2,000+ ppm and thriving?


Active Member
anyone have experience with this? i'm running a 50 gal res with 5.8-6.2 ph, ppm is around 2,000. 3rd week into flowering. plants are thriving, could this backfire on me somehow if i keep it up? i'd like to push it to 3,000 before harvest.
Yeah it pretty much all depends on the strain. Some strains can handle some serious shit while others will be greatly effected if you change things by just a little to much.
2000ppm is about the max of any nute for any strain... to be honest it isnt about how much you can feed to them. You need to fine tune for that strain. You say they are thriving, have you grown the present strain before? if so how is it compared to previous grows? Be very careful at that level you can easily fry your entire crop.
anyone have experience with this? i'm running a 50 gal res with 5.8-6.2 ph, ppm is around 2,000. 3rd week into flowering. plants are thriving, could this backfire on me somehow if i keep it up? i'd like to push it to 3,000 before harvest.
2000+ sounds great, what strain are you growing? I currently am growing Lemon Skunk from Green House and they have been as high as 3400+ PPM. This level seemed to burn them a little so I have backed off to about 3000 PPM, I am at about 42 days flower and you can see my meter readings in the last 3 or 4 pages of my journal which can be found in my signature.

When you start to raise your PPM's you will have to watch carefully as the burn could happen very quickly (6 hours or so will start to show, then rapid decline in plant helth), I find bumping the PPM up until you see very slight damage then you can back off a little. When pushing nutrients this strong remember to fluctuate your pH like it seems you are doing as you don't want to lock out any required nutrients, if your pH never drops to 5.5 you may be locking out Mn.

2000ppm is about the max of any nute for any strain... to be honest it isnt about how much you can feed to them. You need to fine tune for that strain. You say they are thriving, have you grown the present strain before? if so how is it compared to previous grows? Be very careful at that level you can easily fry your entire crop.
Very good point in knowing the genetics and fine tuning for them, I had a shared Lemon Skunk grow last year (DNA Genetics, not Green House) and at about 3500 PPM they started to fry really bad, I figured 3000 PPM was around the ceiling so I made my way up to that and have held steady with very good results.

I don't do hydro but I get my ppm up between 2500-3000 around the 6th week of flowering and they suck it up like there is no tomorrow. Just depends on the strain cause if I tried that with some of my other strains it would fry them in a sec

it seems like you need to re work the nutrient levels your giving...

the most ive ever given to any strain is around 1800ppm and thats on the last week of feeding,
i mean, you can give your res enough nutes to get to 2000ppm and STILL not be giving them enough of an essential compound.
for example. if your using Fox Farm (just example) you could put enough Beastie Bloomz in the res to get 2000ppm but you would only be giving your plants Phosphorous, no Nitrogen or Potassium.

if i were you, i would seriously closely examine your nutrient products and find out if there is something your missing in your plants feeding.

if not and your plants can handle what you are giving them, then they may just be the frankenstein of weed!

I've often found my plants sitting happily in a feed with an EC of 4.5 and above. I long gave up bothering with the meter after that.
2000ppm is about the max of any nute for any strain... to be honest it isnt about how much you can feed to them. You need to fine tune for that strain. You say they are thriving, have you grown the present strain before? if so how is it compared to previous grows? Be very careful at that level you can easily fry your entire crop.

hey, i've grown this strain with a buddy twice before. his advice was around 1,000-1,800ppm during flowering. this time around, i'm doing it all on my own now (much better idea, btw!) the plants i'm growing almost look like a completely different strain this time around. big green healthy stems, no purple stressed stems. nice huge top growth that's always reaching for the light. getting pretty hairy as well.

it seems like you need to re work the nutrient levels your giving...

the most ive ever given to any strain is around 1800ppm and thats on the last week of feeding,
i mean, you can give your res enough nutes to get to 2000ppm and STILL not be giving them enough of an essential compound.
for example. if your using Fox Farm (just example) you could put enough Beastie Bloomz in the res to get 2000ppm but you would only be giving your plants Phosphorous, no Nitrogen or Potassium.

if i were you, i would seriously closely examine your nutrient products and find out if there is something your missing in your plants feeding.

if not and your plants can handle what you are giving them, then they may just be the frankenstein of weed!


thanks for the advice. i'm using my own tweeked receipe. house and gardens aqua flakes A&B, along with a few other additives
It depends on strain really. Ive had strains that do well at 2400 some strains I do not take over 1800. I wouldnt risk anything in the 3's sounds kind of crazy to me. I would like to know a little more about your nute line up. Any Pics? Give us some more info.

Sorry just noticed your post. I was typing this at the same time you were. You just beat me to it.
High ppm concentrations generally equate to a harsher smoke. I hope you have an equally magical plan for flushing but if I have to guess you're not going to be having the smoothest tokes..
High ppm concentrations generally equate to a harsher smoke. I hope you have an equally magical plan for flushing but if I have to guess you're not going to be having the smoothest tokes..

High ec does not equal harsh smoke but overfertilization will as will deficiencies.

Harsh smoke can be obtained by drying wrong or doing one of the stupid cures that persist here at high moisture levels as documented in a gazillion threads entitled 'harsh bud smoke' or similar.

This thread is a very old thread which you should avoid posting on and stay current in our forums by going there and looking at the most recent entries or by starting your own thread and hoping for responses.

Welcome to RiU home of the real growers and not that internet junk some idiot wrote - youll find discussion debate and a serious exspansion of your mind... also probably end up a small time drug fiend and never have to buy again :-)