Arizona Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Cannabis requires nitrogen to cure. Nitrogen allows the plants to break down remaining carbohydrates and starches.
oh no! now my buds wont cure! all that work for nothing. shucks do you think its not too late to fix? should i start adding N right now?

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I'm not sure if he is trying to prove anything. All I saw was him asking you to show him pics. Yes we have all seen the video but now they should be a little further along. I will post some pics later tonight or tomorrow. Seems like MW3 takes up most of the night now ha ha


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if he is trying to prove anything. All I saw was him asking you to show him pics. Yes we have all seen the video but now they should be a little further along. I will post some pics later tonight or tomorrow. Seems like MW3 takes up most of the night now ha ha

Xbox 360 or PS3??


New Member
I'm not sure if he is trying to prove anything. All I saw was him asking you to show him pics. Yes we have all seen the video but now they should be a little further along. I will post some pics later tonight or tomorrow. Seems like MW3 takes up most of the night now ha ha
There are pics... I uploaded some for week 7 of flower...
Look in the thread.... I am not reposting pics that are in thread... I will update at the end of week 7 which is in a day....

You should be reading LIKE 3 pages back.........


Well-Known Member
SO I AM GOING TO COURT! Not for anything significantly bad but this new ATF law has me quite pissed. Yesterday I went to go purchase an ar15. On top of that I was getting a combo set of pistols. Anyways when I went to go do my background check I went to pull out my ID and underneath it was my green card. As disappointed as the gunsmith sounded, he informed me that being a MMJ patient not only can I not purchased ANY firearm in the U.S. but can't have or own one. Thank GOD I have some very good medicine that couldn't get me in a bad mood if I tried. But now that I woke up today I feel pissed. I really wanted to shoot that ar15 today on my day off. Because of this I made a call to my lawyer. He stated that it will be a LONG process and ALOT of money and I might not ever win but that is besides the point. Who in the hell does our government think they are trying to take my second amendment away?? I've already talked to two of my patients that were vietnam vets. They said that is ridiculous and goes back in everything they stood for and fought for. Sorry for rambling....wrong place kinda too but I was wondering what your guys thoughts were....

i read that they were doing this. it's disgusting and it will end up in court! i can pop oxy all day and have any weapon i want! fucking senseless gubment interference as usual.

i'd advise you to back off. unless you're stupid wealthy it isn't worth it. the gubment will fuck you up. it's not a myth, the gubment is a beast with unlimited resourses and manpower to force you to do what they want. our med pot laws could be turned over next election and you'd be very high on their list of people to fuck with!

emails, letters, meetings with congress people yes, taking them to court, not so much!


Well-Known Member
Here are some shots of the Lavender ...I keep getting the claw on her sugar leaves I had the same issue with OG#18 last grow. Fuckers...
my ssh clones have the same thing as your picture #5. i've been ignoring it for 3 grows now!

here's mine at 17 days flower! :)

afghani malawi skunk ssh cindy 17 days 017.jpg

afghani malawi skunk ssh cindy 17 days 010.jpg

i had to do some creative tieing to get the canopy mostly uniform! :)

afghani malawi skunk ssh cindy 17 days 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of a good microscope to take pictures with as well? The handheld and camera isn't going to cut it haha.
i used a digital blue Qx5 digital microscope for years. pretty good and not expensive. it can be a bit fuzzy though. i tried 3 different scopes over the years and havne't found the perfect one yet. i'm not paying $300 plus for one!
i'm using a "my first lab" none digital one now. it's ok but i have to shine a light on it to see the trichs.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow... To any new growers thats what your fan leaves should look like nearing harvest, dont trip when they get yellow you cut off nitrogen so thats what it looks like, and thats what it should look like before harvest. Nicely done.
don't say that in an uncle ben thread! he has the exact opposite idea. i've been growing since 95. ben's been growing a lot longer and has some interesting, although often controversial opinions. when you're bored, check out his thoughts on keeping the leaves green. i often read things i don't necessarily agree with in order to get a fuller picture. then again, i'm retired and don't have a life! :lol:

like you, i've always allowed the plant to take it's course, but i'm going to experiment on a couple plants to increase the N so they will stay very green throughout! i'm like a scientist! :dancing: :)

he has some interesting ideas on what a plant needs to produce the best buds.

i first bumped into ben at a place that turned into before it was he's always been going against the grain.


Well-Known Member
jesus. you guys and the arguing.

just agree to disagree and move on like adults.

it's no fun reading with all this anger! smoke some pot and mello out for fucks sake! sheeesh!