Missouri SB 764: food stamps for those convicted...


New Member
A whole lot of enemies out there redd, and maybe you haven't heard my contention, well here it is big guy: There are only so many top dog jobs, can you comprehend that, only so many. everyone cannot be the boss. That leaves 99.9% for the rest of the workers to contend with. Remove the worker mentality and you'd have a shitpot full of unemployed people. Just get over youself and all that you did. Not everyone can do it and many people are happy being workers, if they don't have a shithead boss. Being a worker is not a bad thing, they just need to get paid liveable wages. If we were all bosses, and I've been one many times, there would be no work going on.
Of course many are satisfied being "workers." And yes, I agree that being a "worker" isn't a bad thing. I was one for the first 35 years of my life. So what? That doesn't mean that the average guy can't achieve financial success if he/she puts his/her mind to it. I've recommended a book to you several times in this forum. "The Millionaire Next Door." Have you read it yet?

Here's a review of the book:

*A Book Review*

The Millionaire Next Door

By Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko

by Michael C. Gray
June 23, 1999
The Millionaire Next Door is one of the most important books recently published on the subject of personal finance.

Thomas Stanley and William Danko are professors of sociology who have made studying wealthy Americans their specialty. They have performed extensive statistical research to profile who wealthy Americans are, how they acquired their wealth, how they live, and how their families function.

From the inception, Stanley and Danko make it clear that the image of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" has nothing to do with the lifestyle of most wealthy Americans, especially first-generation wealthy Americans. Contrary to the belief of many people who believe most wealth is inherited and "you can’t make it in America today," eighty percent of America’s millionaires are first-generation rich.

I am going to focus on first-generation wealthy Americans here, because they give the most valuable lessons for acquiring wealth. I’ll call them "the wealthy."

The wealthy are extremely frugal. They do not live in extravagant homes and drive Rolls Royces or BMWs. They live in modest homes and mostly drive full size American cars. (57.7% of the vehicles millionaires are driving are American cars or trucks.) Many of them buy used cars (about 36%).

Most of the wealthy have their own businesses. Self-employed people are four times more likely to be millionaires than those who work for others. Most of their businesses are not Fortune 500 corporations.

20% of affluent households in America are headed by retirees. Of the remaining 80%, more than two-thirds are headed by self-employed owners of businesses.

The wealthy did not necessarily accumulate their wealth from high salaries or high incomes. Instead, they are excellent at managing their assets. The two main approaches used to accumulate their assets are budgeting and the "pay yourself" or set aside approach. (Take 15% of your earnings and set them aside as "untouchable" for personal spending.)

The wealthy are very proactive in their investment programs. They study investments and consistently invest in the areas they understand best.

The wealthy highly value education. Almost uniformly they underwrite the education of their children and encourage their children to pursue a profession, such as law, medicine, dentistry or accounting.

Many of the wealthy are immigrants who haven’t been caught up in the American consumer lifestyle.

The American consumer lifestyle is the greatest enemy of accumulating wealth. The children of the wealthy do not understand how their parents accumulated wealth, so they consume it. This is the reason family fortunes are dissipated. There are no wealthy Vanderbuilts today.

Why should the study of the wealthy concern you? Isn’t money the root of all evil?

The economic facts are that the median (typical) household in America has a net worth of $15,000, excluding home equity. The median household net worth for the top one-fifth of American households, excluding home equity, is less than $60,000. Without Social Security benefits, almost one-half of Americans over age sixty-five would live in poverty. (And Social Security is in trouble!)

I should think that one goal that should be on the list of most people is to be financially independent. There is a certain confidence one has when in this position. Call it "peace of mind." You can do an enormous amount of good when you have the means. Yet, despite the fact that many people with relatively modest incomes achieve financial independence, most of us never get out of the starting gate!

I have read every page of this book. I found The Millionaire Next Door to be fascinating, educational reading and recommend it enthusiastically. Give it or loan it to family members. Be sure to put it on your summer reading list. Then take action on what you learn, and I’ll have a lot of wealthy clients!
For our new reviews of business and self-improvement books, subscribe to our newsletter, Michael Gray, CPA's Tax & Business Insight!



Well-Known Member
Yes,if one man or woman can rise above the 50-300 workers you quoted anybody can do it,without being privelaged or having connections.EDIT,out of the 50-300 workers you quoted gaurenteed there are atleast 10 lazy bums who need to be replaced with driven employees who deserve a promotion,no opportunity,make yourself desireable & replace a looser,its easy.

