New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
so......what going on with all them beans you got?
you must be lost in sample world!!!with all them nugs.


Well-Known Member
heres some more pr0n for you! :-)

Sour D from the hydro system? how did that happen?lolol
So the story,
One of my ?p clones wasn't looking so good in veg so I put 2 in one 8" net pot just incase.
Well I left them both in and upon flowering I discovered one was a sour d haha. Im not sure why I never posted it but heres how she came out :-) borat voice "very nice" :-) very nice indeed, im loving smoking this stuff!

so this is what I have to look forward to! I got 4 happy bushy lil sour d clones in veg ready to go into flower as soon as I get the rest of the ?p out and clean aunt flow #1 :-)


Well-Known Member
Awesome Who thanks for the rundown on the Flowerpad if that's not a blueprint for success IDK lol maybe ur pix are lyeing haha.
Very niice bro and thanks For shareing the knowledge. Peace


Well-Known Member
Hey folks :-)
Thanks folks :-)
Peace folks :-( lol :-)

Sour D day 2 :-)

BnS 1 still going :horse: Iv kinda "put them on the back burner". They still look and smell great, but they could be done by now if Iv kept up with them...

SPace Bomb day 31
Iv had to stretch these plants out across the screen more than I would have like because of a herm issue. Not a very tall canopy.. next time.
BTW these are clones from the short purply pheno I just finished.

A mix of space bomb and BnS about a week in.

Veg room.
Ugly looking plants in the back are moms... root bound and lacking foods.
AK in hydro getting ready for the bloom room.

Thaaaaaaaaaat about covers it me thinks.

Until next time, stay up ;-)


Well-Known Member
You better chop that BNS before it gets mildew. I know you run that shit clean as a mother fucker with all the precautions and fixin's, but the older a plant gets, the more likely it is to mildew on you. I was reminded of that today when I found PM on the some leaves inside my SFV canopy today. Fucking bummed, I should have cropped her almost a week ago. Don't let it happen to you!

I'm gonna start up some TGA seeds right now, everyone on RIU seems to have some awesome TGA grow going on right now but me! How are you liking that Space Bomb btw? My buddy says he loves the smoke, but his pheno was a small yielder. F1's are a blessing and a curse, you feel me on that?


Well-Known Member
I'll give em a look see tomorrow joz ;-) Thanks

I still have a 10 pack of 3d I need to crack,,, in time ...
Im liking the SB smoke, it has nice high.
Im guessing f1s have more variation thus giving you more of a selection? I guess lol Im not as knowledgeable about genetics as I am about growing in general lol... but in my honest opinion, everything is a blessing and a curse,, yin and yang ect "balance"... high enogh? nooooo ;-)


Well-Known Member
Don't talk silly; if you can still type than you aren't too high! But seriously you make a really good point about yin yang, undeniable and inevitable.

But you are welcome, I hate tragedy movies, never liked 'em, because the ending is always the worst part. F1's are first generation and have lots of various phenotypes. If you remember learning about Gregor Mendel at all in school, it is exactly like his experiments. f2's are also unstable, it isn't until you back cross with the same strain and create a BX2 do we start seeing some real reliable and uniform phenotypes appearing. I read up a lot on Subcool, I think he is fucking brilliant, and as a breeder he talks a lot about breeding as well as organics and growing outdoors.

Nice thing about f1's is that you can grow a bunch out and choose one that caters to your growing needs, rather than the growing needs of the breeder. You can also get a more potent pheno than even the breeder has, which is cool. If you want to take a strain and make it something completely different, you can use f1's and either stabilize them and breed, or just use them as is.

I really want to get into breeding, but not until PM is gone for good out of my garden. I'm about to get an inline ozone generator on my intake. Might as well put one on the exhaust too, getting tired of dealing with this big fucking filter. I do have a awesome new cross going on, SFV OG and Old School Kush going outside, both some fire from Cali Connections, so fucking excited! Don't act like you don't want it! lol


Well-Known Member
whodat ur an amazing gardener and i can only hope to eventually hav y tent dialed in like ur room man
i got 1200w in a 4x8 sesaled wit screens in hydro,
huge inspiration keep up the awesome work man


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info joz :-)... they need a thumbs up smilie lol

Never too early for pr0n! haha. "Hi my name is whodat,, Im a pron addict." "Hi whodat" ;-)

Thanks for the confidence boost stondded :-)


Weigh in.

Space bomb- 665 g
T bco- 160 g
S bco- 60 g
So everything under the 1k ^^ came out to 885 not bad. All super soil.

?p- 305 g with 12 more ozs of pure popcorn,, no stems or big leaves,, all frost :-) I should have trimmed a good portion of the popcorn because there were some nice nugs in the mix but I had enough of trimming at that point and also had bigger fish to fry. I def could have pulled a solid lb of ?p from that 600 :-)
The super secret sour d under the 6 in hydro came out to 78 g :-) I love this sh!t :-)
So everything under the 6 came out to 375 g :-(... lol primo smoke though.

There you have it.

Aks are going crazy in veg. I'll be shooting for close to 1 lb a plant on those ;-)
