Belief Without Evidence WTF?


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Your "bad" was not paying attention or thinking through your statement.

Looks to me like he made his point directly after your post.
Dont try argue with them Heis, you're a man of logic, these other retards use null-points and bullshit analogous arguments to try rationalise their ridiculous belief in a man sitting on a cloud just because some old book told them to.

As for the helicopters and subs in the Egyptian carvings, guys, you can circle jerk each other all you's want, but its already been proven that water eroded the actual carvings and made them look like that. Search for those pics on a non-nutball site and you'll see theres a perfectly rational explanation for them.

Everytime I go onto one of these threads Im astounded by the stupidity some people display trying to prove their God exists.

"You cant see the wind but its there so God must be real"

"Iv no proof he does exist but have you any proof he doesnt?"

What a load of complete shite, the person making the outlandish claim has the onus of proof on them.

Same as if I said I have a 200 ounce plant growing right now, you fuckers would say "pics or it didnt happen". So what, I turn around and say "you've no proof it doesnt exist so it must be true"?

Get a brain ffs.


Ursus marijanus
Seeing air and seeing wind - my $.02

There are two ways to directly see air, and one of them doesn't even require space travel.
The one that does involves refraction. Anyone ever see that magnificent bit of video of a moonrise from orbit? The moon is squashed and offset by the prism effect of the deep stratified blister of air between moon and camera.
The one that doesn't involves looking straight up into blue sky. That blue light is scattered by molecular air.

The closest I've come to seeing wind is watching mirage, a special case of a way to visualize minute differences in refractivity that reaches its technical pinnacle in "schlieren" photography. Schlieren is a German word to describe heat shimmer, and looking at mirage through binoculars gives me a powerful sensation of seeing the wind's shape and texture.

It can be argued that this isn't seeing wind or air. Heisenberg has pointed out that this amounts to semantic hair-splitting. If for the moment, in the service of argument, I agree that this isn't seeing wind or air, I will say with confidence that i am seeing direct consequences of wind and air that vcannot be caused by anything else.

To socaldrums I'll say this: finding an equally direct way to demonstrate and characterize the presence, properties and actions of the supposed divine is not a simple problem ... indeed it has defeated some really rather good thinkers and observers for thousands of years. If you claim to have one, one of two situations obtains:
1) You're in possession of something revolutionary.
2) You're in error.
If you're willing to share evidence for 1) without becoming impatient because someone is doing a good job of disqualifying the analogy in your first post on the topic, I invite you to do so. Otherwise, the polite thing to do is to admit that you've been a bit irascible ... and to entertain the possibility of 2).
But your contribution must pass the test of immediacy and unambiguity. The classical arguments for, say, intelligent design (a personal favorite being the statistical rats'-nest called Fine-Tuned Universe), do not. cn


Well-Known Member
Dont try argue with them Heis, you're a man of logic, these other retards use null-points and bullshit analogous arguments to try rationalise their ridiculous belief in a man sitting on a cloud just because some old book told them to.

As for the helicopters and subs in the Egyptian carvings, guys, you can circle jerk each other all you's want, but its already been proven that water eroded the actual carvings and made them look like that. Search for those pics on a non-nutball site and you'll see theres a perfectly rational explanation for them.

Everytime I go onto one of these threads Im astounded by the stupidity some people display trying to prove their God exists.

"You cant see the wind but its there so God must be real"

"Iv no proof he does exist but have you any proof he doesnt?"

What a load of complete shite, the person making the outlandish claim has the onus of proof on them.

Same as if I said I have a 200 ounce plant growing right now, you fuckers would say "pics or it didnt happen". So what, I turn around and say "you've no proof it doesnt exist so it must be true"?

Get a brain ffs.
Heis is not arguing anything about religion in the post you quoted him on.

What bullshit are you talking about? We say we believe, we don't say it's fact. I have never seen someone say on RIU that it's a fact god is real. And not every religion bases their god on a man sitting on a cloud, so do a little research before you begin judging people. Some religions don't even have a god.

Circle jerk? Wow I'm now convinced you hide in the closet. I don't see how sharing pictures is anything like your favorite hobby. And if water erosion changed the pictures to look like helicopters then how can we still read their writings in their language if water erosion had such a drastic impact on their carvings? And are you trying to deny that they had contact with higher beings? You seem to think only "rationally" which is a mistake many people make. Great scientist throughout history have though irrationally and have discovered things nobody thought of. You should be more open minded and stop judging others because you have a different belief.

What stupidity? You show no sign of intelligence, all I see is you bitch and complain all the time. Besides where's the stupidity? I see belief but no stupidity. Is that it? You just think because someone follows a religion they're stupid?