I guess you didn't get good grades in math. My stupid ass can count and there is only one supervisors job that you hold out of that crowd. Do you get it, one. In my stupid ass brain that means that 50-300 assholes will never have the opportunmity to have that job, maybe one or two mr. superman. I get it that maybe anyone that aspired to that level could get there, but again mr. genious, there are only one out of 50-300 job positions that are available in your area of expertise, do you understand? There are only so many of those jobs and the rest of the jobs are for lessor paid employees. Not everyone can be the boss even if they are equally qualified, so using my logic and deductive reasoning, I'd have to say you've kissed a lot of ass.
No wonder you live here in this forum,you are a dick head ,& from the constant whining i see you doing about every issue on earth you sound like a broke dick head to boot,or atleast a dick who's comfortable with having less.

Be happy with your worker attitude & i'll be happy with my superman attitude,its paid me well & will continue to do so as far as i can tell.

Hows that worker attitude paid off for you fininacialy ?

Ive seen your kind my whole life,the kinda guy who will stand at the time clock for 29 minutes at the end of the day waiting to punch out instead of working,then get pissed & talk shit about the other guy at work who works over 29 minutes every day without getting paid overtime,then when he gets promoted to YOUR BOSS with a hefty raise your the guy in the background talking shit about him to all the other guys at work.

Then you point out to all your coworkers that the new boss had to work overtime for free & thats why your not the boss, because you wont kiss ass like that:roll:.

Your shtick reminds me of alot of guys ive met over the years who work auto manufacturing jobs,same ole tired ass speel while they blame management for the company falling apart while thier loafing.

Your statement that you were a boss "MANY TIMES" tells me all i need to know about your career & work ethic,either you couldnt take the pressure & stepped down or were not worth a shit & got demoted,either way anybody who's been a boss many times has a serious problem,ive been a boss for decades & stayed a boss since promotion #1,so have most other boss'es,i suspect your promotions were based on senority or a combination of senority & written testing,not drive,ambition or work ethic.

Either your locked into your job because your a govermnent employee or due to some union agreement that wont allow your company to replace you with a better employee, cause your attitude or work ethics sure as hell aint what keeps you working.

I look for guys like you in my job & i replace them as quickly as possible, for any reason i can find.


New Member
No wonder you live here in this forum,you are a dick head ,& from the constant whining i see you doing about every issue on earth you sound like a broke dick head to boot,or atleast a dick who's comfortable with having less.

Be happy with your worker attitude & i'll be happy with my superman attitude,its paid me well & will continue to do so as far as i can tell.

Hows that worker attitude paid off for you fininacialy ?

Ive seen your kind my whole life,the kinda guy who will stand at the time clock for 29 minutes at the end of the day waiting to punch out instead of working,then get pissed & talk shit about the other guy at work who works over 29 minutes every day without getting paid overtime,then when he gets promoted to YOUR BOSS with a hefty raise your the guy in the background talking shit about him to all the other guys at work.

Then you point out to all your coworkers that the new boss had to work overtime for free & thats why your not the boss, because you wont kiss ass like that:roll:.

Your shtick reminds me of alot of guys ive met over the years who work auto manufacturing jobs,same ole tired ass speel while they blame management for the company falling apart while thier loafing.

Your statement that you were a boss "MANY TIMES" tells me all i need to know about your career & work ethic,either you couldnt take the pressure & stepped down or were not worth a shit & got demoted,either way anybody who's been a boss many times has a serious problem,ive been a boss for decades & stayed a boss since promotion #1,so have most other boss'es,i suspect your promotions were based on senority or a combination of senority & written testing,not drive,ambition or work ethic.

Either your locked into your job because your a govermnent employee or due to some union agreement that wont allow your company to replace you with a better employee, cause your attitude or work ethics sure as hell aint what keeps you working.

I look for guys like you in my job & i replace them as quickly as possible, for any reason i can find.
You know not of which you talk dickhead, thats right, you are the quintesential dickhead boss. I won't waste my tiume refuting your stupid idiotic contentions about me. You know me not. But I must say, if you were my fucking asshole boss, I'd have taken your Butt-ugly head off with one punch. Where I come from, real men don't talk down to their workers. they respect them. Just for the record assole. I'm comfortably retired with a nice little pension and don't heve to deal with pricks like you any more. You're the kind of asshole boss I'd like to meet in a dark alley. I'd kick your ass till the sun shined, then kick it some more. no Mr. nice guy with you dickhead, you are an idiot. BTW it was you that made it persomal, double fuck you asshole. I'd sure like to meet you in person.


