What would you spend $85 on?


Well-Known Member
I have $85 in my hand that I just want to spend. But I don't know what to spend it on. I was thinking about spending it on a game or just going to walmart and buying every little thing there is but before I do that I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas. Ps. I already have enough weed.


Well-Known Member
Hmm assuming you don't have any bills like the rest of us or any responsibility's what so ever, or even grow marijuana for that fact. otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question. Go to the candy store seems age appropriate ;) PoP RocKs RulE!!


Well-Known Member
Hmm assuming you don't have any bills like the rest of us or any responsibility's what so ever, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question. Go to the candy store seems age appropriate ;) PoP RocKs RulE!!
Ha still being a troll?
I Pay bills bro I just have money to spend sorry if ur not as lucky as me.


Well-Known Member
Lol I never just have 85 'free' dollars to spend, it's all out of both my wife's and I's paychecks. We spend it on what we need or want.

What's the problem?


Well-Known Member
Ha still being a troll?
I Pay bills bro I just have money to spend sorry if ur not as lucky as me.
Luck has nothing to do with is busted my ass in the marine corps infantry. Now that im out i got mine dont you worry :)
And answering a question to a thread is being a troll. Umm wow lol. I wonder if your teachers called you a troll in jr high last year when u answered their question. Weirdo.
Only the spoiled and the lazy rely on luck to bring them money. Sorry grow up and you'll see what im talking about ;)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of just giving it to a homeless person but all tge homeless people around where I live just waist it on beer. Maybe I can pick one up pay for a haircut and hygiene crap then take him/her to apply for a job.


Well-Known Member
Luck has nothing to do with is busted my ass in the marine corps infantry. Now that im out i got mine dont you worry :)
And answering a question to a thread is being a troll. Umm wow lol. I wonder if your teachers called you a troll in jr high last year when u answered their question. Weirdo.
Wait, where'd the OP mention luck? I must be trippin :D


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of just giving it to a homeless person but all tge homeless people around where I live just waist it on beer. Maybe I can pick one up pay for a haircut and hygiene crap then take him/her to apply for a job.
Yo video that shit and put it on youtube. And post it here.


Well-Known Member
Ha I don't have a video camera. Maybe I can buy one with my extra money and then make more extra money and do what I said I would do while recording it.
Well, there's your answer. Buy a video camera. Then the next time you have an extra 100 bucks go do a Make over on some homeless dude and post it on youtube.


Well-Known Member
Nah she doesn't like me to spend money on her she would rather have me buy something we can both use. But she's down to help the homeless.
Trust me, all women like to be treated to something special, especially as a surprise, whether they admit it or not. Buy her some sexy ass lingerie and tell her its for you to use together then.