Exactly how much weed should I buy?


Well-Known Member
my poor grow has about 8 more weeks :(
Closet grow isn't my cup of tea though, going giant grow tent over the winter.

but back on topic: HEEERRRROOOINNN


Well-Known Member
that's why you grow your own and dont have to be worried about the price god. i dont even know what else to say
im not sure tsa would be so happy with me for bringing as much weed as i can onto an airplane... i hear its a felony in these parts.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i figured someone has to know

The thread is titled "Exactly how much weed should I buy? "

not "how much does weed cost in las vegas" :?

Your getting away from the point of the topic... why don't you buy it from local and drive it over.. :?

You do know how much it costs in your area, because you smoke and buy weed right?


Well-Known Member
The thread is titled "Exactly how much weed should I buy? "

not "how much does weed cost in las vegas" :?

Your getting away from the point of the topic... why don't you buy it from local and drive it over.. :?

You do know how much it costs in your area, because you smoke and buy weed right?

yessir i do, however, it is cheaper to fly, and gives us more time with our dad. if we drove we'd lose two days of our trip. :(


Well-Known Member
last time i checked nobody gave a shit how long it takes to get from where you live to vegas.......get an oz of weed from your local GROWER/dealer, since its not you and stick it in ur butthole for the plane ride to vegas problem solved BOOYAHH

and yes i did "like" my own post :)