What's Will All The Religion Hatred?


Well-Known Member
Well comm'on, psychopaths do not chose to be psychopaths, but how many psychopaths have perverted religion to fuel their violence? How many have perverted skepticism? Skepticism is what we are promoting.

off the top of my head I could name 4.
It's true, science gave birth to pseudoscience, which does do a great deal of harm. Pseudoscience though requires a misunderstanding of the scientific method and misuse of information. We do not need to misunderstand or misuse religion to make it harmful.
I believe you would have to abuse religion to make it harmful, I don't know why you don't believe that also, because you simply believe religion is false so if people didn't misuse it then they would just be a bunch of false books. (I'm tired so not sure if that makes sense, ha. It sounds better in my head).

Who are these victims?

Well when we go to war and nuke towns then we can blame science for the innocent victims.

As we pointed out, one can find love and morality without religion, quite easily in fact. So your statement should read "Thank you religion for providing something we can easily get elsewhere, but you suck for damning people to hell and for creating the evil crusades."
Not much too say on this, but I stick to what I said


Well-Known Member
Hey people the post which I quoted Heisenberg has my answers on it since my iPod is being weird so just saying that's not what heisenberg said.


Well-Known Member
Are you mocking me? I mean that statement holds truth in it unless you believe that athiest are the only ones who can be open minded. If that's the case you are the one that is close minded, oh and what are you athiest? So there are close minded athiest, you guys made it sound like they don't exist.
the vast majority of religious people are close minded. yes, there are close minded atheists, but that has nothing to do with them being atheists. the close minded religious are that way BECAUSE of their religion


Well-Known Member
off the top of my head I could name 4.
Curious that you didn't name them. 4 people have somehow used the application of self-correcting systematic doubt and accountability as inspiration for violence?

Well when we go to war and nuke towns then we can blame science for the innocent victims.
You are blaming the application of knowledge on the acquisition of knowledge. If nukes were never used or invented, is science still at fault for developing nuclear theory? Did nothing good come from nuclear development?

Religion has been defended in 3 ways in this thread.

Religion is true - We've shown that can't be proven or even supported.

Religion does good things - We've shown nothing good religion provides is unique to religion itself, although the potential evil religion holds is very unique and all too easy to unleash.

Atheism leads to bad things - As stated, we are promoting skepticism. Atheism is a term vested on us by theists. The same thing we can find wrong with atheistic regimes are the same things we find wrong with religious regimes; dogmatic adherence. Rational thinking, evidential accountability, and enlightened attitudes helped us overcome fascist and communist dogmas. We should let these forces of sophistication eradicate religious dogma as well.


Well-Known Member
the vast majority of religious people are close minded. yes, there are close minded atheists, but that has nothing to do with them being atheists. the close minded religious are that way BECAUSE of their religion
Well yeah just like athiest are close minded because of what they were taught.

So can you answer my question? Are you mocking me?
Because if you are mocking me because you still believe you are right then you have made a mistake. A religious person can be as open minded as a atheist.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah just like athiest are close minded because of what they were taught.

So can you answer my question? Are you mocking me?
Because if you are mocking me because you still believe you are right then you have made a mistake. A religious person can be as open minded as a atheist.
We are not asking anyone to have an open mind, but an informed mind. We are simply asking people to be educated, careful and consistent in their thinking. Religion requires ignorant, sloppy, and inconsistent thinking to be compatible with the modern atmosphere of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Curious that you didn't name them. 4 people have somehow used the application of self-correcting systematic doubt and accountability as inspiration for violence?

Three of them are preachers that i have met and they take control of there church followers. The other one is hitler.

You are blaming the application of knowledge on the acquisition of knowledge. If nukes were never used or invented, is science still at fault for developing nuclear theory? Did nothing good come from nuclear development?
More bad than good came from nuclear development.

Religion has been defended in 3 ways in this thread.

Religion is true - We've shown that can't be proven or even supported.
It's also true that god can't be disproven.

Religion does good things - We've shown nothing good religion provides is unique to religion itself, although the potential evil religion holds is very unique and all too easy to unleash.

You must be blind to the fact that religion brings alot of people together and brings peace between them. I do agree that alot people abuse religion. But keep in mind that slot of people abuse science.

Atheism leads to bad things - As stated, we are promoting skepticism. Atheism is a term vested on us by theists. The same thing we can find wrong with atheistic regimes are the same things we find wrong with religious regimes; dogmatic adherence. Rational thinking, evidential accountability, and enlightened attitudes helped us overcome fascist and communist dogmas. We should let these forces of sophistication eradicate religious dogma as well.
I don't believe science has more or less problems than religion.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah just like athiest are close minded because of what they were taught.

So can you answer my question? Are you mocking me?
Because if you are mocking me because you still believe you are right then you have made a mistake. A religious person can be as open minded as a atheist.
what makes atheists close minded? and please tell me what atheists are taught because i didnt know we had schools.
no im not mocking you. you seem to think im mocking you because i said religious people are close minded. true?

the religious believe that their holy book is true. they have no reason to believe that other than the fact they grew up being told its the truth and/or the book itself seems believable to them. they see it as believable because they do not full understand reality and how the universe really works. if they did, 95% of them would probably be atheist or agnostic.

but the problem is, when someone tries to show them how reality really works, they either dismiss it or say thats not how god did it. they constantly make excuses for why they are right, yet never have anything to back it up besides their holy book. at least atheism has science


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. Notice I do not have a problem when you simply state your belief. It is when you try to support it that I find fault. ;)
(just to let you know I respect you so I'm never actually gonna "fight" with you just debate)

Is it wrong for me to support what I believe when so many people are insulting me for my belief? Notice how I never argue against science or other religions so the point of this thread is to ask people to more or less top judging in a negative way.


