The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Turns out the old bill have been round today wanting to talk to me and im not really sure what for i have a couple of ideas but there nothing too heavy. Cleared out all my plants except for the 2 big ones. Their nearly ready so dont really wanna kill them but im thinking are they really worth the risk , there not gonna go away its taken them a while to find me. I could go down to the cop shop in tuesday and face the music thus keeping them away or if they turn up before im thinking i either talk to them at the door or take them straight into the kitchen either way paranoia is a fucking bitch !

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Do they want to talk to you or do they have a warrant for your arrest? If the former, salute them wiht a steaming cup of tea and a big smile and tell them to fuck off down the road :)


Well-Known Member
Turns out the old bill have been round today wanting to talk to me and im not really sure what for i have a couple of ideas but there nothing too heavy. Cleared out all my plants except for the 2 big ones. Their nearly ready so dont really wanna kill them but im thinking are they really worth the risk , there not gonna go away its taken them a while to find me. I could go down to the cop shop in tuesday and face the music thus keeping them away or if they turn up before im thinking i either talk to them at the door or take them straight into the kitchen either way paranoia is a fucking bitch !
Just go to the cop shop. If they were planning to raid they would have done it already, but they may have to raid in order to get to see you. You obviously don't want that to happen.

Better still, give them a ring and see what they say.


Well-Known Member
i've only just straightened out from the weekend. birthday and beating the mackem scum in the derby = don in a fucking state
I didn't stop. All day Sat, right through till 6am on Sunday morning. Tossed and turned all night last night. Good result Don. Think if I remember Sunderland had more of the game???

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Nah did they fuck billy. Hand ball goal line clearance in the first 5 should have been straight red and a pen. The great unwashed were lucky we didn't give them another 5-1 hammering.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
only one result mattered this weekend man....

personally i think they were the masterminds behind the death of that red arrow. i mean they host an 'airshow' each year yet don't have an airport!?!? something fishy there if you ask me...

EDIT: scrub that, masterminds is way too generous.


Well-Known Member
morning all, another hangover free awakening, gotta be honest it really is nice not too feel suicidal every morning. well ive got to decorate my living room and then lay a new carpet so thats my plan for today. fuckin decorator to trade and this is the first time ive decorated since i moved in 8 years ago.i fuckin hate decorating.


Well-Known Member
My son was asking me questions about drugs as he was very concerned.

I said, "You know son, when I was your age the only way I got high was by standing outside the paint factory."

He said, "Did that really work?"

I said, "Yeah, there was a dealer at the gates."


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, hope Monday is treating you all well :)
I have a question, any bargain hunters out there can help me? Looking for a cheap as hell T5 set up online....i have hardly any money and don't know where to start. Pleasepleaseplease?!
...oh and the only result that mattered this weekend was my mighty swans getting their first ever premier point ;) should've got more against wigan though!


Well-Known Member
if u want cheap cherrybomb then just hit e-bay. lotta people dont like using it coz they worry bout cop monitoring but i've used it a few times without any hassle.