Dizzle Frost
Well-Known Member
i cant trust a book that was written many years after the fact and that was written in others interpetaion ....to me its jus an old semi fact based novel that they left parts out of and filled them with bbullshit
lol dude, if you are going to post scripture at least post it in context lol. Read all of Luke 19, it is the parable about the Ten Minas.I know what you are saying VILEPLUME, but even Jesus is an iffy character. Anyone who says, “But as for my enemies who did not want me for their king, bring them here and execute them in my presence” (Luke 19:27 NJB) makes me wonder about their motives and true morality. And didn't Jesus teach that the gospel is the true word of god, and that it should be followed? I'm really not trying to fight here, but simply discuss. Thanks for taking the time and being open about it.
true story ; whne it was 1999 and all the bible thumpers thought the world was gonna end, there was mad door to door action with all the sanctions lol.......this old lady (about 65-70 ish) and her grand daughter (about 14ish) knock on my door on a sunday morning ....im still drunk from the nights before and im sleeping buck naked...i go answer the door like this , to my suprise thiers this old lady id still trying to talk to me about god lol....her grand daughter is just staring and all fucking ambarassed and shit....the old lady asks if i talked to god latey...i said look lady, i been calling him all week and he never called me back...she just looked at me ...and turned around grabbed her granddaughter and left all franticlyjohovah witnesses are bad. but i think mormons are the worst. they send all those teenage boys out to talk to people about their religion. its like omg, send someone more qualified. my old neighbor was hilarious.
They showed up one night, we were outside bbq'in, he invites them to stay and eat with us. while me and him aare drinking beer, kissing our wifes, and smell of potsmoke, this nigga straigh up tormented these guys for like 2 hours. he even let them put their fucking dvd in!
if you havent seen that video, ITS HILARIOUS, esp. drunk and high. omg. so in the end, i think they left questioning their faith, rather than us questioning ours. lol
Thought I was going to zap you but I never actually opened the door! Good thing I was already here almost peed on self! But yes word for word which version you read?true story ; whne it was 1999 and all the bible thumpers thought the world was gonna end, there was mad door to door action with all the sanctions lol.......this old lady (about 65-70 ish) and her grand daughter (about 14ish) knock on my door on a sunday morning ....im still drunk from the nights before and im sleeping buck naked...i go answer the door like this , to my suprise thiers this old lady id still trying to talk to me about god lol....her grand daughter is just staring and all fucking ambarassed and shit....the old lady asks if i talked to god latey...i said look lady, i been calling him all week and he never called me back...she just looked at me ...and turned around grabbed her granddaughter and left all franticly
I did creat my own. Your religion is how you grow. So each time I read a Version I try to see where it is directed. But this is funny! So people actually did what I thought better of? I support Legalized Marijuana as a cash crop. So do we share 1 ideal? Or is it all blazing others?i usually just talk with them about religion (or theirs in particular) in general and they never come back(oh im always polite and nice to the poor little lambs
cant really understand how you can take the bible seriously unless you are doing alot of "oh i probably just dont understand that" or "oh it was the times" in your mind.
though the second one rather doesnt make sense, god´s book get´s "out of date" ? Did you take a language in High school? German rearranges most of the sentence structure. That was when I realized translated from Greek to English (OLd) now Modern English. Actually changed very little check the Dead Sea Scrolls against the Hebrew to English translations.
and you do know, people either met god in a dream >How many states of mind do you have?< Know a person that had an angel walk thru them while awake: personal friend.
or he sounded suspiciously like a herbal or fungal hallucination or in some cases, alien visitation (by real fuckheads) described by primitive man.
its impossible to read a all loving all knowing all powerful god out of the god in the bible. Unless you read it?
plus, most of the stories (except for the hebrew tales) are retellings of much older stories (and vastly different in the original telling, noah for one)
so, ok, god, creator, all knowing, all loving and whatnot, love behind it all, great, good. fantastic.
but why the fuck you gotta listen to some old book from the bronze age? why did you choose that particular religion? I read the big old Masonic(only 29 steps then?) family Bible. What did you read as a child?
why did you not create your own?
Stark, you were a JW?? No way!I de-converted a JW last year. (read sarcasm into that. You can't "de-convert" someone, only help them to see something more)They had been coming to my house every second saturday for about two months. I always engaged them as politely as I could, but also never sugar coated anything I had to say. Every time they came, they brought me their literature, and the next time I would go through it and refute pretty much everything in there. Finally I said, "look, you expect me to read your literature, I think it's about time you read mine." After a couple more visits the younger guy came without the old guy, and I convinced him to take my copy of The Greatest Show on Earth.
Never heard from any of them for months. Then the young guy shows up at my door with my book. It wasn't a saturday. He thanked me, and returned the book. Since then we've talked many times, and he is no longer a JW. He is, however, fascinated by the science he was once taught to ignore. In fact he is planning to sign up for some university classes soon! His first choice? Evolution.
.......now if only I could get him to shmoke with me!
How many sentences did you diagram in school? Never understood until I took German language. It is all greek to me until the light comes on. So to me Jesus is the answer to the final question when I shut my eyes the final time.Do you believe in the bible word for word?