New Member
^^^ Wow! ^^^

^^^ Zowie! ^^^

^^^ Zing! ^^^

^^^ Zang! ^^^

^^^ Wham! ^^^

^^^ Bam! ^^^


Always stirring the shit eh redd, can't hold your own. You always need another fascist prick to back your baseless contentions then you jump bad. I should have stuck with my long appraised view of your evil ways and realized there was no fucking hope. Tell me how the above post is positive, cordial, or in any way condusive to the arguement. I wonder what Wayne Dyer would say about that?


New Member
Always stirring the shit eh redd, can't hold your own. You always need another fascist prick to back your baseless contentions then you jump bad. I should have stuck with my long appraised view of your evil ways and realized there was no fucking hope. Tell me how the above post is positive, cordial, or in any way condusive to the arguement. I wonder what Wayne Dyer would say about that?
Wayne Dyer would tell ya to read the "The Millionaire Next Door" book review I posted in this thread. I'd love to see your comments about it after you read it. :)



Well-Known Member
You know not of which you talk dickhead, thats right, you are the quintesential dickhead boss. I won't waste my tiume refuting your stupid idiotic contentions about me. You know me not. But I must say, if you were my fucking asshole boss, I'd have taken your Butt-ugly head off with one punch. Where I come from, real men don't talk down to their workers. they respect them. Just for the record assole. I'm comfortably retired with a nice little pension and don't heve to deal with pricks like you any more. You're the kind of asshole boss I'd like to meet in a dark alley. I'd kick your ass till the sun shined, then kick it some more. no Mr. nice guy with you dickhead, you are an idiot. BTW it was you that made it persomal, double fuck you asshole. I'd sure like to meet you in person.

Telephone tough guy :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Retired huh,im real close to retirement, i can retire pretty much any time i feel ready so that makes us about the same age,wouldnt we look stupid,two old wrinkly bastards slugging it out in an alley:mrgreen: The only real question would be which one of us would break a hip first :mrgreen:.

You wouldnt like to meet me in person nor would i like to meet you,get a grip fella,for a guy who throws his weight around constantly, calling people names & besmirching peoples intelligence you sure have thin skin.

It makes me feel sooooooo damm good that i pissed you off that much after watching you fuck with people day after day, with your idiotic & non stop political rehtoric,anybody who does not agree with you is instantly attacked & branded as stupid.

And furthermore i am not the one who made it personal,you throw in sneaky ass little digs in every one of your posts with anybody who dont agree with you,read back a few posts,then see your sneaky comments like "wow thats great" or "we all cant be superman like you"or how "i kissed alot of ass" then tell me again how your innocent.

Im new on this site but im not new to forums,not by a longshot,your a bully with great writing skills & sneaky underhanded insult methods,nothing more.

I struck a deep nerve somewhere :mrgreen:,retired UAW member perhaps ?


New Member
You know not of which you talk dickhead, thats right, you are the quintesential dickhead boss. I won't waste my tiume refuting your stupid idiotic contentions about me. You know me not. But I must say, if you were my fucking asshole boss, I'd have taken your Butt-ugly head off with one punch. Where I come from, real men don't talk down to their workers. they respect them. Just for the record assole. I'm comfortably retired with a nice little pension and don't heve to deal with pricks like you any more. You're the kind of asshole boss I'd like to meet in a dark alley. I'd kick your ass till the sun shined, then kick it some more. no Mr. nice guy with you dickhead, you are an idiot. BTW it was you that made it persomal, double fuck you asshole. I'd sure like to meet you in person.
Whoa, deja vu.........."idiota assholio" is next for you, pan "da man" head.:mrgreen:


New Member
Telephone tough guy :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Retired huh,im real close to retirement, i can retire pretty much any time i feel ready so that makes us about the same age,wouldnt we look stupid,two old wrinkly bastards slugging it out in an alley:mrgreen: The only real question would be which one of us would break a hip first :mrgreen:.

You wouldnt like to meet me in person nor would i like to meet you,get a grip fella,for a guy who throws his weight around constantly, calling people names & besmirching peoples intelligence you sure have thin skin.

It makes me feel sooooooo damm good that i pissed you off that much after watching you fuck with people day after day, with your idiotic & non stop political rehtoric,anybody who does not agree with you is instantly attacked & branded as stupid.

And furthermore i am not the one who made it personal,you throw in sneaky ass little digs in every one of your posts with anybody who dont agree with you,read back a few posts,then see your sneaky comments like "wow thats great" or "we all cant be superman like you"or how "i kissed alot of ass" then tell me again how your innocent.

Im new on this site but im not new to forums,not by a longshot,your a bully with great writing skills & sneaky underhanded insult methods,nothing more.

