Predicted Yield?

Hello! I'm new in this forum and I have started my very first garden! :leaf:

What do you think? They have been fully flowering for 2 weeks, there total life span is 3 months 2 weeks (Very slow growing strain), They are under a 600 watt sodium, they have a fan keeping the air moving, they are in organic soil, they are in 3 gallon buckets, the space is a walk-in with about 5'x4' room. I water them when the soil dries enough which is about every 2 or 3 days, every other watering I feed them a bloom booster. Wondering if anyone could guess how much longer they have till harvest? (My guess was a month and a half) Along with, does anyone have a guess on a projected yield at there size? The strain is Bonfire. It was created by the person that provided the seeds. So there is not any info on the strain online...

(Side note: I am aware foil sucks, but I needed to wait for a harvest to have a investment to line the closet with mylar or foylon (sp?).)



Well-Known Member
those questions are very difficult to answer. I would contact breeder but with that said I would guess they have at least 8 weeks to go and you will yield 1-2 ozs if all goes well. good luck and let us know!


Well-Known Member
you need more help mate, ask here for details, you need a hps mate. believe me, you are looking at only about 15gs a plant sorry mate..


Active Member
you need more help mate, ask here for details, you need a hps mate. believe me, you are looking at only about 15gs a plant sorry mate..
I think by "Sodium" they meant Hps, but I'm not sure.

I think you have at least 60 days to go. And if that is a HPS you will get much more than a half zip a plant, probably at least double that *depending on conditions and strain of course


Well-Known Member
he has them under a 600 watter,he should get alot more than 15 grams a not really liking that foil on the walls,and that dodgy looking reflector tho.
but with that setup and it being your first grow,i reckon you'll get atleast 1.5 Oz from each plant.


Well-Known Member
the more you worry about yields the less yields you are gonna have. best way to increase your yield now is
1. top your plants...
2. veg your plants longer
3. scrog your plants
4. give them 1200-1500ppm of co2
5. adequate nutes and h2o and pH(gradually raise nutes to max threshold)
6. adequate air (size of your room x2 is how much air should be moved)
7. Lighting (3000Lumens for basic/ 6000 for great results)
8. patience.... (this means stop fucking your plants when it doesn't need to be fucked)


Well-Known Member
the more you worry about yields the less yields you are gonna have. best way to increase your yield now is
1. top your plants...
2. veg your plants longer
3. scrog your plants
4. give them 1200-1500ppm of co2
5. adequate nutes and h2o and pH(gradually raise nutes to max threshold)
6. adequate air (size of your room x2 is how much air should be moved)
7. Lighting (3000Lumens for basic/ 6000 for great results)
8. patience.... (this means stop fucking your plants when it doesn't need to be fucked)
i realy liked that...


Active Member
the more you worry about yields the less yields you are gonna have. best way to increase your yield now is
1. top your plants...
2. veg your plants longer
3. scrog your plants
4. give them 1200-1500ppm of co2
5. adequate nutes and h2o and pH(gradually raise nutes to max threshold)
6. adequate air (size of your room x2 is how much air should be moved)
7. Lighting (3000Lumens for basic/ 6000 for great results)
8. patience.... (this means stop fucking your plants when it doesn't need to be fucked)
''the more you worry about yields the less yields you are gonna have''

If this was true I would yield about a gram a plan haha


Well-Known Member
the more you worry about yields the less yields you are gonna have. best way to increase your yield now is
1. top your plants...
2. veg your plants longer
3. scrog your plants
4. give them 1200-1500ppm of co2( it'll be useless unless he/she dials in his grow op ;)
5. adequate nutes and h2o and pH(gradually raise nutes to max threshold)
6. adequate air (size of your room x2 is how much air should be moved)
7. Lighting (3000Lumens for basic/ 6000 for great results)i hope you mean per square meter not overall.
8. patience.... (this means stop fucking your plants when it doesn't need to be fucked) Ditto people will kill their plant due to over taking care of them.
+rep for ya ;)
What are they usually saying about aluminum foil? I dont use it, but what is the negatives behind using it to reflect light?


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil causes heat spots. you can even spray paint your room white for 90% reflectivity. aluminum is only 50-60% reflective. roll of aluminum= $4, can of spray paint: $3-4, knowing the difference: priceless


Well-Known Member
Double sided tape and emergency blankets work good for cheap wall coverage and hold less heat then that foil. I got a 12pak off amazon for $12 free shipping the tape it the expensive part around $5 a roll might need 2 blankets and 2 rolls to do that area or just use a staple gun. Also if you cut up a milk jug or plastic pop bottle they work good as buffers and makes the blanket a little less likely to tare spreads pressure around the staple instead of being only focused at staple. I like them a lot i know they arne't as good as some other coverages but 12 bucks will do that grow at least 6 times 5-10 bucks in tape each time makes it cheap to clean between grows or on a monthly schedule. Im sub'd up buddy looking forward to the show:-) Do you ph your water/feed mixes try to get up a pic of your plants when the hps is off maybe take them in the bathroom or something so we can see in blue light hard to see in that hps but i love HPS bud porn.