Message To April : )

hell ya man i got divorced and went from a 10k sq ft. house to my 2 bed apartment. granted its like a 2600 sq ft. apartment lol but still and she got the porsche!

damn bro sorry to hear that what a bitch. dont worry women like that end up with nothing sooner or later n nobody will pay attention to them, ull get the last laugh :)
images out
damn bro sorry to hear that what a bitch. dont worry women like that end up with nothing sooner or later n nobody will pay attention to them, ull get the last laugh :)

ya she ended up with some abusive bf or something which isnt right and she doesnt deserve that either, but she's a basket case and doesnt want help so what can ya do
Aww poor Fab. :( You STILL think there's a WE? This is to pathetic to watch anymore....
the we is the others pming me telling me they see u for the troll shit starter u are
sorry but the truth and if it wasnt agianst rule i would share with u
so dont feel like winner when others see u as a loser but it is good to keep up a positive image
the we is the others pming me telling me they see u for the troll shit starter u are
sorry but the truth and if it wasnt agianst rule i would share with u
so dont feel like winner when others see u as a loser but it is good to keep up a positive image

Damn son. That shit's private and he said he was PMing you so you just kinda outed him. :( Youre a real douche.
damn bro sorry to hear that what a bitch. dont worry women like that end up with nothing sooner or later n nobody will pay attention to them, ull get the last laugh :)

Should i post the pm's u sent me, rejection hurts when ur young sweety, grow a set and respect ur elders. Envy is not a colour that suits u.
ya she ended up with some abusive bf or something which isnt right and she doesnt deserve that either, but she's a basket case and doesnt want help so what can ya do

hey bro im sorry and im always available if u need to talk 1 on 1
mean it
hell ya man i got divorced and went from a 10k sq ft. house to my 2 bed apartment. granted its like a 2600 sq ft. apartment lol but still and she got the porsche!

damn bro sorry to hear that what a bitch. dont worry women like that end up with nothing sooner or later n nobody will pay attention to them, ull get the last laugh :)
that comment wasnt even about you

Should i post the pm's u sent me, rejection hurts when ur young sweety, grow a set and respect ur elders. Envy is not a colour that suits u.
Should i post the pm's u sent me, rejection hurts when ur young sweety, grow a set and respect ur elders. Envy is not a colour that suits u.

i dont what the fuck is his issue i got on his ass already for that shit with him
im starting to thing he is someone else
and just trolling
that shit is uncalled for
hey bro im sorry and im always available if u need to talk 1 on 1
mean it

naw its cool man i apreciate the offer though i've been through enough to handle myself. :)

and damn shit is coming out now april just laid it down with the truth lol
Damn son. That shit's private and he said he was PMing you so you just kinda outed him. :( Youre a real douche.

nice try douche i didnt mention try agian to find some troll bait

what a loser is all i can say u r reaching
fight like a man if u want to fight u came at me bring it llke a man
or tuck tail
Should i post the pm's u sent me, rejection hurts when ur young sweety, grow a set and respect ur elders. Envy is not a colour that suits u.

hahaha i dont envy a girl who try to get attention from guys. this is y u are on here all day u dont get dick,nobody in the real world accepts u,likes u. what kind of chick stays on a website all day. i mean i understand a guy but a girl,come on dont u go out on dates,dont u shop,dont u get fucked,i mean yall know what im talking about