soil vs hydro


Well-Known Member
Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?


Well-Known Member
Umm, I have done all of the above. Hydro is much easier and consistent... Organics can make some killer nugs, too... You can make excellent nugs either way. Miracle grow was my first plant when I was 18 in the late 90s...


Active Member
FF and MG are simple soilless mixes. The FF is "organic" while the MG uses fossil fuel. :razz:


Well-Known Member
Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?

The answer depends upon who is growing the plants more than the method.
What is better for the 15 year old with a learner permit: a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce, or a Hyundai?

With hydro there is a lot to keep track of and understand because you control all of the variables... ...
You still need to adhere to a feeding schedule with foxfarm mixes, but soil is more forgiving and less taxing on the grower as far as the skills required to maintain.....
MG i guess is ready to go, but won't perform as much as FF and their nutes or hydro because it is garbage. It is like mcdonalds for cannabis plants.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?
Absolutely not better. I wouldn't use either of those soils either. Given growers of equal skill, a proper soil grow will have yields every bit equal to those of hydro in both yield and potency. The one factor that cannot be equated tho is the fact that an organic soil grow will have no chemical taste, so in that sense, an organic grow is better than hydro. IMHO (and in the opinion of so many others as well).
This is a debate that almost invariably gets ugly.


Well-Known Member
Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?

NO, the quality of your nuggins is entirely dependent on your ability to provide the best possible environment for you plant, you can do this many different ways, ultimately it is up to what works for you and what is easiest for you to do.


Active Member
Has any one of you used a chemical flavoring agent and if so did it taste like chemicals?


Ursus marijanus
Absolutely not better. I wouldn't use either of those soils either. Given growers of equal skill, a proper soil grow will have yields every bit equal to those of hydro in both yield and potency. The one factor that cannot be equated tho is the fact that an organic soil grow will have no chemical taste, so in that sense, an organic grow is better than hydro. IMHO (and in the opinion of so many others as well).
This is a debate that almost invariably gets ugly.
Personally I think "tastes like chemicals" is a myth. A well-done hydro run will yield impeccable product. I am not saying "hydro is better than soil"; I respect the soil brotherhood too much. But I do not believe that hydro is inherently at a disadvantage.
Yeah, that debate can get icky. You have your religion; I have mine. We both believe in what we do, and I for one am pleased to live, let live and coexist in peace, harmony and enhanced appetite. :D
cheers 'neer


Sector 5 Moderator
Plants do not uptake organic compounds, only inorganic. Simple botany my friends. The taste is determined by the terpenes which are created by the plant itself, not some snake oil. In short, my super lemon haze tastes almost identical to the breeders super lemon haze because of the genetics. Unless I really fucked up, they will be very similar, regardless of the medium I grow in.