Anyone using Advanced Nutrients full Grandmaster line?


Well-Known Member
I talked to Jack Peters about his Bloom formula and he even admitted that it was too high in P. It was developed for the orchid trade many years ago.

I stand by the standard foliage ratio of 9-3-6 and 1-3-2 for bloom, with the understanding that if the bloom induces premature leaf drop (which it will) one needs to be wise enough to switch back to a high N food to maintain healthy foliage.

FWIW, most if not all "cannabis specific" nutes makers do not have it right....exception being for some hydro foods.

Hey Ben,
It can be very difficult for us noobies to tell what is going on with leaves during flower. the only tell I've reallyy figured out is the claw. What does to little nitrogen in flower look like?

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
there is no mention of cannabis anywhere on their official web and print media. Why is that? After all you claim its made for cannabis, cannabids, cannabis but where is it?
I've never seen any product explicitly, out-and-out promote itself for growing weed. Growing weed is illegal. If they came right out and said "Buy our stuff, grow weed with it," they would get shut down. You cannot promote illegal activity [in your advertisements]. By doing that, THEY would be breaking the law.

Next time you go to the hydro store, count how many times you see "Tomatoes" mentioned on the flyers/ boxes etc. You'll wish you had $1 for each time that you did.

Personally The Spouse and I have never used AN. We hear the lovers and the haters on the web and on the street but have yet to see results in person, so we really don't have an opinion.
Peace out y'all
I've never seen any product explicitly, out-and-out promote itself for growing weed. Growing weed is illegal. If they came right out and said "Buy our stuff, grow weed with it," they would get shut down. You cannot promote illegal activity [in your advertisements]. By doing that, THEY would be breaking the law.
Which makes AN hypocrites that won't stand behind their claims through their non official web/print media.

Not to promote these guy but they do mention "medical cannabis" on their own site.


Well-Known Member
What does a chef use? Cake mix from a box or does he have many ingredients to choose from? Using his skill as a chef he/she can make a cake from scratch. You don't have to use advanced but you don't need to use someones 'cake mix' either.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hey Ben,
It can be very difficult for us noobies to tell what is going on with leaves during flower. the only tell I've reallyy figured out is the claw. What does to little nitrogen in flower look like?
Yellowing leaves, premature leaf drop which will result in lower yields.


Well-Known Member
The AN cannabis connection is well established. It doesn't take a monkey more then 5 min on a computer to find that out. They've done many many studies with all kinds of charts from strains like white widow and such. It's all nod and wink.. But that's the way it is with most of them. Behind close doors they'll all tell you they sell to weed growers and it's a lot of hype mix with a few gems. But then again that's capitalism and that's how the game is played. Soda, beer, everything will promise you the world and that you'll be better with their product.

YouTube the "nutrient challenge". Take it with a grain of salt but notice that the number 2 nute in the line up is Super Natural. One of the cheapest most basic of nutrients out there.


Well-Known Member
YouTube the "nutrient challenge". Take it with a grain of salt but notice that the number 2 nute in the line up is Super Natural. One of the cheapest most basic of nutrients out there.
The funny thing about that youtube advertisement is that AN's biggest competitor, General Hydroponics, was awarded 'last place' with the 'lowest THC and yields'. What kind of market share does Super Natural have? Probably very little which is why AN strategically gave them '2nd Place'. According to the shop owners around here, GH is by far their biggest seller, and 'by far' were their exact words.

I've done my own comparisons with nothing to gain either way and AN did pretty poorly

But then again that's capitalism and that's how the game is played. Soda, beer, everything will promise you the world and that you'll be better with their product.
While you sort of have a point here, many companies claim subjective advantages over their competitors, ie. better flavor or you'll look cooler or hot chicks will want to bang you. That's the difference between 'ethical' companies and AN who blatantly makes false claims about their own products and the products of their competitors in order to appeal to the uneducated portion of the market.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what kind of market share supernatural has but they are all getting bigger just by the how large the industry in general is getting.

It is a strange world where you can have douche bags in Ed Hardy shit from head to toe drive'n hummers trying to act like they give two shits about the quality of your medicine.

No one is perfect and I guess that goes for nute companies also. There are some unsung hero's like Bio Bizz and Max Sea Grow and bloom and honestly Super Natural (base) works really well also. Don't recommend AN but it's hard to argue with someone that is happy with their garden and routine. I'm a little high, so, I'm ramble'n. :)


Active Member
In my most humble opinion, that new master line is just a bunch of marketing hype... its all crap..... Growers these days seems to be easy to fool as the anorexic 17 year old looking at a cosmo... please everyone.. use your heads! Look at advanced's labels and the magazine they own "rose bud"....... why the fuck do i need denzel washington on the cover of a hydroponic magazine..


