Lace and Frills <3

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
what is it with girls and hello fuckin kitty???? and for that matter how come every time i walk past a hot topic (because i cant go in nymore) now its full of disney shit???? ur not badass unless u like cartoons now days....


Well-Known Member
Did i ask if u found me attractive? do i care? no lol but u can still remove ur pants and shut ur pie hole please ;)
someone else found you attractive. my conversation was with them, not you. ;)

and like i said, for you, my pants stay on.


Pickle Queen
someone else found you attractive. my conversation was with them, not you. ;)

and like i said, for you, my pants stay on.
LMFAO do u not realise how arrogant u sound, u quoted me and directed comments at me, and i not allowed to respond back ??
Please keep ur pants on FDD, honestly ur bitter and always picking on people, i wonder why??


Well-Known Member
LMFAO do u not realise how arrogant u sound, u quoted me and directed comments at me, and i not allowed to respond back ??
Please keep ur pants on FDD, honestly ur bitter and always picking on people, i wonder why??
meta said you were cute. i disagreed.

you popped in and said some shit about me and shutting up and taking off my pants.

it never involved you until you piped in.

i do NOT find you anywhere near attractive. sorry.

bitter? no. i'm embarrassed for grown men who fawn all over ugly chicks on the internet. some of these guys are my "grower friends" and i hate to see them have to fall so low.

i find it "shallow" when women use their "sex appeal" to gain attention. as i've said numerous times now, "show me what you got upstairs". keep calling me names for seeking some intelligence out of women though. it just goes to further prove my point. :)

my wife is HOT. i need to desire nothing else. :cool:


Well-Known Member
WTF...I never said anyone was cute, FDD, I have a girlfriend whom I think is sexy, especially since she's actually here ...I don't really go for internet girlies...Don't drag me into this shit!

I simply will not stand for this slander!
