The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i ordered a deep fried pizza about an hour ago and its not arrived yet! WHERES MA FUCKIN PIZZA YA GREASY WEE WOP CUNT???


Well-Known Member
post a pic of a deep fried pizza ... im intriged
i will, when the fucker arrives...its just plain cheese and tomato pizza thrown into a deep fryer. you can get ones battered and then deep fried as well, there fuckin great! but ah wasnt that hungry.


Well-Known Member
i will, when the fucker arrives...its just plain cheese and tomato pizza thrown into a deep fryer. you can get ones battered and then deep fried as well, there fuckin great! but ah wasnt that hungry.
Sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen.


RIU Bulldog
oh'll both be sorely fat dead smug unfunny wanker and a retarded yank...the worlds collective IQ will undoubtedly increase. RIP.
I think sobriety has made you soft.

Yeah, that sounds fucking foul.
Would you expect any less from the guys that invented the deep-fried candy bar?

If you ask subcool what strain he'd recommend to anyone who's never tried TGA genetics, he always says Vortex first followed by Querkle. Vortex is next on my list of TGA gear....but that's easy for me to say cause I'm growing Plushberry atm.



Well-Known Member
couldnt get a pic, bloody cameras playin up again, my son dropped it down the bog a few weeks ago and its tempramental. pizza was good, christ i was bloody starving!


Well-Known Member
i will, when the fucker arrives...its just plain cheese and tomato pizza thrown into a deep fryer. you can get ones battered and then deep fried as well, there fuckin great! but ah wasnt that hungry.
still waiting .. man id tell them where to fucking go !


Well-Known Member
Im done now to go kill myself and ricky gerasis or WHATEVER THE FUCK HIS NAME iS SEE YOU ON THE 10 o clock NEWS FUCK YEAH IMA BOUT TO MaKE HISTORY
oh'll both be sorely fat dead smug unfunny wanker and a retarded yank...the worlds collective IQ will undoubtedly increase. RIP.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Im done now to go kill myself and ricky gerasis or WHATEVER THE FUCK HIS NAME iS SEE YOU ON THE 10 o clock NEWS FUCK YEAH IMA BOUT TO MaKE HISTORY
Sorry, history has already been made
better luck on your next quest though

Although no, shops are till open, chocolate toast, i think it might have to be done.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, history has already been made
better luck on your next quest though

Although no, shops are till open, chocolate toast, i think it might have to be done.
chocolate toast listening to chocolate rain pmsl !
well the 2 exo x dreamtimes i germ'd awhile back are now showing sex tt , the one that had more sativa style leaves is a male and the shorter more indica one is a female , going to just let the female stay on 12/12 and see what happens , think im going to have to chop the male as nothing to pollinate at minute and short of room , there only in pots the size of partcups anyway so not expecting abig yield but rather a nice bud of something diff ... psycos are on 12/12 anyway so might aswell let it do its thing :)
am i the 1st to have one in flower thats female mate ?