The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
with me its just boredom and habit, although ive got a girlfriend and a kid we live in different towns,(she's 5 miles away) as result i find i'm stuck in the house a lot bored even more so that i dont have a car or lcence right now. so if im needing company i just hit the bozer, the bar staff are all friends and most of the regulars too. i need to find sum other kind of social contact, being on-line is fine for a bit but you need to see human beings now and then. ive tried the full family guy routine but that doesnt work for me, i really need to achieve a bit of balance but then again ive always been a man of extremes, maybe i'll work it out sumtime.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ttt dura sounds to me like your both brothers lol smoke a fat head and man up lads woman neva got u were u are yourself did and i have a funny feelin u love it lol now y would i think that lmfbo
Haha, i'm sensible me, not like nutcase scots. Sensible southern lad :D

You could certainly argue that me and myself put me in my situation, but i could certainly argue that 3 times in succession my girl at the time has run off with my best friend and said a big fuck you i'm sleeping with him. While i don't find any issue with life so to speak, booze works, i sitll do not enjoy i in any shape or form. Having your mentality fucked up to the point that you can no longer keep any friends or speak to women can be a real pain in the arse. Hence a drive to stop with all drinks and such and jsut see if i can become a normal person again. I mean fuck, i've kept in touch with 2 folk because they lived with me in this flat, but other than that i've not had a true friend in going on 6 years. can't handle shit like that nay more.


Well-Known Member
A Paki walks into a library and asks for a book on suicide.

The librarian says, "Top shelf on the left, take all three"

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, what plonkers, shooting someone with an illegal firearm an being caught has to be one less desirable outcomes if in the UK. Evidence of a cannabis farm, what like everything but plants? or?


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, ye cant beat british journalism, the country that created the most popular and expressive language in the world and its fucking hacks cant seem to use the lingo.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah, that was a good breakfast/lunch. Bottle of white, 2 Drumstick bars, half a pack of maryland cookies and some doritos and dip :D With a joint right about in the middle.

I'm always seeing stupid mistakes or questionable ommisions of details in BBC news, imo they're crap, shocker lol


Well-Known Member
well thats the first day of flower for my babies, the four in hydro are about a foot in height and the 3 in dirt between 6 or 8 inches, tight as fuck node spacing and good broad dark green fan leaves, little bit of nute burn on sum older leaves but nuthin to worry about. the hydro all got their res's emptied and everybody got a small feed consisting of bloom, boost and grow, all the Ionics range. the dirt had got a little water and grow yesterday. ive silenced the air pump a bit by stuffin it in a plastic box crammed with polystyrene and topped off with an old felt trilby, even if it doesn't work its the most dashing air pump in britain with a nice taste in ska and blues jazz. also gave them all a healthy spray of DM reverse. temps are around 27.9c and the humidity is around 40%. well thats the work done for a week then another feed and re-pot the dirt plants. just got two essays to do and thats me kinda sorted, jist a case of getting to chrimbo now. its a nice feeling when all your shit is sorted out.


Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I visited my girlfriend's family. They're very religious and her dad forbid us to sleep together.

Which was a shame, because I was very attracted to him.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea how you lot drink all the time , i gave it up ages ago and most stoners i know dont drink .. drinking makes me into someone i dont like ...
most people i know who smoke dont like drinking because of how it affects them especially if smoking.. id never go back to drink id rather wake up hazy for a few minutes than hanging out my arse hung over ....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I only ever get properly drunk and as such hungover friday and saturday, rest of the time i have say half an hour of hangover in the morning then the day is ust the day, i get myself out of bed at 6am to compensate so by work i'm right as rain. Personally smoking holds a degree of appeal, but drinking kicks it's arse in terms of pleasure. It certianly turns me into a bad person i'm not proud of at times, but hey, i'd kill myself from boredom without :p

I also find that smoking and drinking together, ent much better :p


Well-Known Member
nah if your with the right people smoking beats drinking hands down imo ... nothing better than laughing like a child with mates at some completly pointless random crap .... if any off you are into your hardcore , hard dance, dutch gabber type music then have a listen to DJ Brisks monthly podcast , its funny anyway but listen when stoned and you wont stop laughing at stupid random comments n stuff ...