It's All Bullsh*t


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
very nice i must say but they would of been bigger in a bigger pot im just saying it will slow down groth and yeild u should do a test this year with clones off the same plant fdd one in the ground and another in a 7 gallon pot and see witch ones better plus doesnt root bound lead to nute lock

obviously you didn't see the pics. do those plants look rootbound or nute locked? i got 1.5+ lbs off a plant in a 5 gallon pot. how much more do i need?

i know what happens when you put them in the ground. you run out of room and can't grow as many different strains. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
no disrespect i love ur grows and some of the shit u come up with is just in sane or just plane damn funny ive just looked at every thing u can read on the net by big time growers and watched moves and theyve allways said that and plants should never be kept in a root bound area i beat when u lifted that pot on one of them plants all u saw was a massive root ball right but like i said dude no disrespect ur a great grower id just never keep em in small pots


Well-Known Member
no disrespect i love ur grows and some of the shit u come up with is just in sane or just plane damn funny ive just looked at every thing u can read on the net by big time growers and watched moves and theyve allways said that and plants should never be kept in a root bound area i beat when u lifted that pot on one of them plants all u saw was a massive root ball right but like i said dude no disrespect ur a great grower id just never keep em in small pots

no you are correct. MASSIVE root ball. so what? please explain to me what you mean by root bound. you make it sound like a bad thing. i'm don't what to sound angered or upset. i'm not. i just want to try to get people to understand that half of what they've been told about growing pot is BULLSH*T.

my plants roots are balled up. so what.......................YouTube - Ministry - So What?



nothing but happy times coming from this end. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
funny thing is, the plant that was in the ground......the root ball is still so thick i can't get a shovel thru it to turn the soil. the main stalked was pulled completely out of the ground 4 months ago. is was just as thick as the ones in the pots. so even when they had room they still bound up.


Well-Known Member
yeah i do agree with ya rootbound is not a problem as long as you water it with nutes daily but if its a woods grow u cant do that so they will feed off its self also root bound does lower yeild but u got a good one so noproblems there


Well-Known Member
funny thing is, the plant that was in the ground......the root ball is still so thick i can't get a shovel thru it to turn the soil. the main stalked was pulled completely out of the ground 4 months ago. is was just as thick as the ones in the pots. so even when they had room they still bound up.
yeah they will do that roots more towards the top of the stem will thicken up those i beilve become support roots more for passing water and food throw than actualy drawing in i mean they do just not as much as ur main tap root and nurse roots that are constanly digging looking for water if u dig down farter ull find more roots from ur plant one question was the one in the ground yeild and become bigger than the others


Well-Known Member
yeah they will do that roots more towards the top of the stem will thicken up those i beilve become support roots more for passing water and food throw than actualy drawing in i mean they do just not as much as ur main tap root and nurse roots that are constanly digging looking for water if u dig down farter ull find more roots from ur plant one question was the one in the ground yeild and become bigger than the others

the one in the ground was much bigger yes. i will agree that they will get bigger with more root space but i fully disagree that being root bound is bad. :blsmoke:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
As I remember

FDD, didn't you feed your plants everyday and water 2 times a day?

And wasn't your largest plant BY far in the GROUND...?

And wasn't every plant that was IN a larger CONTAINER give a larger yield except for a few GENETC exceptions...?

EVERY plant I have ever grown that was in a larger container gave a larger yield (when in the same growing conditions as a plant in a smaller conatiner and of the SAME STRAIN)

Small containers are fine but they are not as good as larger containers from my experience and from what I have witnessed.


Well-Known Member
As I remember

FDD, didn't you feed your plants everyday and water 2 times a day?

And wasn't your largest plant BY far in the GROUND...?

And wasn't every plant that was IN a larger CONTAINER give a larger yield except for a few GENETC exceptions...?

EVERY plant I have ever grown that was in a larger container gave a larger yield (when in the same growing conditions as a plant in a smaller conatiner and of the SAME STRAIN)

Small containers are fine but they are not as good as larger containers from my experience and from what I have witnessed.

people keep going on about the size of the plant. if i were trying to grow the BIGGEST plant i would grow it in the ground. yes, bigger pots make bigger plants but smaller pots won't hurt them.

root bound is not a bad thing. that is the point i'm trying to get across. :peace:


Well-Known Member
this is indoors. these plants were flowered at 12 inches or so. i don't think a bigger pot would have made a difference. i could be wrong but it seemed to work.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
people keep going on about the size of the plant. if i were trying to grow the BIGGEST plant i would grow it in the ground. yes, bigger pots make bigger plants but smaller pots won't hurt them.

root bound is not a bad thing. that is the point i'm trying to get across. :peace:

thanks for the clarification

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Maybe I don't know what "root bound" is

TO me, Root bound, is when the roots start to get so tight in a container that they no longer get the proper amount of oxygen water ratio... whatever that ratio may be... and then the roots either get soggy and rot or get dry and water deprived.. this is bad..

I have seen plants that are in containers with roots top to bottom.... and they were doing GREAT ( FDD :) ) -

on a side note..
Larger plants are not better, unless there is adequate light for the PLANT..
