talk..... [/whispers]
(nice to see you bt ;))


Well-Known Member
i feel so ............................. "free". :cool:
You should feel free,it will be much more enjoyable spending time here as a regular bloke over being cheif of staff,you do all the work while others profit from the work you dont get paid for ?

I never could understand why you modded here so long without capatilizing on the man hours spent getting the name in play.

One thing to remember,the username fdd2blk is known all across the country,im in detroit michigan & atleast half the smokers i run across at the club know your username,riu is the site for growers & smokers bar none.

If i were you i'd trademark & copy right that username & the america fuk yeah logo & put both to work for me,theres a heap of fucking cash waiting to be hauled in on t-shirt sales alone,then ya got poster type artwork that can generate revenue,smoking accesories,rolling papers ect,an entire t-shirt line as well as an entire head shop could easily be built around the username.

Another avenue would be your own dispensary or club,cali might be too flooded but in other states just name recognition alone would draw customers in like teenage boys to free pussy,then ya got hijack to stock with.

You should think about using that username & building a business around it,you allready have name recognition that could not be bought using standard advertising methods,you could easily get a t-shirt line off the ground & advertise right here on the site you helped build.

Hopefully you've allready thought of these avenues & have allready claimed the name before somebody else takes it & starts using it.

I know you musta thought of this stuff allready.


Well-Known Member
welll had fun on this thread I got a day to get started on.... gonna eat a cookie and go day trippin... have fun everyone :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm stumped, you want to share your knowledge in uncopyrighted forms like forums and bitch about getting ripped off, but you won't write a book because your thoughts would get stolen?

Nah sah, I'm afraid if I wrote a book some shithead would steal it and post it on the internet. :)

Seriously, if you only knew how many people have copied my posts over the years, stripped my name and posted it as there own...... Hell, happened here come to think of it. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/9114-spin-out-chemical-root-pruning.html

I can post plenty of links of such. Honesty and honor are virtues that don't come easy in the cannabis community.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Why was he demodded?

BT, I irrigate the vines. A coon did get into them and tear some up. No raisins, picked at a perfect Brix of 22-27, depending on variety and wine style. Perfect balance with excellent TA values.

La Nina has got to you guys too, eh? Let's see where you fit. We're the hottest on record, OK is a close second. (Checks link) Yep, you're toast! http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=1876 Crank up that A/C!

Keep cool,

Brick Top

New Member


Well-Known Member
never talked to Potroast but plz leave him outta these posts.. if you can read my Thread Starting Post.. we dont need to give them a Reason to stop by.. Mods names Shall be referred as the different characters of the TeleTubbies.. please do not invite them here.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Was I just told what to do? Personally this entire thread is bullshit. But hey...I guess if you take this shit seriously enough to make a thread about it...then I think you need to do some reflecting. I'll just throw up some nudes and shit all over your sad thread. Do I give a fuck? Nope.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead im sure youll go along with the Thread kid..grow up and mind your business. So many threads you could be in