Well-Known Member
It's not even the fact that you guys don't believe in a religion that pisses me off. What pisses me off is that alot of you will never stop judging so damn hard. Alot of you think you are better based on separate beliefs (don't say that's not true. Those of you who think that know who you are), that's bull shit. All I'm asking is for everyone to let evryone believe what they want, fuck is that so hard to ask? Well I guess it is since the majority of you guys just think I'm close minded and a nutjob for following a religion. Besides my religion I'm no different than any of you.


Well-Known Member
It's not even the fact that you guys don't believe in a religion that pisses me off. What pisses me off is that alot of you will never stop judging so damn hard. Alot of you think you are better based on separate beliefs (don't say that's not true. Those of you who think that know who you are), that's bull shit. All I'm asking is for everyone to let evryone believe what they want, fuck is that so hard to ask? Well I guess it is since the majority of you guys just think I'm close minded and a nutjob for following a religion. Besides my religion I'm no different than any of you.
dude come on...
1. religion needs to be judged, just like every other thing in this world. without judgement, how will we know what is good or bad?
2. people that do not believe in books written by tribesmen after the fact and thousands of years ago, are better than people who do. those who do NEVER have a legitimate explanation on why they do.
3.religion is bullshit that is not needed for someone to survive or be happy. it is only needed by those who already belief. coincidence? i think not...
4.yes it is hard to let anyone believe whatever they want. you wouldnt be happy with everyone believing in a religion that says its okay to murder or rape, would you? every belief should be held up to a set of standards. right now, religion doesnt seem to have any.
plus the big 3 religions affect ALL of our lives on a DAILY basis. they control our governments and our people.
5. how is your religion no different than me?


Well-Known Member
what makes atheists close minded? and please tell me what atheists are taught because i didnt know we had schools.
no im not mocking you. you seem to think im mocking you because i said religious people are close minded. true?

the religious believe that their holy book is true. they have no reason to believe that other than the fact they grew up being told its the truth and/or the book itself seems believable to them. they see it as believable because they do not full understand reality and how the universe really works. if they did, 95% of them would probably be atheist or agnostic.

but the problem is, when someone tries to show them how reality really works, they either dismiss it or say thats not how god did it. they constantly make excuses for why they are right, yet never have anything to back it up besides their holy book. at least atheism has science
You are trying to prove to me something that doesn't need to be proven to me.
My statement is still true religious people can be as open minded as atheist. Why don't you understand the truth behind that statement? Is it because you are close minded and believe only atheist can be open minded?


Well-Known Member
What pisses me off is that alot of you will never stop judging so damn hard.
Hep, it isn't judgment, it's critical analysis.

Like I've asked you before, if you felt something so influential, like organized religion, was dangerous to modern society, how would you go about enacting effective change? You wouldn't take it sitting down either.

Alot of you think you are better based on separate beliefs (don't say that's not true. Those of you who think that know who you are)
Who? Who do you think feels this way? Point some fingers, I'd like to know because that is bullshit.

All I'm asking is for everyone to let evryone believe what they want, fuck is that so hard to ask?
How does someone asking questions about what you might believe disable you from believing it?

the majority of you guys just think I'm close minded and a nutjob for following a religion.
No, we think religious people use inconsistent standards when analyzing evidence.

Being 'open minded' is different than being skeptical.


Well-Known Member
dude come on...
1. religion needs to be judged, just like every other thing in this world. without judgement, how will we know what is good or bad?
2. people that do not believe in books written by tribesmen after the fact and thousands of years ago, are better than people who do. those who do NEVER have a legitimate explanation on why they do.
3.religion is bullshit that is not needed for someone to survive or be happy. it is only needed by those who already belief. coincidence? i think not...
4.yes it is hard to let anyone believe whatever they want. you wouldnt be happy with everyone believing in a religion that says its okay to murder or rape, would you? every belief should be held up to a set of standards. right now, religion doesnt seem to have any.
plus the big 3 religions affect ALL of our lives on a DAILY basis. they control our governments and our people.
5. how is your religion no different than me?
1. You don't have to judge so hard. I have said before that its ok to judge religion but it's not ok to judge the believer based on their religion.
2.What is your definition of better? Because I'm positivethere is a religious person who is way smarter than you and makes a way bigger salary. So in their eyes you are inferior to them.
3. I never said religion is the only way for happiness all I said is that religion is not all bad and that it has positive attributes such as love and peace.
4. Once again I'm not stupid I know what is right and what is wrong. You go to the extremes and I you want to do that I can point out all the negative sides of atheism and science.
5. My point is that our beliefs should be judged equally.

Anyway can you please get rid of your sig if it's only intent is to mock me because that's what it seems like to me.


Well-Known Member
Being civil to religion has disastrous consequences. True, most religious moderates do not cause much trouble, but it's their faith that makes the religious extremists/nut jobs possible. The #1 benefit of religion I see theists list is comfort, and I get that. But that comfort comes a very high price, usually paid in human lives. Sam Harris is an atheist who loves the spiritual/transcendent feelings that occur in human beings, but is working toward experiencing them without the need of a supernatural force. I like comfort, too, but maybe theists should find comfort in something that does not harm humanity. Check this vid:



Well-Known Member
You are trying to prove to me something that doesn't need to be proven to me.
My statement is still true religious people can be as open minded as atheist. Why don't you understand the truth behind that statement? Is it because you are close minded and believe only atheist can be open minded?
in what religion are the people as open minded as atheists?

your statement that religious people CAN be open minded basically means there could be one guy that is open minded, and you would be right. i guess it depends on what the term 'religious person' means. what defines the lower echelon of a religious person?