Gone Clean.


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's a mouth swab.... b/c it's a large company that's a subsidiary of another company which has federal contracts.... fuck....


Well-Known Member
just remembered i have work tomorrow... with the event company.... no DT for me tomorrow... i guess i'll dilute my pee and hope for the best...

it's vitamin B and creatine what i have to take along with the 3-4 gallons of water the 24 hours prior.... correct???


Well-Known Member
yep, time to go clean. no weed for me until further notice.....

got a job offer, base pay of 40k with commission, the guy that last held my position did avg 58k per year....til he got fired for failing a random UA....

can't let this one pass finished my degree 2 years ago and hadn't got an offer quite like this. not gonna pass it up....not every day you get an offer for first office job out of college that pays 40k base.... oh and it includes FULL benefits, 18 days PTO per year, M-F, 7am - 4pm.... it's pretty fucking perfect.... and it's only 17 minutes away during the worst traffic i've ever seen on the interstate.....

the guy said that the whole process takes up to 6 weeks, and that the background/drug screen will be in about a month.... i've been a pretty regular smoker for years but lately i've smoked a few hits per day, not 4-5 joints per day like i used to......i do bike 10-15 (yesterday i did 20) miles every day and i am fairly healthy, so i should be clear in 2 weeks or so....

i'll have plenty of time to smoke once i retire.... i'm looking at a chance to move up and be making close to or more than 100k per year before i'm 40.

that's what's up......
grab this chance with both hands, chances like these don't come along everyday, well done, hope every thing goes ok


Well-Known Member
First congrats on the job. I once upon a time thought I had a great deal, also right out of college. I ended up slaving for 6 years getting the "top performance raise" of 1.5% per year. In the end, my 'cherry' deal started going to hell, I was working 90 + hours a week, titled as hourly, but getting paid as if I were salary. When they told me thier bottom line was more important that the birth of my kid, I told them where exactly they could fuck off to. Not trying to stress you, just be sure to keep your options open, don't be afraid to 'hire' yourself into a raise and make that 40K into 45 -50K after a couple of years experience in the field. Also hold off on that Beemer, make some money, save some money, and make sure you're solid. Depending on where you live, 40K isn't really all that much, but it'll buy a decent Chevy car.

As far as the drug test, sounds like they're serious about that shit. I was working for a company that specialized in security for the federal government, they too had random pisses. I didn't smoke until my last year there, but once I had it with their bull shit, I hoped they'd fire me (saddly they didn't.) Anyway, get some 'at home' tests for $20 at the pharmacy. They're private and instant. Once you no longer register on them, then I would take the $40 lab test to see the results. Also if they do folicular testing, I'd go to a head shop and get the shampoo that's supposed to wash out THC, I have no idea if it works or not, but it's a CYA.

I don't want to be a kill joy, I hope you have a great time at your new job and they're not flaming assholes likes I worked for. I opted to go back to college and get an advanced degree or 3 (2 maters and hopefuly a Doc.) Then I plan on being really educated and unemployed. :) The good side, no-body pisses students, I'm smoking almost 1/4oz a week on slow weeks and up to a half when I've got supply, I also am showing up to class wasted and still pulling A's. IMO piss tests are just another form of corporate control of the American people, and they have no bearing on a persons ability to perform their tasks at work, in fact I work BETTER high. As I result I shall never take one again, but then again I passed them for 15 years after I got out of college without any detox at all, now it's my time to play and stop giving shit about keeping up. Then again, I also carried my wife for years, it's her turn to be the bread winner. :)



Well-Known Member
oh shit not to scare u but lots with govt work require hair test
hope not
oh fuck that.... i heard that hair follicle tests are done for positions that involve working with really heavy equipment. i'd be in an office setting... i'm stressing out... lol...


Well-Known Member
I remember my job piss test . they sent me to a clinic that specializes in just testing for drugs. I had my clean friend piss in a squeezer tube of hand sanitizer. I brought hand warmers and taped them to the out side of the bottle. wore some boxer-briefs and threw it next to my junk.

I end up squeegeeing the clean piss into the cup. i hand it to the nurse and she replies its not enough. Im like fuck that's all the clean piss i have. she then replied that i better hurry up because the temperature must be at the right range for it to be valid. with nothing else left to do i pissed in the cup up to the line. i was freaking out.

I ended up passing but dam that scared the shit out of me.



New Member
oh fuck that.... i heard that hair follicle tests are done for positions that involve working with really heavy equipment. i'd be in an office setting... i'm stressing out... lol...
im sure u will be good
think positive sounds like u got what they want
or they wouldnt fly u in


Well-Known Member
ok so it's been a solid 2 weeks since i last toked. haven't even touched the stuff, gone near it, or been to any environment where they might be clouding out the room and i happen to be standing there...

there's only what i understood to be a blood drug test standing between me and this job. wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
just finished an at home urine test and the result was a preliminary negative. i haven't started the heavy water drinking regiment i'm going to do before D-day which will be on wednesday....

this is in no way a 100% sure assurance. so i'm still pretty much shittin bricks..... but i am somewhat relieved.

i seriously hope this means i'll pass and get this job.


Well-Known Member
just finished an at home urine test and the result was a preliminary negative. i haven't started the heavy water drinking regiment i'm going to do before D-day which will be on wednesday....

this is in no way a 100% sure assurance. so i'm still pretty much shittin bricks..... but i am somewhat relieved.

i seriously hope this means i'll pass and get this job.
that is a good sign.

best of luck. glad to hear there are jobs out there, too :)


Well-Known Member
yup. there was two lines on the sucker so i'm a little bit more positive.... the second one was pretty damn faint though.... lol.... and in the reviews some folks are talking about how they had negative results on this test then got fired for failing.... my guess is that they went into the lab early morning... i'm def. gonna go after taking more than 3-4 pisses.... :)

i get the official paperwork tomorrow, so i'll know for sure what i'm facing...

i could've sworn the lady said blood drug screen though... but if you can believe it when we were talking right when she was talking about the background and drug part of the pre employment process the call broke up, so i didn't really catch what she said, and i didn't feel comfortable asking: "so what type of drug test are we talking about here??" .....

needless to say i'm VERY NERVOUS....

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Sounds to me like you are talking yourself into the whole thing. Its not me that you must convince. If giving up smoking is what you choose - then you so choose. Sadly, as you said, its for the money. And $60k is not that much money. Maybe you should reevaluate your wants and needs.