I struck a deep nerve somewhere :mrgreen:,retired UAW member perhaps ?
Look dickhead, you know me not. I get as much as I give believe me my skin is not that thin. I just find it funny how you millionaire types are always blaming all the worling class for everything. for christs sake, nothing would get done without the workers. I was basically a Worker most of my life. Ran a concrete company for ten years and owned a gas station for 8+ years, the rest of the time I worked union construction jobs. Contrary to your beliefs, the workers either worked or were let go. I never worked with "slackers" .About the UAW I know nothing, wouldn't attempt to judge them. About asshole bosses, little men with big attitudes, I know a little. I know there were two that learned that fucking with me wasn't their best choice. I'm no bad ass, but I don't take much shit from assholes either. I was in construction when you could tell a boss to kiss your ass and find a new job the next day, no need to be berated. Most of the bosses I encountered were like, do the work and you'll have no problems. That was the way I liked it. I was always in the top 10% of qualified workers, and sometimes got the foremans job because of it. I see things one way and obviously, (Especially if you are a Bushie) you see them another. I say, It's better if we don't try and communicate because you won't change me and I don't want to waste my time trying to talk sense to you. Lets agree to disagree.


New Member
"I was in construction when you could tell a boss to kiss your ass and find a new job the next day..."

Is it really any wonder that Hispanic workers, legal and illegal, with their great work ethic, has replaced the American "worker" on these job sites? :roll:



Well-Known Member
why are you such an overgeneralizing fucking racist asshole?
You've never worked construction so you jump right up on the racisim deal,what he said is absolutely 100% true & without malice,why are young people so quick to accuse people of being a racist when you have so very little life experience ?

Even medicine man dont throw that spear.

I run a union construction company,infact the company i work for is one of the largest union contractors in the nation,(yes med i get the same union newspaper every month that you get)over the last 10 years we have replaced over 50% of our American born workers with Immigrant Mexican workers,before anybody starts that $3 an hour illegal alien crap that is not how it is,all of our employees have work visa's to be in this country & all are paid at the very least the union scale,in most cases i pay them up to $6 an hour above union scale,i have to pay them scale but it is at my discretion to pay them more if i want & i do.

I pay all my men above scale weather they be mexican or american,i figure if all their worth is what i MUST pay them then i dont want them as an employee,i want ass busters & i pay for them.

Why do construction companies want mexicans,because they bust ass, period,no bullshit about 8 and skate (med should know that line from his construction days),no bullshit about starting early or working over time,no bullshit about "thats not my job description",no bullshit at all,they come to work to work & are happy to be there.

Your new to the job market & hopefully you never have to compete against a race of people who are driven to suceed a thousand times more than the average American,a race of people who have the work ethic of Jonh Henery the steel drivin man,these guys are made of iron & easily outperform most American counterparts on a daily basis,if you never have to compete with a group of them count yourself lucky nbecause they are all iron men.

Please dont accuse people of being racist when you know not of what instance they are refering to,it takes away from the intended use of the term when its throw around lightly.


New Member
^^^ Well said panhead! ^^^

And I'll bet you've never had a Hispanic worker tell you to "kiss his ass" and walk off the job either.




Well-Known Member
You've never worked construction so you jump right up on the racisim deal,what he said is absolutely 100% true & without malice,why are young people so quick to accuse people of being a racist when you have so very little life experience ?

Even medicine man dont throw that spear.

I run a union construction company,infact the company i work for is one of the largest union contractors in the nation,(yes med i get the same union newspaper every month that you get)over the last 10 years we have replaced over 50% of our American born workers with Immigrant Mexican workers,before anybody starts that $3 an hour illegal alien crap that is not how it is,all of our employees have work visa's to be in this country & all are paid at the very least the union scale,in most cases i pay them up to $6 an hour above union scale,i have to pay them scale but it is at my discretion to pay them more if i want & i do.

I pay all my men above scale weather they be mexican or american,i figure if all their worth is what i MUST pay them then i dont want them as an employee,i want ass busters & i pay for them.

Why do construction companies want mexicans,because they bust ass, period,no bullshit about 8 and skate (med should know that line from his construction days),no bullshit about starting early or working over time,no bullshit about "thats not my job description",no bullshit at all,they come to work to work & are happy to be there.

Your new to the job market & hopefully you never have to compete against a race of people who are driven to suceed a thousand times more than the average American,a race of people who have the work ethic of Jonh Henery the steel drivin man,these guys are made of iron & easily outperform most American counterparts on a daily basis,if you never have to compete with a group of them count yourself lucky nbecause they are all iron men.

Please dont accuse people of being racist when you know not of what instance they are refering to,it takes away from the intended use of the term when its throw around lightly.

I know many who have worked in construction. and they get up at dawn and work until the fucking sun sets.