The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
just had to move my crop for a day into the loft i was thinking just give them ther dark time n ther i moved just before lights out

theyl be ok? gunna put em bak at 9pm so theyl been up ther for 12hrs?

be ok hto wont they>?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wtf is a sack lol .. if you mean i £10 deal , i can get like 2 spliff out of a £10 deal so your getting 10 spliffs out the same thats why it dont do anything lol
Think he means dub sacks :p :D You are spot on, when buying, my rule of thumb is that it should equate to £5 a joint.

My male is outtttaaaa there, now i just gotta hope there's smoehting not seeded that i can smoke :lol: right now every calyx there is is full of seed, especially the BSB. Have opted to grow that as my cash cropper, well i didn't decide it's the only thing in the veg tent, so i'm gonna veg it out for the next 6 weeks odd and do one absolute monster scrog in a big ass DWC bucket. Been talking and it looks like i need to somehow raise a further £2500 by Febuary.

Well and truly done it's thing :) should have some nice seeds to take with me over to canada :) Got an email from my friend to say that the weed in whistler atm is rather top noth but well, i'd still rather not pay :p


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's the male cheese cross. I just shoved it back there to die 2 or 3 weeks ago :D There's it's clone also trying to die in the other cabinet. don't have time to make use of em or even find a fem of the cross alas. Patience :)

Although saying that i've a romulan that doesn't look much worse, acidentally left it in a bucket of water ph'd to 3.5 for a week, it got a bit funked.


Well-Known Member
btw i was considering try one the foliar spray feeds, are they any goods? what kinda price are? do they smell? any info and is the stuff out of Dobbies garden centre any good?


Well-Known Member
A man has gone to A & E after a bizarre sex game went wrong leaving him with 6 toy horses stuck up his arsehole..

Doctors have described his condition as "stable."


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. If it wasn't for the Irish, Scottish and English we wouldn't have whitetrash in America. I guess it's in their genes.

Good morning.
and if it wasn't for the aforementioned nations the U.S would be a plague and disease ridden swamp with the indiginous natives kidnapping and robbing for there very survival in a cesspit of depravity and starvation, their very right to exist at the whim of dictators and warlords. ignored and lampooned by the rest of the developed world, there only global exports would be cheap running shoes and hand stitched sports equipment and a large percentage of unwanted daughters would be sold to the sex slave trade......fuck me, THATS MEXICIO!! who'd have guessed??


Fuck it I'm a minge bag. a £20 sack/bag is 2 grams. If I have a few grams I'll get about 3 joints off a gram but if I can onloy get one bag for a few days I just smoke singlke skinners. It's just that it's not as strong as I thought. Back in the day the sensi used to be a bit cheaper and it used to get you twatted.


Well-Known Member
so whats everyone`s "quick get one final crop in for xmas smoke" lineup looking like then? I decided to et rid of the psycho after it not performing for me an am going to run with 8 sweet cheese and at somepoint between now n xmas im gonna buy me some nice seeds methinks


Well-Known Member
hey people i have another question for you all, is it ok if the 2 rounded bottom leafs fall off your plant?
yes its fine, there cotyledons( or however the fuck its spelled) and it doesnt matter a fuck, you'll probably notice the lower down leaves will also slowly go yell and fall off as the plant ages. nuthin too worry bout as long as it only a small number.