Bamm's Walk-In Closet Grow

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Well I switched from distilled water to tap water today so far everything is good..

out of tap 8.6PH 190ppm(oh well fuck it the distilled I bought was 92)
I phed it to 6.5 and put an airstone in it for a few days.. I have a fingers crossed normally I wouldn't experiment with my whole crop but I have a good feeling..


Well-Known Member
What is the method you use to feed. Like I mean how do you prepare the water. Do you just bring the water to the desired ppm with just nutrients?

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
I used advanced nutrients I use their micro/grow/bloom light feeding schedule.. I actually dont ever test the ppm on my water after I mix it=) just before to see my starting point..

Monday I feed nutes, wed-guano and worm casting, friday straight water..

when I prepare it micing it the nutes etc.. I just airate the water the whole time and I try and let it mix pretty good before using.. I think theres about 15different nutrients Im adding at a time..

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
SO the air filter is working well so far.. its been a little colder lately so the exhaust fan hasn't been on quite as much.. but when I opened the door this morning mmmmmm mmmm did it smell sweet adn skunky in there=) I think Im going to write a song entitled
"Im in love with the girls in my closet"

FDD wanna play guitar for me on it=)


Well-Known Member
SO the air filter is working well so far.. its been a little colder lately so the exhaust fan hasn't been on quite as much.. but when I opened the door this morning mmmmmm mmmm did it smell sweet adn skunky in there=) I think Im going to write a song entitled
"Im in love with the girls in my closet"

FDD wanna play guitar for me on it=)
yes. :blsmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
So far I only have that verse down.. I might just do it just cheech did

Got a little done..
"Im in love with the girls in my closet,
There the sexiest, The biggest nugs, the kinda you want to squeeze and toke on....Im in the with the girls in my closet, the so wet and resinny and ready to go...LOLOLOLOLOL

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
I was just looking at the girls closely and I notice some cobwebs on several of the plants mostly on lower branches and leaves?I don't see any bugs but Im a little tired right now..Im suspecting spidermites!!!Any suggestions would be great I need to kill these fuckers and not harm my plants..
Im 8days into flowering


Well-Known Member
The neem oil I use works great. It won't kill the eggs though so you have to keep doing it every 3 days so when they hatch it kills them. Its very safe and organic. I spray mine every 3 days just in case and I haven't had a problem since I started using it..


Well-Known Member
Well I switched from distilled water to tap water today so far everything is good..

out of tap 8.6PH 190ppm(oh well fuck it the distilled I bought was 92)
I phed it to 6.5 and put an airstone in it for a few days.. I have a fingers crossed normally I wouldn't experiment with my whole crop but I have a good feeling..
from what i gather from this post it sounds like you PHing the water b4 you add your nutes..... ya thats a no-no. im not sure what the deal is with AN but my GH nutes lower the PH significantly!!! if your ph is 6.5 than you add full strength nutes it might lower the ph to 5.0 or lower.

so what im saying is to check ph after you add your nutes, and than adjust to 6.5 or w/e your aiming for..

maybe im misunderstanding what your doing/saying here. im just following your grow and trying to help if i can! :peace:


Well-Known Member
SO the air filter is working well so far.. its been a little colder lately so the exhaust fan hasn't been on quite as much.. but when I opened the door this morning mmmmmm mmmm did it smell sweet adn skunky in there=) I think Im going to write a song entitled
"Im in love with the girls in my closet"

FDD wanna play guitar for me on it=)

told ya it'd work!


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at the girls closely and I notice some cobwebs on several of the plants mostly on lower branches and leaves?I don't see any bugs but Im a little tired right now..Im suspecting spidermites!!!Any suggestions would be great I need to kill these fuckers and not harm my plants..
Im 8days into flowering

ARGHHHHHHHHH matey! bloody spidermites! kill em now!

ed ros' zero tolerance!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
from what i gather from this post it sounds like you PHing the water b4 you add your nutes..... ya thats a no-no. im not sure what the deal is with AN but my GH nutes lower the PH significantly!!! if your ph is 6.5 than you add full strength nutes it might lower the ph to 5.0 or lower.

so what im saying is to check ph after you add your nutes, and than adjust to 6.5 or w/e your aiming for..

maybe im misunderstanding what your doing/saying here. im just following your grow and trying to help if i can! :peace:

the AN just change the PH after I add it to the water from what Ive noticed the last two runs...Im going to start checking it again though to be 100% I don;'t wanna fuck anything upthaks guys gng to buy some zero tolerance right now

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
is the neem oil a safer alternative I have some of it and I used it and some dish soap the other day oin a few plants I picked up with a little powder mildew on them took care of it right away.
Does the neem oil work better? I know the zero tolerance always smells really nice though=) LOL


Well-Known Member
is the neem oil a safer alternative I have some of it and I used it and some dish soap the other day oin a few plants I picked up with a little powder mildew on them took care of it right away.
Does the neem oil work better? I know the zero tolerance always smells really nice though=) LOL
either works.

just becareful of using too much with either one!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
I was just reading jorges bible and it says neem works but it can also kill beneficial organisms... argh such decisions..

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Blunts have you used the Neem>? If so tell me how you mixed it.. I wanna be sure Im doing it right I thinking of just using it since its sitting in front of me and Im out of zero tolerance


Well-Known Member
bamm...i would buy two bug bombs. they work and your not that far in flower to hurt anything. im sure the hydro store has them, just ask. i had white flies and tried everything over a six month period..nothing killed them all just slowed the problem. then i said fuck it..bought two bombs from the shop and problem solved never a bug again.