My sister stole my ganja so i stole it back help!!!

Hey guys, kind of new around here, not the website itself but writing in the forums. well, the story is that my sis used to smoke weed on the daily roughly last year, she said she stopped because of school etc. and encouraged me to but knew i wouldnt listen to her. so i used to b able to smokeout my room and all thats changed since last year now, even bringing ganj in the house was bad enough for her to kick me out, (its her appt im living in btw). so i figure shes anti-pot now, but shes caught me red handed 3-4 times by now and took me weed each time and claimed she flushed it down the toilet. so this time i left my sack in my claset inside the hood of a hoody and she found it( about a 1/4 maybe 1/3, and didnt say a word when i came back that day and noticed it was gone, however 2 nights ago i noticed she was completely baked but trying to hide it from me :-P. so i snooped here and there and sure enough i find her old bubbler hidden in the bathroom and ash in the bowl, and looking a little further i found where she stashed my stuff(including a metal pipe) so i stole it all back, now im wondering how i should go about doing this, just keep the stash and wait till she found out i took it then confront her for smoking weed, or leave like 1/4 of the sack back where i found it, im just not sure if shell threaten to kick me out of the house, any suggestions on what i should do will be appreciated. (ps. i wouldnt have stolen it back if i wasnt dirt poor and jobless at the moment and that was my last..)
I would confront her about jacking ur stash, but not smoking. It is her place and she is an adult, so she can pretty much do what she wants. Why do you care if she smokes or not anyway?

As for her telling u not to smoke in the house, it is her place, and she makes the rules. Kinda one of those do as I say not as I do situations. Sounds like a bunch of useless drama between siblings though to me.


Active Member
Well if push comes to shove, look into what the laws are for you living there. Where I'm from, if someone contributes to the household in a monetary fashion in any way, you need to file eviction papers to get them out. That means that even though your name may not be on the lease/mortgage/rental agreement, or any bills, they don't had a legal right to kick you out. Your sister (IMHO), has shown her moral standards by being a thief.
well if you want to know how it turned out ill tell you because the situation turned to shit the same day i posted this, i left the little bag with about 1/4th of what i found back, and that same night, she told me how shess given me hundreds of chances not bring weed in the house, and i really just dont bother listening. but, she told me that if i want to still live there she gave me an ultimatum, give up anything i own weed related or be out on the street homeless, jobless... do i need to go i give her "the rest" of all my weed peraphinalia etc , (but not all of it of corse just enough to where shed get off my back for the night, im hoping by now you can tell my family, and my sister are a whole bunch of crazy psychotic loons all cut from the same cloth, and im the rebelious hippy exception, you know how it is...but yea anyways i thought we were straight after that, but the next morning she says she talked to my mother and decided shes moving out of HER OWN fuckinn appartment just cuz im too involved with weed, what a fucking hypocrite, thats what i told her..but shes apperantly moving out the appartment in a couple weeks, should i believe that, and rly if she does do something extremist like that ill be out of a roof over my head/money/food/weed and the list goes on, where i live gainesville, fl there are litterely NO jobs here unless you're a college student.


Active Member
I used to live in Jacksonville fl. Kinda blows that summer will be over soon cause if it was just before, there's always work at the beach. Maybe if you hustle, you can still get into a place seeing how school is just bout to start ( think it's still break there or just started). Any job is better than none.
I used to live in Jacksonville fl. Kinda blows that summer will be over soon cause if it was just before, there's always work at the beach. Maybe if you hustle, you can still get into a place seeing how school is just bout to start ( think it's still break there or just started). Any job is better than none.
naw school started for me beging of this week... see thats the problem, the way the economy is now none of my friends would let my room up unless i pay rent..duh.. so i aint even got 80 bucks to my name right now
Last time I was in McDicks, cant say I saw to many peple that looked like they were in college working there. Unless u need a degree now to ask "do u want fries with that?"


Well-Known Member
I say you pull off a guerilla grow in a random ass spot far from home and use the harvest
to get some paper up. (just an idea im not trying to encourage illegal activity or anything :p)


Active Member
Next time you steal your shit back, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!! HOLY SHIT. That way she'll be wondering just what the fuck happened. Not only that, next time she takes your shit, tell her you want to watch while she flushes it down the toilet, otherwise, take it back. BRO, YOUR SISTER IS A COMPULSIVE LIAR. No offense, but she is not showing ANY respect for you. Nut the fuck up, and next time she takes your shit, GRAB THAT SHIT FROM HER HAND AND SHOW HER WHAT THE FUCK IS UP. Now, if she really cared, she'd make you watch her get rid of it...but she's not. She's smoking that shit and smoking it WITH YOUR MONEY, NOT HERS. I feel for ya man, sounds like your sister has convinced your family you are the bad guy, when in actuality it's her.


Well-Known Member
Man, Id find a way to fuck her over. Try pre-rolling some oregano and stash it in the last spot she jacked your weed. Fuck that bitch, even mix some tabacco in it to make her think shes getting a head rush.


Well-Known Member
Man, Id find a way to fuck her over. Try pre-rolling some oregano and stash it in the last spot she jacked your weed. Fuck that bitch, even mix some tabacco in it to make her think shes getting a head rush.
How Christian of you...

The dude got muscled by his sister cos he's living in her house, its a tough shit scenario tbh. He should just move out if he wants her to stop jacking him, lol.

Robbed by your sister...rofl, maybe the OP should never try dealing to strangers either.


Well-Known Member
How Christian of you...

The dude got muscled by his sister cos he's living in her house, its a tough shit scenario tbh. He should just move out if he wants her to stop jacking him, lol.

Robbed by your sister...rofl, maybe the OP should never try dealing to strangers either.
Jesus said the only thing I am asking from you is to love one an other, Im sure he would understand me doing what I do on a daily basis. I would make her smoke oregano/tabacco instead of calling her out and telling her that she is a hypocrit, that she is stupid, and that she needs to stop causing problems.
I would of smoked that bitch out, but then she stole my weed? Wtf Im about to start calling her a child a shit, can't act like a grown up in her own house(hell yeah it would piss her off if I pushed it, just need to call her a child every time she raises her voice or does something stupid(most women do)).


Well-Known Member
Wow there is another jerk sister thread on here too..ill say what i said.there...go back to the bathroom and put.the weed back..then take her toothbrush and rub it on your asshole and put it it even and hide your weed better and live off her as long as you can..because eventual you'll have to leave and take care of yourself anyways.


Well-Known Member
I can never bring myself to do something like that. I think that I'd end up thinking she is doing that shit to me if I start that shit.
Lets just say spittting in soap didn't make me feel any better.


haha i think its funny as shit when people come on here on want help with there life problems. Which are 9 times out of 10 dumb as fuck and not really problems but that makes sense cause most these ppl are apperently not that in thouch with the real world and its goings ons and what not. Fuckin a ppl lets keep with the grow weed tutorials not your dumbass "problems"


Well-Known Member
It is funny especially cuz people.are fucking harsh...yeah dude wait till she goes to work and run that bitch over. Then get out rummaged through her pockets find your weed take a fat ass hit and blow it all over her broken body...


Well-Known Member
You still have the weed right? Any good seeds? Go back to that guerrilla grow suggestion, hopefully it'll be a short flowerer...kind of late. though, in florida, may be able to pull it off.