Where Can I Make Money?


Well-Known Member
What is a good industry to get involved in that makes a decent salary? I'm a strong, white, healthy, mid twenties young man with a high school diploma and a bit of college, a strong work ethic, I don't call in sick unless I can't get out of bed, and no felonies or anything like that on my record. Wtf can I do to make some money? Construction? Farming? ANYTHING! I'm so sick of making PEANUTS! I have a friend who just got into a car accident and she is making more than I am on disability. I feel like a slave, I feel like 90% of me isn't being utilized.


Active Member
115+ degree weather in 2 full body suits and pants under that. gettin 10 minute lunch breaks to eat a sandwhich with oil all over your face lips so its like eating oil. up at 4 work til dark most of the time and sometimes work 24+ hours.


Well-Known Member
115+ degree weather in 2 full body suits and pants under that. Gettin 10 minute lunch breaks to eat a sandwhich with oil all over your face lips so its like eating oil. Up at 4 work til dark most of the time and sometimes work 24+ hours.
that does sound fucked up...........


Well-Known Member
What is a good industry to get involved in that makes a decent salary? I'm a strong, white, healthy, mid twenties young man with a high school diploma and a bit of college, a strong work ethic, I don't call in sick unless I can't get out of bed, and no felonies or anything like that on my record. Wtf can I do to make some money? Construction? Farming? ANYTHING! I'm so sick of making PEANUTS! I have a friend who just got into a car accident and she is making more than I am on disability. I feel like a slave, I feel like 90% of me isn't being utilized.
I recommend a trade. Plumbing, electrical, and hvac are always in demand. they make good wages even in antiworker states and those skills can help with your grow. its a win win.


Well-Known Member
115+ degree weather in 2 full body suits and pants under that. gettin 10 minute lunch breaks to eat a sandwhich with oil all over your face lips so its like eating oil. up at 4 work til dark most of the time and sometimes work 24+ hours.
yea i feel you but where i live it dont get that hot,maybe over a 100 a couple days out the year.and were ima work its 12 hours a day for a week then a week off.


Active Member
yea i feel you but where i live it dont get that hot,maybe over a 100 a couple days out the year.and were ima work its 12 hours a day for a week then a week off.
we got a day off every once in a while if that. they were always shorthanded so i had to work alllll the time. it was good money for sure but i saw people drop like flies from heat exhaustion and shit like that.


Well-Known Member
we got a day off every once in a while if that. they were always shorthanded so i had to work alllll the time. it was good money for sure but i saw people drop like flies from heat exhaustion and shit like that.
lol damn,yea i here stories allot how it was so shitty.but they got sewed so much it not as bad.


Well-Known Member
I did construction this summer. I was building damns for the government. Sounds shitty but I was running a nice big scrapper with air conditioning. I would just drive to the dirt pile, pick up dirt and then drive on top of the damn and dump it all off. I even listened to my ipod while I worked. I made 12.50 an hour so I can't complain. Woke up at 6 and got in my vehicle at 7am and worked till 7pm or later. Decent money.


Active Member
Any trade could potentially pay well. Some pay better than others of coarse, and some require more schooling than others. I'm a welder by trade and it doesn't require much schooling, just experience. I make 17 an hour now. UNion workers always make more money, any job you get with prevailing wages will make you bank. I'm sure a well experienced union welder making prevailing wages would be upards around 80 bucks an hour. Kinda bullshit since prevailing wage is only on government jobs, I think, which meens it's tax dollars paying it.


Well-Known Member
if you are clean you could work in the oil fields. 21.50$ an hour starting.
How would I go about doing that? I'd gladly get clean to start making some real money, I don't care about the hours. The only thing I care about is earning what I feel like I deserve, nothing more, nothing less.

Working outside in the heat sounds perfect for me!


Well-Known Member
As long as there is a demand for it just pick something you enjoy and become dam good at it and put in lots of time and money will come. Just be good at what you do basically..


Well-Known Member
well i have no ideal where you live so idk how i could help you.But rite now is a great time because they were really slow were i live for the last 2 years now they are busy.Go apply at all the oil companies.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned farming as an option- what about being a stable groom? It's hard (I did 5am to 5 pm) but you'd be amazed at how much they paid the older guys. (Yes, I got treated different for being a girl and temp.) but racing stables especially, take a quick stable management course and get yourself in there. They always need an extra hand.