WATERFARM SCROG!!!! ..first frightening waterfarm grow....Dr.Amber Frankenstien

I think I have 22" from bucket to light. Either that or 26" You should be fine. Why do you have your waterfarm elevated so high? Ease of refilling I assume. Mine is only 2" from the ground, it isn't easy to drain it but I came up with a clever little system.
I think I have 22" from bucket to light. Either that or 26" You should be fine. Why do you have your waterfarm elevated so high? Ease of refilling I assume. Mine is only 2" from the ground, it isn't easy to drain it but I came up with a clever little system.

high shimsters, yes my first attempt at emptying the res.. i was dumbfounded at how to empty the res .. so this bump up on the this particular bucket i had was my solution. Can you tell me about your clever little system.lol?
OOOWTtt .... amber frankenstien
Since it's only 2" off the ground. I take an empty gallon jug and use that, I lay the jug on it's side and when it's about 1/2 way full I empty it into a big pan, do that a few times and it's almost empty. It's pretty difficult to get every little bit out. You have to tip the waterfarm a little to get all of it out.
hmmm , i see , very clever.. i do have concerns with my bucket height.....with my clumbsiness and having the pot up as high as i do. if i knocked the plant over i would be sooooooo upset.. thanks for the imput shimy
Yeah, I think my waterfarm is 2.5 inches up, maybe 3. I just drain it into an empty seedling tray. Long and flat. Totally does the job.
Could you not create a syphone effect with a hose? May require something to start the sucking process, but as long as the container it's emptying into is lower then gravity will do all the work, you just need to give it a suck to help it on it's way.

I made a real school boy error the other day and overwatered 3 of my dogs that were in a tray, christ knows what I was thinking but the next thing I know water and soil are pouring over the edge of the tray down the freaking walls and I am like, fuk me if I lift this off the top shelf the whole lot is just going to spill over everything, so I jammed a hose in it and started sucking like a 2 dollar hooker. Has anyone else sucked dirty nute laced coco water through a hose before. I can tell ya it ain't nice, lol. I got the tray drained though...I think I have pretty much fucked 3 of the DOGs though....was having a moment is all!!!
Looking good dr amber been lookin at runnin multiple waterfarms for a bit for the lazyness of it lol so ill be keeping tabs on this grow!! Subbed up and watching carefully
Ok i'm in Amber, and this time i mean it! I have NO idea why my sub for your last journal didn't go through but either way i missed it. The set up looks fat though! I see some nice lumatek ballasts in there and some craaaaazy ventilation system goin on! This should be a pretty fat grow. Might give a waterfarm a go next time round. Sub'd nd double sub'd.
hey Dr.Amber Frankenstien, im glad that i found this thread :) I ve always to start hydro it will be waterfarm ! first fo all you have a nice grow tent...im gonna watch and learn from you...

subbed and +rep

happy growing and peace

Hi Everyone. Its a pleasure to have you all here with me.. I have MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE RESPECT for everyone that has subbed to this journal thus far making this a really really amazing for me..I hope that i can produce for you all.. I will try my best!
Thanks again, for all the great ideas and suggestions, product information.. Dropa, shim, Kriz, DST..(man i feel for ya mate) .... (2 dollar hooker...hahahahha you had me laughing dstie, good one!!!!! i like how you can find humor in even the worst of situations.. i admire that):joint::peace:RIP DOGGIE DOGS.
hello to everyone new that i havent chatted with yet..i appreciate your interest and support and any helpful advise, positive constructive critisim is welcome.:mrgreen:

Im going to attempt to get my 6in Heavy ass exhaust fan up on my cieling tonight to get the ducting straighter.. this is a task i have been dreading but I need to step up to the plate and do this.. watch this space..
I ordered my new oscillting fan and washing the fuck out of the pebbles.
Got my new airpump at PETSMART(thanks shimsters for that)
will be drilling more holes in the bottom of the pot .. again awesome feedback from dayzt, kriz)
take it easy
dr. amber frankenstien.. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: