Why Are People Anti-Religious?

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Sector 5 Moderator
Why are people anti-religious? It makes no sense to me except if you are trying to excuse yourself to justify your own unbelief. I don't believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause or the easter bunny but I've never seen people devoted to destroying kids beliefs in them. If you don't believe in God, whatever; I'm sure He is not wringing his hands over your decision. But why are some of you doing your best to destroy other peoples faith?

Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated.

It's very understandable that some have an axe to grind with God's "children"; there is a reason for that; it's called "religion". People that have religion do not necessarily have God. In fact, they are often the biggest hindrance to other people's quest to find God. So is it God you're mad at, or is it really the misguided, religious nut jobs pretending to know God?
Be prepared to be reminded of the crusades. I wish you luck on not getting flamed, you're gonna need it lol.

Some religions deserve to be made fun of while others don't. But many people think that judging different religions is just black and white. Many people look at religion as a whole, and sadly, as a whole religion is more negative than positive.
I totally agree Hep. The crusades are a good case in point. The Catholics claim to believe in the God of the Bible, yet they gutted everything Jewish from their religion and replaced it with their own "stuff". You can't kill hundreds of thousands of believers "in the name of Christ" without a lot of blowback. Murder is a sin; there is no getting around that from any point of view.
People die based on a belief that can't be substantiated so ignorant people can feel comfortable believing an illusion. It's not right and I'll do everything I can my whole life to see that it changes.
A religion that is based on faith is not supposed to be substantiated. So your point is moot.
this thread would be better if it wernt coming from a religous point of view. though i do understand and agree with what you said about destroying other beliefs.

Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated.

but then you have to say that^ now your pushing religion and in my opinion is just as bad. i dont want to hear it, if i did i would go to church. just like you dont want to here me say he isnt real.

by the way i have come to belive that "god" isnt "god". god was aliens! i know eh crazy. i watch this show called ancient aliens its nut. it proved to me people did witness miracles. just not becasue of a god, but because they were aliens with advanced knowledge. haha this show is awesome check it out.
this thread would be better if it wernt coming from a religous point of view. though i do understand and agree with what you said about destroying other beliefs.

but then you have to say that^ now your pushing religion and in my opinion is just as bad. i dont want to hear it, if i did i would go to church. just like you dont want to here me say he isnt real.

by the way i have come to belive that "god" isnt "god". god was aliens! i know eh crazy. i watch this show called ancient aliens its nut. it proved to me people did witness miracles. just not becasue of a god, but because they were aliens with advanced knowledge. haha this show is awesome check it out.
I used to watch this game that my Dad would play, in it you're this guy with a ship, and you travel to other lands. I'm not sure what this game was called, this was back in the early 90s. But sometimes the natives attack you, and you can use "magic" to scare them off. It was just a firecracker that shot off a bunch of colours. Doesn't necessarily have to be an alien, just someone with new technology that can woo people.

Seriously? People are anti-religious because they see the harm that religion causes. Not only belief in superstition but religion teaches that belief without evidence is a positive attribute. It is the antithesis to critical thinking and hinders children (and many adults) from learning good critical thinking skills. It teaches intolerance to gays, lesbians and women as well as intolerance toward anyone that believes differently. It subverts due process in government and infects our schools with fairy tales trying to masquerade as science. It foster war and allows some people to strap bombs to themselves and to fly planes into skyscrapers. It is what allows parents to let their own children be executed on the charge of witchcraft.

some people see religion for what it is, a device of control.To use something as intangible as the idea of God and all that he has been touted,as a way to gain manipulative leeway on people who want to have hope.It is the way society has come to be,through order and control they bring about nations of ideals and ideology.Because without it chaos reigns and there would be no established hierarchy of any people.Then you have the "zealots" pushing the indoctrination onto others who dont believe,making some angry while converting others at the same time.It is a matter of observing simple truth over something that somebody is telling you that you should be believing.Thus look at what teaching religion dose to people in third world countries,it turns them into soldiers of god,placed into holy wars continuing the bloodshed.I personaly dont mind religious people but if they try pushing ideals onto me that i already dont believe in then i will explain with simple truth that there religion is an illusion for control and that what youre doing is wrong because it endangers a person to permanently be blinded to the truth of natural law and the order in which phenomena occurs.All i wish upon religious people is to open their minds to the possibility that what they believe in could be their own deception,keep an open mind for reason and not to follow blindly if they must follow.
Why are people anti-religious? It makes no sense to me except if you are trying to excuse yourself to justify your own unbelief. I don't believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause or the easter bunny but I've never seen people devoted to destroying kids beliefs in them. If you don't believe in God, whatever; I'm sure He is not wringing his hands over your decision. But why are some of you doing your best to destroy other peoples faith?

