Lace and Frills <3

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
I think the collar makes it. I'd ditch the wristwatch though ... jarring.
Need some 19th-century ankle boots to complete the ensemble, and pull your hair back like the original Alice woodcuts ... cn
maybe its just the flash and how it looks like one big white blotch....

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL They all don't like the collar because they don't get it's an outfit, a costume if you will. The collar is completely part of the outfit and without it you lose the outfit. :p

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
LOL They all don't like the collar because they don't get it's an outfit, a costume if you will. The collar is completely part of the outfit and without it you lose the outfit. :p
oh....i get just reminds me of the old cartoons where the guys would get excited or somthin and their shirts roll up lol (not the porno i made it sound like)


Pickle Queen

Cameo with black lace bow, pocketwatch (very handy), Gloomy Bear charm and heart necklace my crush gave me before he fucked off to college XP

I wear this shirt thingy for formal stuff

LUV IT!!!! but i also vote u pull ur hair back and in a loose naughty low bun with some face framing long bangs, have u ever straightened ur hair? always looks wavy or curly in ur pix


Well-Known Member
LUV IT!!!! but i also vote u pull ur hair back and in a loose naughty low bun with some face framing long bangs, have u ever straightened ur hair? always looks wavy or curly in ur pix
I could try the bun thing. The closest thing to having it up is usually pigtails for me.


Love the look of those boots. I'd like to find something like my brogues...

...but more bootlike as the ones you posted. Higher heels too, I find higher more comfortable. I love the buckles on the gray ones.


Well-Known Member
I could try the bun thing. The closest thing to having it up is usually pigtails for me.


Love the look of those boots. I'd like to find something like my brogues...

...but more bootlike as the ones you posted. Higher heels too, I find higher more comfortable. I love the buckles on the gray ones.
you look like foxy brown when she was younger.
Anyone ever tell you that before?


Well-Known Member
Aw I love you guys ^^

Dankster and Sr Verde, especially, I haven't seen much of you guys lately- welcome back cuddle for you two and ....

'....' How should I address you? I need a cute nickname for you.

Foxy hmm... *googles* I have photos in a fox costume actually lol. I've been told I look like Tara from True Blood though. Or just referred to as the chinky black girl.