Outdoor Grow LOTS OF PICS


Well-Known Member
i just want some input on how these compare to ur own outdoor its pretty Cheap tech with Nutrients etc did control ph of water and were rasied from little cups



Well-Known Member
well me and my friend are arguing this i say 3-4 weeks range he thinks 6 they are april to may till now old im not sure whats preflowering and when it starts cause its not even septembr 23 yet and thats first day of fall


Active Member
Yah.. pre-flower doesn't count. That's coo tho.. the first two pics of your plants look like they'r gona be pretty good


Well-Known Member
smells amazing and if u look at the close ups we have alot of hair,growth,and resin but no swelling ive done indoor and it swelling happend about week six


Well-Known Member
Any iNput on the matter i haven't grown or observed anything growing outdoors before how does flowering differ from indoor


Active Member
Follow the same rules as indoor. Check trichs, cloudy= uplifting high

Amber= couchlock. Pick what ever percentages you want to lean towards what high you want. They look good. If I had to guess, they appear to be around 3/5 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
One more question if ya know lol we used bag seeds all from the same large amount of brick weed and the gentics seem to be very diversified i even have a red plant but what i am wondering is look at the third pick on first post would u say sativa ?
Did you guys pull off all the fan leaves? Looks like you should get a pretty nice harvest. Some of the best stuff I've ever grown was bag seed. I'd guess most of your plants are in about week 4 or so. What part of the country are you (if you don't mind me asking)?


Well-Known Member
Well pulling all the fans leaf is kinda impossible since they keep growing back lol but for the most part i live in the armpit of the united states our current president was a state senator of this state and we happen to live on the 45 parallel

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
they look really healthy, def. a few more weeks at least. must have come from some pretty good genetics. definatly look good for "bagseed"/"brickweed".