Is it worth it for me to grow?


Hey guys!
I have been lurking for a while now and am very impressed with you guys. Thanks for putting all this great info out there to help others.

My question is this: My wife and I both only smoke a few hits a week. Is it worth it to make a grow box and attempt to grow our own. Or is it more of a hobby thing for you guys? I like the idea of growing just so I don't need to go out and buy it (and risk getting busted) but, the cost of starting up is a put-off.

Thanks for your thoughts on this.


Well-Known Member
Well it's really only expensive to do a really top notch large scale grow. If you're just doing like one plant (as you only smoke very little that should last you a while) you can get going for just a few hundred dollars. And it will pay for itself in the long run without having to purchase as much.


Well-Known Member
I think its worth it man. Its really a one time cost to start up but once u get started ur pretty much done doin the expensive part. Id say build a box big enough for like 2-3 autoflowering plants and u should b able to harvest enough to supply urself till ur next crop (about every 2 months with autoflowers). I built my box from stuff at walmart and ace hardware for about $250 and i was up and running. U can easly crop out with a harvest worth more than the cost of a simple set up on the first shot. I grow for the same reason and i love it. Its addicting for sure and theres so much to learn its crazy. Id give it a shot. Wouldnt hurt right?


Well-Known Member
Its def a hobby but i think if ur a smoker no matter how much and often u should give it a shot. And i agree with Peyote u can spend 150 bucks and get one plant started and like u said u dont smoke too often a ounce or two would last u a while


Well-Known Member
Can you handle the paranoia of getting caught and the repercussions ?
Will having a secret garden alter your social life at home ?
Do you love gardening and nurturing live plants & animals ?
If no to any of these I would say it's not worth it.


New Member
You can start out fairly cheap considering you dont even smoke that much
and if you live in an apt,you will need odor control
You will get better product at cheaper costs and you are never out of your house with it....
Its your choice...


Well-Known Member
I started just to keep myself in herb (crap quality and deals here) Now I'm easily self sufficient, and the excess has paid for the equipment (1 metre tent) on the first grow...
Which is nothing compared to the fun I'm having!!!
Do it?!


New Member
Doesn't matter how much you smoke, you can keep it in mason jars for months on end and it'll still be good. It's very much a hobby, it's very addictive too.

If you're starting out and just want a little bit, buy a pack of 5 feminized seeds, build a small grow cab out of wood, 3 foot high should be good. Then buy a power bar, 3 light socket to wall socket converters (hardware store), an extention cord if you need it to plug the power bar in, and 6 lights, 3 2700k lights for flowering and 3 6500k for veg.

Your best bet is to some how attach the power bar to something that you can adjust up and down. Make sure the side of the bulb is whats shining at the plants, the tops doesn't let off as much light.


New Member
It depends on how much you pay for it rite now. If you only smoke a few hits a week you might be better off buying it. keep in mind smell,noise,light,all need to be low key.Good seeds are expensive and do your homework on breeders RIU is a good place to start. Plants can get sick and if your a first timer you might be pulling your hair out. There is nothing like smoking your own stuff when you know whats in it. You can work with cost. some yard lights you can buy for $50 a hardware store comes with a bulb no need for a ballast.


Well-Known Member
growing isnt a bad iea. small scale grow pays itself off after first harvest if you do it right. and 50% of the stuff you need is sitting around the house if your creative


New Member
It depends on how much you pay for it rite now. If you only smoke a few hits a week you might be better off buying it. keep in mind smell,noise,light,all need to be low key.Good seeds are expensive and do your homework on breeders RIU is a good place to start. Plants can get sick and if your a first timer you might be pulling your hair out. There is nothing like smoking your own stuff when you know whats in it. You can work with cost. some yard lights you can buy for $50 a hardware store comes with a bulb no need for a ballast.
growing ain't hard, its only hard when you over complicate it. Give it nutrients, no nutes first 2 weeks, then 1/4th recommended dose. If you're scared use 1/2 dose till its last stages of veg, flower use full nutes. Thats all there is to it.

2 plants with CFLs I bet you'd get about an ounce total in a 3 foot high cab. You'll spend a few dollars on electricity, MAYBE $5 a month for 18/6. So really, you could buy your weed on the street, or you could grow (it better) for cheaper and have enough for a long time. Keep it in a mason jar and it'll last you a year, even longer, and will barely loose any moisture.


Active Member
I'm a little less than a month into my first grow. Not including seeds (I'd recommend bagseed for your first grow) My costs are as follows:
4ft florescent shoplight fixture: $10
2 4ft 6500k T12s: $8
Stay-Green potting mix: $7
Miracle Grow Tomato food: $6
2ft florescent lamp with cool white bulbs: Free (had it laying around the house)
Styro foam cups: $3
10 inch planting pots: Free from nursery

To me it is totally worth it. My growroom is my happy place. I just have my babies in a closet with the shoplight leaned over them and they are doing well. A little small because of the weak lighting I 'm using, but very healthy.



Thanks for responding guys. I think I'm going to give it a go. Here is what I'm thinking:

150-200 w CFL for veg and flower
Mylar insulation.
6 pc fans. (3 for intake and 3 for exhaust)
Active carbon filter
Bag seed

Is there anything else you guys would recommend?