Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

midnight smoker

Active Member
well hes black what u expect hahaha jk,yeah im glad he isnt going to be president no more,he is useless everything he promised most of it he aint done.
the only reason his promises haven't been fulfilled is because the republicans block every move he tries to make it's there fault no progress has been made.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe it, I heard it, but I still can't believe it. Obama wants a 5% National Sales Tax so he can reduce the debt that HE created. If he does this he will be a one term president. (President spelled with no cap on purpose).

Get out of my wallet you blood sucking dogs.
where did you even hear this? i can't find a peep about it. i know a lot of you types like to take chain e-mails written in comic sans forwarded 87 times over from your grandma as factual news, i need more proof than that.

as far as your claim that obama ran up the debt, about the most he has done is add on the stimulus. that is the tiny sliver of light blue in this graph. the rest was handed to him.



Well-Known Member
the only way out of this is to raise taxes and cut spending both. Borrowing more money from China is rally fucking over future generations of americans. IF not now, then when is the right time to stop living the american dream on china's money.


Well-Known Member
As FDD would say, 'it's their, not there fault. lol.
so, you gonna disclose your source and shit?

nevermind, just noticed that obama has not called for this at all. rather, one of his advisors suggested it.

so basically, winter woman is full of shit.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It was on TV, a piece about Obama's coming speech and Krugman. It was not an email.

smart money is on a highly-forwarded chain mail written in comic sans with excessive exclamation points and a dizzying array of font colors sent to her by her grandmother.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I bet you hear it come right out of his mouth very soon. But he might call it a VAT tax.
so, you gonna disclose your source and shit?

nevermind, just noticed that obama has not called for this at all. rather, one of his advisors suggested it.

so basically, winter woman is full of shit.


RIU Bulldog
Either need to raises taxes or cut medicare and social security.
Tough choices, ands someone has to make them.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
LOL, you have be putting me on - tax breaks. lol. Get real.

Obama used 'krueger' to float the balloon or are you blind too.


Well-Known Member
the only way out of this is to raise taxes and cut spending both. Borrowing more money from China is rally fucking over future generations of americans. IF not now, then when is the right time to stop living the american dream on china's money.
Exactly, at least you recognize that we need both. I think initially the stimulus was necessary. But we started to stabilize the economy, we just needed confidence with consumers and with investors. But republicans held the economy hostage about the debt ceiling and the markets went crazy again. We need to start working together, restore confidence, cut the tax breks on the richest americans, and reduce spending wisely. We can't just reduce spending all over. We've been seeing alot of cuts in education recently. Idk what that's about.


Well-Known Member
i hope everything goes to shit. nothing will happen otherwise. it will still be the top 1% have evrything and the rest live in poverty.