Active Member
I think that AN is obviously doing something right if you have companies like Scot's Miracle Gro looking to produce a line of fertilizers for the medical marijuana industry. I run A&N's Connoisseur as a base with some of there other products with GH's myco, Bacillus, florakleen, and GH's acid and base (when I need it). I also sprang for some emerald triangle additives (bushmaster and gravity) I spent over $600 dollars on my nutes, considerably more than I spent on my method or lighting. I think edude's got the right idea; pick and choose nutes from lines that you like.


Well-Known Member
I run A&N's Connoisseur as a base with some of there other products...
You might want to check out my journal where I tested Connoisseur. At the very least, it'll give you a better idea of what you're working with and what to expect down the road.


Rebel From The North
I feel the pick and what you want for nutes and ive been down the road with AN and consoir and its way over priced for what your geting! sensi a/b or there three
part will give you the same results! there feeding charts suck and all the other shit sucks, stay basic bro I run just the three part with b52/big bud nothing else on
one tent and BC line on the other tent! An one end with a great yield and awsome trichcomes the BC like was a higher yield with a bit less trichcomes. im painfully
waiting for DG to get to my shop to do a run this it. But all in all just stay basic lees is more bro!!


Well-Known Member
Lets just be clear here; there are people exactly like you who tell new growers that they need to spend all their hard earned money on fertilizer. Then there are the 'haters' who tell those same beginners that you can get better results at a fraction of the price. Sounds to me like those 'haters' are actually the ones being helpful.
People exactly like me? No more like me than they are like you. I don't tell people they have to buy one brand over another. I tell people only that I've personally had better experience with one thing or another. I don't run around telling people that everyone who uses a particular product is an idiot, is ignorant, or any of the other "helpful" names you've used.

Oh and I'm still waiting for someone to give me an explanation why AN states their food is the right NPK's for Cannabis yet there is no mention of cannabis anywhere on their official web and print media. Why is that? After all you claim its made for cannabis, cannabids, cannabis but where is it?
I've never seen any product explicitly, out-and-out promote itself for growing weed. Growing weed is illegal. If they came right out and said "Buy our stuff, grow weed with it," they would get shut down. You cannot promote illegal activity [in your advertisements]. By doing that, THEY would be breaking the law.
Exactly. They have to walk a fine line. Advanced Nutrients is the company that sponsors Weeds, that flies the crazy huge bud banner, and as far as I've seen has basically been the most in-your-face of any hydroponics/growing businesses out there. Is it self-serving? Of course. Any business that does ANY charity or ANY service for the greater good and does so publicly is also serving themselves by putting themselves in public view.

Any business that truly does something completely charitable has to do so anonymously or else the act of making the act known makes it less than completely charitable. It doesn't, however, make it less beneficial. Ronald McDonald House does a hell of a lot of good for a hell of a lot of people. It also greatly benefits McDonald's by making the company look good. So they don't run it exclusively because it's the right thing to do. They probably do it mostly because it's the right thing to do, but also because it is great PR.

As I see it Advanced Nutrients does more than pretty much the rest of the industry combined to try to push cannabis, medical marijuana, and the issues surrounding legalization further into the public eye. But if they cross the line and get shut down they can't do anyone any good.

Which makes AN hypocrites that won't stand behind their claims through their non official web/print media.
See above. Let's say some big powerful "War on Drugs" jag-off wants to get his name in the papers and spin a story into a "win" for the so-called war. Well Advanced Nutrients isn't doing anything any more illegal when someone buys their nutes and grows MJ than Ferrari does when someone buys their car and drives 160mph on the highway. Even though you could argue that the Ferrari is clearly designed to go much, much faster than you can legally drive it on the road it's the end user that decides how to use it.

However, should AN or another company cross the line of "here's a product that can be used, among other things, to grow plants like marijuana" to "we know what you're growing, we're selling you this to grow it, and here's a bunch of collaborative stuff between us to help you out" (plus some legal crap I don't know because I'm not a lawyer) and the US Gov can start dusting off RICO to screw you six ways to Sunday. The whole criminal conspiracy thing where they decide that all the growers and the company represent a collaborative effort to break the law and they can charge everyone with every crime they can pin on anyone from the group.

It's designed to take down the Mafia, but they're not above using it to further political goals, like not looking completely impotent in the "War on Drugs" they've been losing badly since they started it.


