munch box

Well-Known Member
maybe.... don't water it for a few days and keep a close eye on the tips, you don't want them to shrivle up . Also make sure the light schedule is consistent. Its not good if your plant is awake when it thinks it should be sleeping

The Weedster

Active Member
Poor Little guy, looks all droopy.... Yeah, It Looks like it is overwatered to me as well... Do you have some holes in the bottom of your pot???

The Weedster

Active Member
I forgot to put holes in the bottom of one of my pots before and I felt kinda dumb for a while after that... My plant looked just like that cause it couldnt breathe... :) I made some serious mistakes and mine pulled through it pretty good after I corrected them.. lol


i got some WR growin right now check my profile.. have kinda the same thing goin on but yours looks like more of an indica phenotype. ive been lerkin on the forums for a week now tryin to figure out wtf is goin on. came to the conclusion that it is really easy to overfeed this plant. looks to me like a nitrogen deficiency(too much). i just water with ph'ed 7.0 distilled water now and i just tried the foxfarm sledgehammer. within 2 hours i could see the difference. what soil are u usin


Active Member
it started in fox farm ocean in party cup then transplanted into 1gl.I have lights on 24 and i turned off for few hrs and that is what it looked like right after light turned back on.I also just added a fan.Looks like it could be nitrogen but i fed after the droop came and that was her first feeding.Temp 68 night 75 day RH 70


im using FFOF also. doesent require any nutes at all in veg. i suggest going with promix next time so u can feed ur plants as u want all the way through. thats what im gonna do next. i guarantee if u fed them they are overfed right now


Active Member
this problem started before being fed and that plant has been in ffof for three weeks,i always start a small feeding sround 3 weeks 100% organic

munch box

Well-Known Member
im using FFOF also. doesent require any nutes at all in veg. i suggest going with promix next time so u can feed ur plants as u want all the way through. thats what im gonna do next. i guarantee if u fed them they are overfed right now
Fox farm has some stuff called light warrior. a lot of people who use FFOF mix a little of that near the top of the pot for small plants, and then just straight soil on the bottom for when the plants get bigger.I am not a fan of promix.If anything switch to Roots Organics. IMO.


thanks for the soil advice will definitely check it out.. i hear mixed feelings about pro mix for sure so i still need to research some more


Well-Known Member
Me say, stick with FF... And it's cool to feed them in veg, I usually end up feeding seedlings at week 2, I think ur plant can handle a nice feed by now, but what kind of light u usin?


Active Member
all better today i think it was the fan,for the 3 weeks it has been sprouted i neved had a fan on it. turned fan off ladtnight and now all better.WTF can a fan actually cause that????


Active Member
I know they need the air just didnt have a little table fan at the time,fan was off all night then checked this morning and she was back to normal,i have three cfl on her 26w i think


Active Member
definately over watered!!! if you pot weigha morev than normal it is over watered.... if it continues to stay like that and begins to turn yellow N will be your problem


Well-Known Member
Possible over water, I'm thinking it's root bound and it's time to put'em in what they call a 5 gallon pot that actually 3.86 gallons. I just started 3 seedlings in ffof this is 1 bag of ffof cause when I had'em in the 1 gallon pots in was in LW or Sunshine mix 4. They were drooping a lot like your then transplanted and they perting up in less than a day! TRANSPLANT NOW :clap:
This 3rd didn't droop:lol:
Picture 211.jpgPicture 214.jpg
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munch box

Well-Known Member
Possible over water, I'm thinking it's root bound and it's time to put'em in what they call a 5 gallon pot that actually 3.86 gallons. I just started 3 seedlings in ffof this is 1 bag of ffof cause when I had'em in the 1 gallon pots in was in LW or Sunshine mix 4. They were drooping a lot like your then transplanted and they perting up in less than a day! TRANSPANT:clap:
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what are you talking about if its drooping its through. the branch can still be tied up or put some tape on it