The UK Growers Thread!


Time for another Q - Humidity - my air intake is direct from outside, and I'm finding the humidity in the grow room is pretty similar to outside, maybe a bit higher, so about 65% on a dry day, and up to 75 or even 80 if the weather is wet and raining. Is this too high? do I need to worry about it? I've got 200m/hr of air direct from outside passing through so I'm guessing that a de-humidifier would make little or no difference?


yo this is my first grow let me no what you think i using dutch pro nutes going good so far could do with tricks and tips for bigger yield when ther ready for floweringIMG-20110826-00382.jpgIMG-20110815-00362.jpgtheres on 14 days between these pictures


Well-Known Member
"not-so-chilled" I know the feeling. Whatch you don't get eaten by the loch ness monster
yeh they dont have any problem with guzzling a bottle of wine a night but any speak of drugs an noooooo, its not on. i was speaking to this fit shop assistant in edinburgh and said i was off up to loch lommond, she was scottish btw, and she said "is that where the loch ness monster is" i was like " .... ..... errrr, that would be in loch ness" lmao, it is true what the say about good looks and brains ;)

there's no reason to be such a fucking cunt in a public forum..

all i said was that it was a bitch to clone.. not impossible

firstly all i do for cloning is put a cutting in a glass of water.. this is usually fine for me and i usually have roots in about a week on most strains.. however it didn't work with the psychosis..

i have no propagator and i don't even use cloning gel... so yes it probably is my method.. but it does not change the fact that it does not root as quickly as any other strain i have tried... most people that have it agree that it usually takes longer than most..

doubt you even have proper psychosis..

by the way don't bother replying you've been blocked..

didnt realise you did just water for cloning bob, got a pretty good success rate with it though! ps, if you wanna stay annonymous we all know youre the guy who does lots of lololols ... lol ;)


Well-Known Member
haha fuck knows how you delete your post ....

I havent really heard much good about TD, too many phenos apparently


Well-Known Member
powdery mildrew i had it last grow pretty bad too, i caught it from some1 and also my conditions then allowed it to thrive, that 30oz wasnt covered in no powdery mildrew tho it all smoked and was donated without a single complaint or omg thats got mold, all i used was a few soakings of some stuff called neem repel i was spraying big plants 3wks into flower again without any probs or complaints about dodgy flavours in the smoke.

finally im a lazy cunt i didnt particulary go nuts with a big clean carnt afford the shut down time but im 2wks into 12/12 of my next grow without a single sign of PM, when i caught the PM i was shitting it finking fuck there gos my crop BOLLACKS more internet shite, yeah i no it can be bad but not like people wana make out.


Well-Known Member
powdery mildrew i had it last grow pretty bad too, i caught it from some1 and also my conditions then allowed it to thrive, that 30oz wasnt covered in no powdery mildrew tho it all smoked and was donated without a single complaint or omg thats got mold, all i used was a few soakings of some stuff called neem repel i was spraying big plants 3wks into flower again without any probs or complaints about dodgy flavours in the smoke.

finally im a lazy cunt i didnt particulary go nuts with a big clean carnt afford the shut down time but im 2wks into 12/12 of my next grow without a single sign of PM, when i caught the PM i was shitting it finking fuck there gos my crop BOLLACKS more internet shite, yeah i no it can be bad but not like people wana make out.
Just flogged 40g of powdery mildrew shitty weed for £200. Guy was going to chuck it out. Sellers market. It smelled like