advice for NOOB GROW?


Active Member

So this is my first grow...nothing simple. Two ww ladies, under a 250 watt hps. MG soil, PhD water as needed ( mostly every three days, sometimes I can push to four days). I had some heat issues early on, and have recently experianced noot burn, which I hope is resolving. They were started from seeds, approx 4 weeks ago. I have the two oscilating fans, the 250 hps, I have the t12 fixture, but not in use, as well as the ghetto cfl fixture, also not in, effective thus far...any helpful ideas, or constructive critism?


Active Member
thats sweet dude thats EXACTLY what my last grow was and this current grow im doing now, i have a 250w hps 8 ww about week anda half old right now from seed, was just kinda shoked to see someone doin the exact same thing im doin, last grow i used MG soil too lol how nuts hey? but this grow i switched to fox farm happy frog soil , ill give u any advice u need bro


Active Member
thats sweet dude thats EXACTLY what my last grow was and this current grow im doing now, i have a 250w hps 8 ww about week anda half old right now from seed, was just kinda shoked to see someone doin the exact same thing im doin, last grow i used MG soil too lol how nuts hey? but this grow i switched to fox farm happy frog soil , ill give u any advice u need bro
Thanks dude...for some reason, the other posts made me feel like an idiot, or something...iafter EVERYTHING I read and researched, my head was I decided to KISS...keep it simple, stupid...I too am planning on FF next time as well...this is awesome...I feel good about my grow. Thanks, bro.


Active Member
hell yea man, even with the MG soil last time with 6 ww and one ice i yielded like just over a qp, i like ww it doesnt stink as bad as some strains and on one of my ww plants yielded 25grams by itself (i keep my plants bout 3ft or lil under) i feel ya i was researching and reading on this site for days i kno what u mean by you head swirling lol there so much to it so thats what i did my first time was keep it simple, then after the first run i upgraded alot lol


Active Member
i used my 250w hps threw the whole thing from begining to end no cfl's or flours just plain ol hps whole way, didnt seem to hurt anything, hope this helps


Active Member
They are both for spectrum, no?...I'm kinda having trouble thinking of a set up for them that would allow me to adjust all lights, as that all levels of the ladies are bathed in light...would it be inappropriate to incorporate the cfls and then switch from the 24/0 cycle to 18/4 cycle, if convenient for me.


Active Member
i used my 250w hps threw the whole thing from begining to end no cfl's or flours just plain ol hps whole way, didnt seem to hurt anything, hope this helps
Did the ladies veg without much stretching? I've read that hps can be used throughout, but more of the blue spectrum is ideal as it doesn't promote stretching like the hps has a tendancy to.


Active Member
well my first run i used the hps on 24/0 for 3 weeks then 4th week of veg i bumped it down to 18/6 for a week then 12/12 when they were bout ten inches to a foot tall ( i built a grow box thats only like 65 inches high so i gotta keepem kinda short)


Active Member
Did the ladies veg without much stretching? I've read that hps can be used throughout, but more of the blue spectrum is ideal as it doesn't promote stretching like the hps has a tendancy to.
oh no there wasnt any stretching i kept the light kinda close but not so close that they were gettin burnt, your ladies are looking good too by the way


Active Member
In the end do whatever's most convenient for you, but you could use those CFL's and the tubes the whole grow if you wanted.
yea you totally could, im not saying use the hps the whole way, do what is convenient for your set up but im just saying thats what i did and i had no problems


Active Member
well my first run i used the hps on 24/0 for 3 weeks then 4th week of veg i bumped it down to 18/6 for a week then 12/12 when they were bout ten inches to a foot tall ( i built a grow box thats only like 65 inches high so i gotta keepem kinild? Like maybe a zip each...maybe?.da short)
Duh...18/6... I think earlier I wrote 18/4...what a stoner!...ya think if I veg them until they are say, 15 in or maybe 17 in Max, i d yield decent?


Well-Known Member
If I were you I'd of used the tubes and the CFL's for Veg then use the HPS for flowerin, maybe alongisde the CFL's and take the tubes out.