Hello all my fellow happy tokers,
As you all may know Dr. Ron Paul, the creator of the bill that, if passed , would have removed canabis from the Schedule I of Controlled Substances under the Controlled Substances Act, is currently running for nomination on the GOP ticket for the 2012 Presidential Election. If you REALLY value your individual liberties, I STRONGLY urge you to vote for Dr. Paul in your State Primaries. He has said that he will not only legalize marijuana, he will repeal the Patriot Act, bring our troops home once and for all, and do away with the IRS and rampant taxation.
I will be voting for him. And since everyone on this form smokes marijuana I expect that you all will do so to make your harmless activities legal in the US. It's been nearly 70 years; let's not make it 71!
As you all may know Dr. Ron Paul, the creator of the bill that, if passed , would have removed canabis from the Schedule I of Controlled Substances under the Controlled Substances Act, is currently running for nomination on the GOP ticket for the 2012 Presidential Election. If you REALLY value your individual liberties, I STRONGLY urge you to vote for Dr. Paul in your State Primaries. He has said that he will not only legalize marijuana, he will repeal the Patriot Act, bring our troops home once and for all, and do away with the IRS and rampant taxation.
I will be voting for him. And since everyone on this form smokes marijuana I expect that you all will do so to make your harmless activities legal in the US. It's been nearly 70 years; let's not make it 71!