Some of you want "proof" of God. The proof is everywhere but fools can not and will not be allowed to see it; that's the way it works. Only those that come to God with a true, seeking heart will find him; He will not be manipulated.

It's very understandable that some have an axe to grind with God's "children"; there is a reason for that; it's called "religion". People that have religion do not necessarily have God. In fact, they are often the biggest hindrance to other people's quest to find God. So is it God you're mad at, or is it really the misguided, religious nut jobs pretending to know God?

my question is, ... "how come one of my best buddies, of over 7 years, cuts off all ties with me because he has suddenly 'found jesus'?"
He found Jesus??? Shit, I didn't even know we were supposed to be looking for him!

Seriously though, I read in these threads all the time about people having plenty of proof that god exists, but those same people (usually) are unwilling to share this proof. Theology is riddled with circular reasoning and poor logic. If I see proof that god exists, I am completely willing to change my mind. I've never met a "believer" that is willing to change theirs though.
@ MJstudent: This is in the "Spirituality" forum so if you are so easily offended by anything spiritual I suggest you stay clear of here. So you think I'm "pushing religion"??? What about you pushing anti-religion, ever think that that is a religion too? Humanism is a religion and I don't want to hear it. If I said you were a fool for believing in aliens would that offend you? Well, that's your religion and I don't want to hear it; you're pushing your religion.

@ mindphuk: Religion does harm people; I agree, and there are many more superstitions than truth, but that does not mean there is no truth. Truth is only revealed to those truly seeking enlightenment. My paradigm is the Bible, and it is all about faith. You can't have faith and evidence; they are dimetrically opposed. We don't make the rules; we follow them or we are lost.

You say it hinders from learning good critical thinking skills. Maybe you need to bone up on your own critical thinking skills instead of believing lies and using your own lack of study as a crutch. The greatest, most brilliant men (and women) in history were believers and attributed their knowlege and wisdom to God. When the Catholic church ruled, it told it's subjects they were too stupid to understand the Bible, and they would interpret it for them. The only significant thing that happened during that 500 years was nearly half of Europe died in the black plague. There were no technological advances, no increase in critical thinking. That is why it was called "the dark ages".

God gets to set His own standards of holiness; we don't dictate what those standards are. Not to single out gays, and lesbians but along with that, there are many things that are sinful. Women were treated as slaves until the law was given to Moses. God actually liberated women and set them on the same level as man.

The Bible does not conflict with science. That being said, while the Bible contains gems of science, the Bible is not a science book. On the other, you are throwing in Islam with Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Bible does not condone murder nor allowing someone else to be murdered if you can prevent it.

@ Dislexicmidget: What you describe is the history of the Catholic "church". It was and always will be a method for control. Even the word "vicar" means "in place of". They want you to believe that the priest takes the place of God, that you can't access Him for yourself. That is nonsence but millions have been suckered into that.

Like I said from the outset here, there is a world of difference between being religous, and truly finding a relationship with God. If any of you are offended, feel free not to participate in this thread. Do not assume that I am pushing anything on you; that is not my goal in the least and would only do harm if it were.
my question is, ... "how come one of my best buddies, of over 7 years, cuts off all ties with me because he has suddenly 'found jesus'?"

...crazy. Sorry to hear that. I had something of an experience a number of years ago. When that process started one of my friends said "whatever you do don't go selling your sht and moving to a mountain in tibet." It stuck with me, and is still with me. I guess there's a few ways to look at it but one is known as 'mystical pride' - which is a glossy way of saying 'your mind has now been reset and you don't know how to use it yet'. I'm not really attempting to answer your question - I took it as being rhetorical...but still felt to reply.
my question is, ... "how come one of my best buddies, of over 7 years, cuts off all ties with me because he has suddenly 'found jesus'?"
Beats me FDD. You never know what someone is being taught by religious people. Maybe they told him to do it; that would be my guess. One of the main accusations of the Pharisees of "Jesus" was that he ate with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. He didn't hang with the other rabbi's because most of them had formed cliques and thought themselves "above" the general population of sinners.

The Christian church is lazy, misinformed and knows very little about the true God and his ways. Thanks to the Catholic "church", the truth has been removed and the message has been perverted into the garbage preached by greedy televangelists everywhere. Everything significant has been gutted and replaced with the "church's" designs. "Jesus" was Jewish, period. He did not come to start a new religion. Even the name "Jesus" is wrong; it's not even a correct pronunciation of the Greek interpretation since Greek has no J in it.
@ MJstudent: This is in the "Spirituality" forum so if you are so easily offended by anything spiritual I suggest you stay clear of here. So you think I'm "pushing religion"??? What about you pushing anti-religion, ever think that that is a religion too? Humanism is a religion and I don't want to hear it. If I said you were a fool for believing in aliens would that offend you? Well, that's your religion and I don't want to hear it; you're pushing your religion.