Again we don't need proof just like you don't need proof. If you want proof become an archeologist and find some proof. We don't have to prove shit to you because we only have faith. That's it, that's all we have. But that still doesn't make us stupid. How do we not have a brain? I've said this before to you but I'm 100% positive there's a bunch of religious scholars who would kick your ass in any debate so fuck off and stop talking shit about religious people.


Well-Known Member
Heis is not arguing anything about religion in the post you quoted him on.

What bullshit are you talking about? We say we believe, we don't say it's fact. I have never seen someone say on RIU that it's a fact god is real. And not every religion bases their god on a man sitting on a cloud, so do a little research before you begin judging people. Some religions don't even have a god.

Circle jerk? Wow I'm now convinced you hide in the closet. I don't see how sharing pictures is anything like your favorite hobby. And if water erosion changed the pictures to look like helicopters then how can we still read their writings in their language if water erosion had such a drastic impact on their carvings? And are you trying to deny that they had contact with higher beings? You seem to think only "rationally" which is a mistake many people make. Great scientist throughout history have though irrationally and have discovered things nobody thought of. You should be more open minded and stop judging others because you have a different belief.

What stupidity? You show no sign of intelligence, all I see is you bitch and complain all the time. Besides where's the stupidity? I see belief but no stupidity. Is that it? You just think because someone follows a religion they're stupid?

Again we don't need proof just like you don't need proof. If you want proof become an archeologist and find some proof. We don't have to prove shit to you because we only have faith. That's it, that's all we have. But that still doesn't make us stupid. How do we not have a brain? I've said this before to you but I'm 100% positive there's a bunch of religious scholars who would kick your ass in any debate so fuck off and stop talking shit about religious people.
Have you actually read the rest of this thread? Its packed full to the brim with people claiming God is real and anyone who denies him/her/it is wrong.

Click out of this thread back to the subforum, look at how many dumb religious threads there are slamming people who choose not to believe in something which is neither provable or unprovable.

There are even people on this thread that tried to say that because we cant see the wind but it exists that God exists.

Also I never said the Egyptians didnt have any contact with aliens or whatever, just that the carving you have does not show helicopters, it may appear to, but it has been explained away by archaeologists time and again... Google the term "palimpsest".

Faith is ok, organised religion is stupid...and claiming the existance of God as fact purely from faith is stupid also.

A religion without a God is more of a moral or belief system, not a religion. Like Buddhism for example.

Im not an athiest, Im agnostic and I simply believe that speculation in matters of faith is wasteful as it is neither provable nor unprovable. People are entitled to their faith, but to claim it as fact (like many on this very thread have) is stupid and offensive to anyone of logic and even vague intelligence.

Here hypocrite, not claiming it as fact no?

No god wants us to be with him. He doesn't punish us but we reject heaven by "sinning" so yeah that's that. I'm not sure if the devil tortures anyone because him himself is the one tortured most of all.


Well-Known Member
Have you actually read the rest of this thread? Its packed full to the brim with people claiming God is real and anyone who denies him/her/it is wrong.

Click out of this thread back to the subforum, look at how many dumb religious threads there are slamming people who choose not to believe in something which is neither provable or unprovable.

There are even people on this thread that tried to say that because we cant see the wind but it exists that God exists.

Also I never said the Egyptians didnt have any contact with aliens or whatever, just that the carving you have does not show helicopters, it may appear to, but it has been explained away by archaeologists time and again... Google the term "palimpsest".

Faith is ok, organised religion is stupid...and claiming the existance of God as fact purely from faith is stupid also.

A religion without a God is more of a moral or belief system, not a religion. Like Buddhism for example.

Im not an athiest, Im agnostic and I simply believe that speculation in matters of faith is wasteful as it is neither provable nor unprovable. People are entitled to their faith, but to claim it as fact (like many on this very thread have) is stupid and offensive to anyone of logic and even vague intelligence.

Here hypocrite, not claiming it as fact no?
No it's not fact dumbass. Do you take everything people say as fact? They were asking hypothetical questions so I gave then a hypothetical answer. I don't believe what I posted, that's just some peoples beliefs of Satan. Again how is that being a hypocrite?

I'm just saying that you should shut the fuck up if you're gonna group every religious person together and call the stupid as a whole, you judgmental prick.


Well-Known Member
No it's not fact dumbass. Do you take everything people say as fact? They were asking hypothetical questions so I gave then a hypothetical answer. I don't believe what I posted, that's just some peoples beliefs of Satan. Again how is that being a hypocrite?

I'm just saying that you should shut the fuck up if you're gonna group every religious person together and call the stupid as a whole, you judgmental prick.
If something isnt fact or at least somewhat grounded in fact, then why say it at all?

Simple question, is God real or not?


Well-Known Member
If something isnt fact or at least somewhat grounded in fact, then why say it at all?

Simple question, is God real or not?
I BELIEVE he is real but there are no facts that he is.

