Tell Me The Scams You Have Known drug Dealers to do

blazed up

Active Member
Hello people, I am just wondering what kind of scams you have known dealers to do...

I new one dealer who would buy half bars and bars of skunk (Bar = 9 ounces)

sell the whole bar in eigths. 3.5g an eigth for £20.

Keep all the stalks he would get from the bar. He would save up stalks for months and then when he needed to sort someone out a bar of skunk he would get all his stalks which weighed around 1 ounce and grind all the stalk up and put it in with the bar he is sorting for someone then take an ounce of bud out.

worked perfectly and where its such a large amount no one ever new it was stalk


Well-Known Member
That is sketchy as hell!!! Ive known people who will drag there buds over a silk scrren before selling stealing trichs.


The Gardener
Over in the uk and ireland i remember 9 bars of marocon soap bar being cut in to 10 pound deals and sold , double rip of under weight and 80% plant mater

Now the demand is for weed and they have been de-crystalizing the buds for oil and hash b4 it gets imported and cover it with selica saw dust ,sand , cement , light bulb powder , any thing basically that will make the buds look real again ... nasty greedy fckers

And again they even have the cheek to under cut like 2g as a 1/8 of contaminated bud haha
Now regular smokers are coffing up blood and lung problems

the best 1 i can think of is just getting money of some mug for a bar and smoke it all youself


Well-Known Member
Compressed ganja is kak.
The seeds get squashed into it and it tastes foul. All so that they can smuggle it in small places, and store it for a year.


Well-Known Member
mix the proper amount of white liquor and dark liquor into eye drop bottles easy way to make some cash if you go somewhere like bonoorroo where a bunbch of dumb ass custy kids will be begging to thropw money at you ;)

one year when swim was a lot shadier than they are now they made bout 10gs thier in 2 days


Well-Known Member
mix the proper amount of white liquor and dark liquor into eye drop bottles easy way to make some cash if you go somewhere like bonoorroo where a bunbch of dumb ass custy kids will be begging to thropw money at you ;)

one year when swim was a lot shadier than they are now they made bout 10gs thier in 2 days
why white and dark liquor in eye drop bottles? what do the people think it is


Well-Known Member
you mix it to look like kinda dirty liquid acid and have an alchoohol taste like it does with real liquid someone who knows will know but kids at bonooroo dont


Well-Known Member
some dumbass from around here was spraying his shit with windex and made alot of people sick word got out and he got his face caved in


Well-Known Member
When I was in High school, I used to take dry dead grass from underneath the lawn mower and mix it with bud and roll joints with it....Like 25% grass....for every 4 joints I sold it was one free for me....I feel bad about it now:(


Well-Known Member
me and my wife were on our honeymoon in jamica ,and I tried to get a bag from a local guy I gave him 30$ he gave me a potatochip bag with a napkin inn it.It all worked out ,I hooked up with some killer on the bus ride home.


Well-Known Member
me and my wife were on our honeymoon in jamica ,and I tried to get a bag from a local guy I gave him 30$ he gave me a potatochip bag with a napkin inn it.It all worked out ,I hooked up with some killer on the bus ride home.
all u got was a napkin for 30 bucks?


Well-Known Member
i now sum cunts used to wet there dried bud and sell an 1/8 as a q itd rot eventually or summat but he was long gone