How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??


Active Member
Mine are in a clearing in the middle of the woods. I sure hope all the trees keep the wind off my ladies.


Active Member
I've been through a bunch of Florida hurricanes so I can speak from some experience. Hurricane force winds will shred leaves. I would suggest severely thinning the plants and try bending andt tying the tops to a stake in the ground to reduce the thrashing. The lower the better. Maybe cut the tops off altogether. Better to save some of the plant than to lose the whole thing.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
dig them up and put them inside. hurricanes shred everything even the trees, 100mph wind is gonna hit all your plants if your near the coast,.... so get a shovel. i have dug up plants to save them, and they will live. dig a hole in the shape of a bucket and hopefully your crop is near your house. but remember its only a plant, if you stay, you may not see another harvest so leave asap


I'm bugging out as well.

My girl is a few weeks into flower and she looks sooooo gooood. She's 4 1/2 high and about 2 1/2 wide. There is no way I want to loose her to high winds. Sometime mid day tomorrow I'm going to cover her with a xtra large garbage can and place a 100lb on top of the can. This should protect her from the winds.

My concern is that the darkness and lack of fresh air may F them up especially during the flowering phase. I'm on track for a pound or so of quality buds.

Spent a good portion of my morning digging up my plants and putting the root balls in heavy duty trash bags. It was a pain in the ass, but when the hurricane hits I have no worries. I suggest if anyone on the east coast is up in the air on what to do, dig them up. If you can't bring them inside, at least lie them down. This storm looks like no joke, so no sense taking any unnecessary chances. Been working hard on these plants for months now, and we are almost to the finish line.


Active Member
My guerilla grown Plants got 75 MpH winds Last Friday, worst wind of the year.
Its very windy On the plains. 3o mph most days
I use Chicken wire around them.
Stops the wind an Hail damage here.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
good luck to all - i live in FL and got really really really lucky this time - wish you all the best


Active Member
Looks like I'm gonna be in the 40- 70 MPH wind area. Not too happy about it, but I guess it could be worse.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this is really turning out shitty. My babies are way too large to uproot and take anywhere. On my way home from the store with rebar and cloth in posession, my brake line popped, leaving me stranded. I still have to recover the car and now attempt to erect a windbreak early tomorrow morning. :-(
Good luck to you all. wunderground says 85mph gusts , 55 to 75mph winds. claims 80mph gusts and 45 - 65 sustained winds.

Mine have so many leaves, should I really thin? Even after erecting a structure? I would think that I will lose a lot but might as well let the wind thin them. Opposed to say, thinning them and then ending up with none in the end... ???

Did you use anything along with the chicken wire or just encase them in the wire so they didn't flail around?

I am in the red zone on the map... I'm fucked.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt tie them down with qwinds like over 50mph. theyll just nap the branchs at the spot you tie it. if there in buckets lie them over gently. better them getting throw over in the wind. or move to a north side of a pine tree. i would get bird netting from wall mart its black 1 inch squares throw it right over top and steak it down. plants in the growned i would push all the branchs up and tie them up like a xmas tree.and then steak them


Well-Known Member
Im in n.c also ,

But luckily im in the mountains ,

I would do like psych suggested and get some rebar or those steel fence post that you drive in the ground and tie them up the best you can

Best of luck to you my man


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this is really turning out shitty. My babies are way too large to uproot and take anywhere. On my way home from the store with rebar and cloth in posession, my brake line popped, leaving me stranded. I still have to recover the car and now attempt to erect a windbreak early tomorrow morning. :-(
Good luck to you all. wunderground says 85mph gusts , 55 to 75mph winds. claims 80mph gusts and 45 - 65 sustained winds.

Mine have so many leaves, should I really thin? Even after erecting a structure? I would think that I will lose a lot but might as well let the wind thin them. Opposed to say, thinning them and then ending up with none in the end... ???

Did you use anything along with the chicken wire or just encase them in the wire so they didn't flail around?

I am in the red zone on the map... I'm fucked.
I suggested chicken wire because it has a tight weave, is fairly stiff in small sections and that might prevent your plant(s) from being crushed. I'm better with ideas when I'm in the hardware store. If you have enough rebar and can create a geodesic dome and secure it safely to the ground go for it. It's a great structure and I've heard of geo's withstanding 130 mph+ weather. However securing it to the ground and adding a solid cover is the key.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhh reading this thread gives me the chills. A storm out in Ca at this time of year is unheard of let alone a goddam hurricane!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well time is ticking i put buckets in ground, then staked 4 bamboo poles around them,then wraped around stakes with rope,next pulled each bamboo pole with twine and staked really tight' then put big black trash bag over it and tied another 30+ foot of twine all around it hope it works i am also in red zone


Well-Known Member
I would drive a metel rebard stake into the ground. Then tie or shrink wrape the plant up like an x-mass tree comes. Then tie the plant up to the stake very good with rope or shrink wrape. Pound the stake in a few feet. The shrink wrape would protect the plant well. Metel stake so it cannot break. You can shrink wrape a plant to a thin bean pole if done right. Just like x-mass trees comes.

If in pots I would move to best cover. Lay them down on the side. Trillis netting them to the gound.

Been thinking about this. And this is what I would do. Granted I never been in a storm like this. But I think this would be my plan.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much 5150 and others. These are the ideas that I am going to put into practice. Just get a nice spliff on right now and I am getting out to do the work. Picked up our truck last night, drove it home with no brakes. Got my rebar and weed-cloth, and fence.
I take back what I said about it being "cheap". I had to drop $100 and I already had the fence at home, so that was just to pay for the rebar and weed cloth. What a ripoff, but hey, it'll be worth it if this works. Wishing all my babies were in pots (1 out of 4 is). Oh well.
Pictures to come.



Just finished protecting her from the storm (hopefully). Took two garbage cans and cut holes in the bottom. Stacked the in opposite directions and secured with 200# test zip ties to each other. Compressed plant loosely with rope into a cone shape so she fits inside. Secured the cans to the ground tied to 4 x 25# weights. Also elevated corners for drainage since we're expecting large amounts of rain (NJ).

My goal is to provide relief from the wind while leaving the top open to not suffocate her. Plant sits 5" from top. I believe I'm good to go.

Other plant is only 2 1/2 feet tall, but is tight to the ground. She's in a good spot with good natural barriers. Debating if I should cover her too. I'll play it by ear.

Hope we're all just overreacting.


Not really sure what I can do... Drawing any sort of attention to my plants with bags, fence or stakes ain't gonna help them blending in with their surroundings. That said, winds are only supposed to be 25-40 mph by me, and my ladies are up against other trees and bushes for the most part.