My New Grow Room Built By Hubby!

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. My hubby built me a grow room in our basement and what a job it was! Our basement was very small and you could not stand up in there, but he dug it out, poured a cement floor, resupported our house and build my "underground operation." I just thought I would post some pictures. I am using rolling "baker's" carts for the veg area. The lights are lifted because I was taking some other photos, etc.There is a curtain to separate the two areas, but I tool it down for the pics. Anyway, I think it is fun to see what other people are doing and it is a good way to get ideas. Plus he did a lot of work and does not even partake in the greenery.


The Ganja Man

Active Member
Nice Job Guys!

Looks Great!
But I didn't see any exhaust or intake fans?
Did I just miss them?

PROPS either way!


Active Member
Is there like HELLA blacklights in that room? But why is the room soooo purple?
Sorry about the sarcasim you may find in this message, but I apoligize. I just smoked two joints to myself. Give me the benefit of the doubt and simply say too yourself. "Ignore it, He's high" =]


Well-Known Member
looks fucking sweet. you are very lucky!!!!! i know you are very excited....

i know LACY would love to see this!!!!

you even got water faucets installed like the washing machine outlets..... if that isnt cool!!!!

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
LoudBlunts...Yeah, My hubby did not like the idea of having to pack water under the house , plus it looks a little he tied into the water line behind the fake wall but wanted the inside of the room to look neat so he used a washing machine hook up. He will be thrilled with the positive feedback.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member stress on possible sarcasm.... It is actually my camera. It does not look purple in the actual room.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Loudblunts. Thanks! I will pass it along. It took awhile mainly because we had to dig the basement out. He wanted the ceilings to be 8 feet in the grow room. When he started, the floor to ceiling height was about 4 feet. The project grew because we decided to dig out most of the basement and put a cement floor in for extra storage for all our junk..LOL... Once that was done, he was able to frame in the grow room, etc, which went pretty fast. He works shift work, so he could work on it during the day. I am not sure overall how long it took, because he likes to tinker down there. Thanks again!!!

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Panhead. he is a workaholic and a tradesman/builder. He can't sit still. He will work all night and then work side jobs in the day. He did not have any side jobs when I got this idea of growing weed so he went to work on my project. I would have been happy with a light in the closet, but he went all out. he is a keeper!


Well-Known Member
Shit I wish my wife was that cool. I am a lot like your husband but my wife would never in a million years let me do that.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Yeah Matthew it is kind of weird. My hubby does not smoke and I only smoke occasionally. but, I got this idea to grow - I watched too much "Weeds." I did not think he would go for it, but he has gotten pretty into it. Our highlight is sneaking downstairs when the kids are not around and checking the babies. He was bummed because he can't show off his work to anyone - our friends and family would have a coronary - so I thought I could show it off here.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Matthew it is kind of weird. My hubby does not smoke and I only smoke occasionally. but, I got this idea to grow - I watched too much "Weeds." I did not think he would go for it, but he has gotten pretty into it. Our highlight is sneaking downstairs when the kids are not around and checking the babies. He was bummed because he can't show off his work to anyone - our friends and family would have a coronary - so I thought I could show it off here.
LMAO, my wife and I love that show. My wife is pretty straight laced, I think the biggest reason she doesn't want to smoke (or even try it) is because its illegal. I think I could change her mind if I could grow but honestly my relationship with my wife is worth more than pot.


Well-Known Member
That room will bring you joy for many years. That is a beautiful room you have there. You husband did a great job. I would hire him in a minute. Please keep us posted on how your first grow goes.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Matthew, you are so right! Your relationships is way more important! Glad you like "Weeds" too. I can't wait for the next season of good old "Lacy La Plant!"