Well-Known Member
When it comes down to it. Do what works for you!.. You do you and I'll do me. :) I like Coke-a-Cola.. do you see me fighting with those no brain followers that like Pepsi? Just kidding but you get my point.

It's all kind of weird.. some of you take it way too personally if I don't like your nutes.. I still like you, so don't act like I just broke up with you for another girl.

Helpful advice is one thing, nagging brow beating is another and thats when people start throwing the 'hater' thing around. If I was snowboarding and someone noticed I was doing something wrong and gave me their opinion. I'd expect it would be done with a nice tone and with the intent of helping me. Not something like 'only asshole noobs do that, go back to fucking snowboard school.. You're just the kind of noob that buy noobie crap like that..'

my .02 is that we all take the genetics for granted. We act like we or the nutes have everything to do with how the plant turns out. When the truth is, it's predetermined. Your job is to not get in it's way and to let it be what it already wants to be.

I like plants and I like pot. The more people growing the better no matter how you do it. We're all in this together and growing is better than not growing..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
When it comes down to it. Do what works for you!.. You do you and I'll do me. :) I like Coke-a-Cola.. do you see me fighting with those no brain followers that like Pepsi? Just kidding but you get my point.

It's all kind of weird.. some of you take it way too personally if I don't like your nutes.. I still like you, so don't act like I just broke up with you for another girl.

Helpful advice is one thing, nagging brow beating is another and thats when people start throwing the 'hater' thing around. If I was snowboarding and someone noticed I was doing something wrong and gave me their opinion. I'd expect it would be done with a nice tone and with the intent of helping me. Not something like 'only asshole noobs do that, go back to fucking snowboard school.. You're just the kind of noob that buy noobie crap like that..'

my .02 is that we all take the genetics for granted. We act like we or the nutes have everything to do with how the plant turns out. When the truth is, it's predetermined. Your job is to not get in it's way and to let it be what it already wants to be.

I like plants and I like pot. The more people growing the better no matter how you do it. We're all in this together and growing is better than not growing..
Pepsi and Coke cost about the same and induce the same results - personal refreshment. $10 worth of Walmart plant food will produce the same results (if not better) as $600 worth of AN bottled water. That is the point veteran growers are trying to make. Live and learn.

If folks would stop listening to shysters (who understand the psychology of their market group and take advantage of it) and learn plant nutrition and what makes a plant tick....... they would save themselves a lot of grief and money. By and large too many potheads are lazy and gullible.



Well-Known Member
UB, what are some of your favorite dirt cheap, or moderately cheap nute brands? Homebrewer turned me on to dynagro, and I've never looked back.
I've heard of folks using osmocote in hempy buckets with good results.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB, what are some of your favorite dirt cheap, or moderately cheap nute brands? Homebrewer turned me on to dynagro, and I've never looked back.
I've heard of folks using osmocote in hempy buckets with good results.
The label tells all or it should. If the vendor won't make the guaranteed analysis readily available on the label or their website, they're shysters, screw 'em. This fact accounts for about 90% of cannabis specific foods vendors.

Most of your water soluble foods are fine. Peters, Schultz, Walmart (which also contains a surfactant that I like), this isn't rocket science. It's basic plant nutrition.

Osmocote is designed for soil, not hydro. I use a 18-5-8 with micros, 12 month, for about damn near everything I plant, even in native soil. It's best for potted plants.


Active Member
I'm thinking of running the full Advanced Nutrients Grandmaster Line and was looking for opinions from anyone who's used it or is using it. I think it's about $700. so I'm looking for more opinions than the guys trying to sell it to me :lol:. I'll be running Promix w/ worm castings for the medium.

I'm using the Fox farm line with the 3 solubles now and it's ok. I just wanted to try something different this year.

Oh, the mythical Grandmaster lineup. I mean, it's not actually a myth, but it's something that I don't use. And I don't think I'll ever need to use.

I wish.

Here's the scoop that I know, correct me if I'm wrong:

Sensi A&B
Voodoo Juive
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Final Phase
Bud Ignior
Rhino Skin
Scorpion Juice

It's a lot and it's scary to most growers because it's really too much for the average dude who doesn't want ot spend a lot of money or time growing. Like me. But for those who want to grow stellar stuff, it certainly seems to cover as many needs for yoru grow room as possible.

And if you've spend thousands of dollars on your grow room, then why wouldn't you also sepnd that or more on nutrients? I mean, I wouldn't, but why not do it all if you're going to do it it at all?

Now, I don't know why you said 'buyer beware' since you haven't used it before. I though this was goign to be your experience with it. LOL