Just another smelly journal


Well-Known Member
here they are 8 days into flowering.
the pictures really dont do them any justice, there alot more impresive in person.



Well-Known Member
I was expecting all my clones to be dead but their okay :)

And some goodies from the club. I had some cookies too but I ate them :)

yayyy tincture!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it... its just pretty damn weird getting high without smoking... I was just sitting around like an houre after taking them, and got high, I was like WTF is going on man, I'm high how did that happen, than
I said ohh yea :P

heres some of the lower branches I cliped.


Well-Known Member
looks like you were in my garden. i'm one week behind you and i just walked in from taking a tray of cuttings. i took a few of everything. i have 7 or 8 different strains in flower. 30 plants under 2 600's. looks like we're going side by side on this one. :) nice sampling of meds as well.


Well-Known Member
aw man, you have 2 600 watters now?! and 30 plants?! sweet man... have a journal around here... I forgot how to use the site already :P... no I didin't... mostly... but I forgot how to use my PC :P
cant wait to see how your BD comes out, it will be nice compairing mine against yours :)
yea I'm really high right now, and dont really know what I'm talking about, so I'm going to smoke this J and leve you on your marry way or somthing like that

this medicines really good :) , I cant imagine firstime smokers smoking this stuff :P.
I bought an ounce, 4 different strains, an eighth of hash, lots of THC drops and cookies for less than 300 bucks :) :) :)... I couldnt even buy an ounce here for that price!!!
life has been pretty good latly... too good... I know spidermites and cops are soon to come :P


New Member
Thats awesome fdd and tck. Your plants look great tck.
Especially considering yuou went away.

I have about 6 or 7 different strains flowering now and it is very exciting. They are all growing so differently, different flower shapes and different smells. Its really interesting.

I would love to sample some meds and I will be soon enough. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I can't wait to get my card and have some samplers. And soon I will have my own variety.
This is so cool. I haven't had this much fun growing since 1992.

Thanks guys

looks like you were in my garden. i'm one week behind you and i just walked in from taking a tray of cuttings. i took a few of everything. i have 7 or 8 different strains in flower. 30 plants under 2 600's. looks like we're going side by side on this one. :) nice sampling of meds as well.


Well-Known Member
thanks, I'm pretty excited about this one, looks like I may get more than my half pound goal :)... but time may make a fool of me :P so I'll shut up :P
I cant wait to get my hands on a nice variety of seeds, I just need a fews more things, than, seed party!!!
yea I cant believe they did so weel for 6 days with no care :)
you didn't get your card yet?!?!?!
once you have it can you be arrested for possession?

kick ass garden FDD, looks insain!!! cant wait to see them finish :)


Well-Known Member
I killed one of them yesterday, it was getting way to crouded in there.
and I bent all the tops so they are facing downwards and tied them up, hopefully this will keep the plants low enough as not to burn, because the lights are as high as they can ever get :(
I will post more pics in a few days, maybe a week, when theres somthing to look at :) not that anyones interested :P
my ceiling is only 5 feet tall in this room, and the light takes away about 5 inches, so lets say 6, so I only have 4 1/2 feet of height, and thats all taken up :(

and out of 25 clones I potted 18 of them yesterday, 23 survived, so only 2 died while I was away, and 5 of them were just too wimpy looking so I tosed them


actually can you take a pic now or tomorrow or something so we can see them all trained... so that way in a couple weeks we can see the difference =]

it always sucks to have to kill a girl plant before it gets a chance to shine... but ya gotta do whats best for the garden...


Well-Known Member
sure can take some pics :) I'm going to do that now, and roll this up... than.. well I gues smoke it :P. than post some pics :) :P


Well-Known Member
pretty crappy pictures you can't really tell whats going on :P
well these you can kind of , but the next set not really :P



Well-Known Member
this is one I bent yesterday or the day before I dont rememeber, so its starting to turn upward.

these are teo more that were tied today, one is a soft bend, and the other is a real sharp bend that I'm not too hapy about but uh well.
I look forward to seeing how the buds wil react to this, sine the part that is bent should be a part of the main cola should be interesting :P

crappy top pic, I habe to hold the camera up by my head straight down so I cant see whats going on


Well-Known Member
I'm going to post some pics later toninght. not much to see, but, not much longer :) should only be 5 weeks till choppy chop :)