First off, it's not possible for a lack of belief to be a religion. That's fucking ridiculous. You can't possibly believe that non-belief is a religion, or you're an idiot.

@ mindphuk: Religion does harm people; I agree, and there are many more superstitions than truth, but that does not mean there is no truth. Truth is only revealed to those truly seeking enlightenment. My paradigm is the Bible, and it is all about faith. You can't have faith and evidence; they are dimetrically opposed. We don't make the rules; we follow them or we are lost.

Enlightenment, eh? You know what we call the "Age of Enlightenment"? The time when science started taking the reigns from religion.

I'm glad we at least agree that faith and evidence are diametrically opposed. There are no "rules", you don't see any other species asking invisible people in the sky for help. Religion is so obviously man made it's hilarious. Homo Sapiens have been around for anywhere between 100,000-250,000 years... and for 97% of that time, no mention of god. Then language develops and people start talking about god. Sumerian Gods, Egyptian Gods, Buddhist Gods, all of them before the Jewish/Christian god; and way before any mention of Jesus. There were no records of the previous 90,000-240,000 years of humanity, so people just forget what happened and made up Adam and Eve.

You say it hinders from learning good critical thinking skills. Maybe you need to bone up on your own critical thinking skills instead of believing lies and using your own lack of study as a crutch.

Being told to believe something unwaveringly, without question; or you will suffer eternally most definitely hinders the critical thinking process. I know Christians that are literally scared to think, because they believe god can read their thoughts....

The greatest, most brilliant men (and women) in history were believers and attributed their knowlege and wisdom to God. When the Catholic church ruled, it told it's subjects they were too stupid to understand the Bible, and they would interpret it for them. The only significant thing that happened during that 500 years was nearly half of Europe died in the black plague. There were no technological advances, no increase in critical thinking. That is why it was called "the dark ages".

Before the late 1500's everything was controlled by religion, and pretty much everything sucked. If you made a discovery that even slightly contradicted the bible, you were 're-educated'.

God gets to set His own standards of holiness; we don't dictate what those standards are. Not to single out gays, and lesbians but along with that, there are many things that are sinful. Women were treated as slaves until the law was given to Moses. God actually liberated women and set them on the same level as man.

The bible says it's ok to rape women, you just have to marry them afterwards.... Also, there is homosexuality in every mammalian species, so it seems pretty natural to me...

The Bible does not conflict with science. That being said, while the Bible contains gems of science, the Bible is not a science book. On the other, you are throwing in Islam with Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Bible does not condone murder nor allowing someone else to be murdered if you can prevent it.

How does the bible not conflict with science? Tell that to;

William Buckland,
Charles Lyell,
Louis Agassiz,
Adam Sedgewick,
Tycho Brahe,
Johannes Kepler
Edmond Halley

They were all scientists persecuted by religion, because they found evidence for things that the church didn't agree with because it contradicted the bible. There are literally thousands more scientists like this...
A religion that is based on faith is not supposed to be substantiated. So your point is moot.

There are two kinds of faith. One is the decision to believe in something, come hell or high water. it is anti-rational, and the closest i can think of to it is the German term Kadavergehorsam, the unquestioning obedience of a corpse. Any faith or moral structure that demands uncritical faith is pathological imo, a naked selfish meme. All people who have not abdicated responsibility for their beliefs will avoid this imo.
I have been in too many churches that preach, recommend, propagate just that sort of ovine adherence to the canon. Baa.

The second kind of faith is the considered, informed belief in something that acts, feels and thinks true but is not amenable to final proof. This sort of faith is essentially rational, somewhat negotiable, inherently more humble. Ime very few people on either side of the religious divide have themoral and intellectual courage to take on the burden of this kind of faith, one that does not allow its practitioner to relax into a posture of simply accepting predigested doctrine.

Wherever I see people being influenced against what my faith holds to be common sense (old earth, physics in general, one is allowed to question the bigs) by a rigid doctrine that says "the book's way, or burn!", I see the actions of a pathogen, a disease meme. I reject the concept that religion ... the strong, infectious, evangelical form ... is harmless. I will oppose it, but at the same time I will seek to exercise and reflect the sort of balance that means I'm not just another tiresome warrior of righteousness, for any camp. cn
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