Simple question for you, how was the world made?

If you can answer that question with fact then I will drop my religion right now.
So everything you have ever said or posted was a fact? Damn that's awesome; that means you have never voiced your opinion.

"these other retards use null-points and bullshit analogous arguments .." << that is not fact, yet you say it. But using your logic that means you claim it is fact. See that's hypocrisy right there. You say that others shouldn't say things as fact. You say others shouldn't say anything at all unless it's fact, but you think it's ok to state false statements.


Well-Known Member
I BELIEVE he is real but there are no facts that he is.

Simple question for you, how was the world made?

If you can answer that question with fact then I will drop my religion right now.
So everything you have ever said or posted was a fact? Damn that's awesome; that means you have never voiced your opinion.

"these other retards use null-points and bullshit analogous arguments .." << that is not fact, yet you say it. But using your logic that means you claim it is fact. See that's hypocrisy right there. You say that others shouldn't say things as fact. You say others shouldn't say anything at all unless it's fact, but you think it's ok to state false statements.
So how can you state to genuinely believe in him but not state as a fact that he is real? You either believe in him or you dont.

Iv backed up everything Iv said and showed links, etc. How is anything Iv stated false?

Science has shown how the world was made btw, big bang, gravity drawing clouds of dust together, Earth cooled down...look it up yourself, why should I have to explain it to you?


Well-Known Member
So how can you state to genuinely believe in him but not state as a fact that he is real? You either believe in him or you dont.

Iv backed up everything Iv said and showed links, etc. How is anything Iv stated false?
Like how you said some people on here are retard, that's not fact, yet you said it. To prove it was fact is to show papers showing their mental illness, but for now it's just an opinion. So why should everyone else only get to post facts while you get to post opinions? I said I believe him, I also said I have no facts. How is this not getting through to you?


Well-Known Member
Again Im done with this, same reason as other thread. Your arguments are completly void of logic and your arguing little pathetic details like how my posts are written as opposed to responding to the actual content. Its a lack of comprehension I think so peace, enjoy.


Well-Known Member
these other retards use null-points and bullshit analogous arguments to try rationalise their ridiculous belief in a man sitting on a cloud
calling others retards while you yourself cannot spell is very intelligent! What bullshit arguments have been made about what each individual believes on here? What rationalizations have we done on here to prove anything to you? Who are you, that we must prove something to you?

Im astounded by the stupidity some people display trying to prove their God exists.
Who has tried to prove anything? You are the one demonstrating your great stupidity brother.

You cant see the wind but its there so God must be real"
you are retarded if you actually gave that any thought.

it's "SHIT" jackass!

the person making the outlandish claim has the onus of proof on them.
shut the fuck up brother. Outlandish claims... You are the one going off on your little rants and diatribe blibber blabber bullshit brother. Heph has made some really good points and you have nothing to say to them except your stupid attacks and foul language. You treat others the way you wish to be treated, so fuck you.

So what, I turn around and say "you've no proof it doesnt exist so it must be true"?
Get a brain ffs
Its packed full to the brim
"full to the brim"? Apparently you have not read this thread yourself jackass. This thread is filled with great points made by intelligent individuals who enjoy good debate. You come along and fuck shit up for everybody spewing your stupid religion hatred around here like you're some john fucking wayne! GTFOH!!!!!

God is real and anyone who denies him/her/it is wrong.
straw man fallacy... no one has ever said that to anyone on here. We value each others opinions and respect them. You on the other hand, you think you are some billy badass who can piss all over peoples beliefs. Do that in real life and see what happens brother. you treat others the way you wish to be treated, so fuck you.

look at how many dumb religious threads there are slamming people who choose not to believe
slamming people? LOL my fucking ass off!!!! I beg to differ, there plenty more hate driven anti religious threads on here then what your stupid statement says.

we cant see the wind but it exists that God exists.
again, if you gave that any thought, you are retarded sir...

claiming the existance of God as fact purely from faith is stupid also.
why is it stupid? It is stupid that you state " the existence of God as Fact" when no one has said that. Do you not have preferences? If you do, Fuck your stupid preferences asshole, they are stupid as shit.

Im not an athiest, Im agnostic and I simply believe that speculation in matters of faith is wasteful as it is neither provable nor unprovable. People are entitled to their faith, but to claim it as fact (like many on this very thread have) is stupid and offensive to anyone of logic and even vague intelligence.

If something isnt fact or at least somewhat grounded in fact, then why say it at all?
why are so many theories accepted when they have yet to be tested or proven? shut up with your stupid logic brother.

So how can you state to genuinely believe in him but not state as a fact that he is real? You either believe in him or you dont.
you are really stupid dude, you make no sense whatsoever...

why should I have to explain it to you?
Cause you are the asshole making your stupid asshole statements about peoples beliefs and asking us "if we believe or we dont?"

Science has shown how the world was made
science has not proven the origins of AIDS/HIV

Your arguments are completly void of logic and your arguing little pathetic details
Man, you want everyone on here to think you are some highly intelligent and mature individual, when all you have done is demonstrate your stupidity and immaturity. Just cause you trade posts with heis doesnt mean you are some really smart person dude. heis is, you aint.. get it, got it, good

Its a lack of comprehension I think
this is the best statement you have said so far, you contradict yourself and accuse others of a "lack of comprehension.?


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
aight dude im askin you what kinda proof do you have that god doesnt exist?
of course i cant prove A god does not exist the same as i cant prove the bogey man , bigfoot , fairys , witches , goblins etc etc etcdont exist , but that in no way gives anny credibilty for them existing , to prove something exists you have to provide evidence for it . it really cant be any simpler .
Do you even realise how stupid your logic is here ? i could state that an invisible planet exists right next to our own wich i visit regulary , and you cant prove that it does not exist , so it is true ner ner ner ner lol its so stupid its funny .and if that what you base your beliefs on i feel really sorry for you lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
the best thing about all these threads is, after all the arguing and going round in circles ( with certain people ) there still ISNT ONE SINGLE SCRAP OF EVIDENCE BEEN PUT FORWARD FOR THE EXISTANCE OF ANY GOD , LOL


Well-Known Member
yo douche bag, did you ask you mum for evidence that she was your mum? clearly you would have asked her, a man of your knowledge when of age would have questioned if your mum was your mum, as for your dud and so on. SO did you ask for evidence?

of course i cant prove A god does not exist the same as i cant prove the bogey man , bigfoot , fairys , witches , goblins etc etc etcdont exist , but that in no way gives anny credibilty for them existing , to prove something exists you have to provide evidence for it . it really cant be any simpler .
Do you even realise how stupid your logic is here ? i could state that an invisible planet exists right next to our own wich i visit regulary , and you cant prove that it does not exist , so it is true ner ner ner ner lol its so stupid its funny .and if that what you base your beliefs on i feel really sorry for you lol


Well-Known Member
the faggot high is a douche and is pretty stupid. Dont mind him any attention as that will increase its activity around here... last time everyone stopped exchanging with it and it left to feed somewhere else...

and i also havent seen one piece of evidence that god doesnt exist so until then you're just goin around in circles yourself


Well-Known Member
yo douche bag, did you ask you mum for evidence that she was your mum? clearly you would have asked her, a man of your knowledge when of age would have questioned if your mum was your mum, as for your dud and so on. SO did you ask for evidence?

Originally Posted by ThE sAtIvA hIgH
of course i cant prove A god does not exist the same as i cant prove the bogey man , bigfoot , fairys , witches , goblins etc etc etcdont exist , but that in no way gives anny credibilty for them existing , to prove something exists you have to provide evidence for it . it really cant be any simpler .
Do you even realise how stupid your logic is here ? i could state that an invisible planet exists right next to our own wich i visit regulary , and you cant prove that it does not exist , so it is true ner ner ner ner lol its so stupid its funny .and if that what you base your beliefs on i feel really sorry for you lol


Well-Known Member
of course i cant prove A god does not exist the same as i cant prove the bogey man , bigfoot , fairys , witches , goblins etc etc etcdont exist , but that in no way gives anny credibilty for them existing , to prove something exists you have to provide evidence for it . it really cant be any simpler .
Do you even realise how stupid your logic is here ? i could state that an invisible planet exists right next to our own wich i visit regulary , and you cant prove that it does not exist , so it is true ner ner ner ner lol its so stupid its funny .and if that what you base your beliefs on i feel really sorry for you lol
lol all i see is you givin no proof of what you believe, but you're askin everyone that does believe to give proof that god does exist which to me is a dumbass logic. and you continue to talk shit like oh yea nobody can prove to me that god exists, but you're just as bad as a person that believes in god with no proof because you dont believe in god with no proof. dont question my logic dude because the logic you're showin is stupid as hell to be honest


Well-Known Member
the best thing about all these threads is, after all the arguing and going round in circles ( with certain people ) there still ISNT ONE SINGLE SCRAP OF EVIDENCE BEEN PUT FORWARD FOR THE EXISTANCE OF ANY GOD , LOL
Most Pagan gods do exist. And I talked about it already. The personification of gods, was just a way for the people that understood phenomenon, to explain it to the masses, who would NEVER understand. They had to give the lightning, wilderness, sun, and earth human attributes, so that the common people could understand and relate emotionally to the forces being presented to them.
So the gods htemselves (Zues, Pan, Aphrodite) aren't REALLY sitting in the clouds, but they do describe REAL phenomenon, that used to be called "Gods".