My BF is a dick!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
He actsd like a child! He stays up till 4 in the morning playing call of duty black cops so I told him to go to bed. He was just like fuck you bitch. Then the next morning I tried to help him pick out clothes and I remind him he needs to shower and he just flips out!

Should I dump this jerk?
Looks like our bf needs a high five!

Is he on psn or xbox live?


Well-Known Member
Long joke short: year 1800 something
Man goes to the train station with his horse and wagon to pick up his new mail ordered bride, on their way back to the man's house, the horse started acting up, the man shaprly whips the horse and shouts "THATS 1 HORSE",. later down the road the horse started acting up once again, man shouts at his horse "now horse that's 2!!!" well, sure enuff a short while down the rode the horse acts up once more, man reaches behind his seat grabs his shotgun and blows the back of the horses head smooth off!! The women jumps up screaming at the man for what he just done, man look's and his new bride and says bitch that's one!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nusty leave him alone let him do what he wants, maybe no more round house kicks to the face then.

Seriously? I see so many dudes here claiming to be old, and wise, and mature.. but all these comments only show me the complete opposite.



Well-Known Member
i just think its crazy that both parties of the relationship have an RIU account!

I dont think that will work out in the long run