Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Thanks jordann. Hubby doesn't do any of the growing but I will pass on the word about the thanks. He is the builder so I do have many things to him also.:mrgreen:

You read the entire journal?????:roll:
Sh*t! I didn't think it was THAT interesting.:lol::shock:
Cool. I guess it is.

I just read your entire journal, Lacy! You and your hubby are doing a GREAT job!! Keep it up!! ;)


New Member
No I didn't bwinn. I pollinated a few of my females so i have a lot of seeds now.
In fact I am waiting for them to go dormant for 6 weeks so i can use them this spring.
Thanks again:blsmoke:
hows the ladies lacy? and did you ever check out the seed shop i posted?


New Member
I'll take some updates as soon as the lights go on this morning.
Yes this weather is really bumming me out crazy. We still have a couple of feet of snow yet and it is freezing here.
Next week the temps are supposed to increase. Oh good.

How is the mother doing crazy. She must be more than 1/2 way there now. Remember you promised me pics.:mrgreen:
hows it going lacy.
were are the updated pics.
thought spring was here, but we are full of snow at the moment.
i have a plant outdoors and its still alive.


New Member
Yes Sir!
Good eye there Loudblunt.
The light was just about to turn on and I took 2 or 3 pics in the dark and the rest are when it turned on.
I think that one that is bright green was when the light just turned on.
I think:roll:
green light? is that what it is? why is that??????

in the dark cycle you taking pics???


New Member
:roll:I just noticed what you have written underneath .........
my friend says that if you grow with cfls' that the smoke is more fruity

:dunce::lol::lol::lol: Thats hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
I just use a green 13w cfl from Canadian Tire for a work light.No problems,but I don't go in very often during dark cycle if I can help it>


New Member
Hi Jimmy. Yeah thanks. Same here. Do work during light hours.
I have a little light in the back that is green and gives off enough light if I do need to go in there.

Gotta go take the gurls for their walkies.

I just use a green 13w cfl from Canadian Tire for a work light.No problems,but I don't go in very often during dark cycle if I can help it>


Well-Known Member
Hi Jimmy. Yeah thanks. Same here. Do work during light hours.
I have a little light in the back that is green and gives off enough light if I do need to go in there.

Gotta go take the gurls for their walkies.

I'm home all day too (long term disability) so can choose my times to do chores, but sometimes things require me to enter during dark. Later....:joint:


New Member
Yeah me too. I'm not on long term disability but have been home since about for the last dozen or more years. I LOVE being home and couldn't imagine being in the work field again.:?

That would REALLY suck!!!:twisted::twisted::twisted:
I'm home all day too (long term disability) so can choose my times to do chores, but sometimes things require me to enter during dark. Later....:joint:
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