Naglfar, kindof a Satyricon/Emperor/Dark Throne vibe there..not bad but I've come to appreciate recording quality in my deaf old age, but I remember rocking out to some Emperor back in the day, True Norwegian Black Metal they said. Pretty good stuff.
My memory is kind of fuzzy, but isn't Emperor the band that killed each other and themselves and shit? The one guy found the other guy with his head blown off so he grabbed a piece of his skull to keep. Didn't they stab some guys from another band? Fuck I got to look that stuff up, I forgot all about it till now.
A lot of that stuff got mixed up between bands. I don't know which bands did which, but there were stories of a drummer beating a guy to death for hitting on him, ritualistic suicides, and all sorts of other really messed up stuff. I'm pretty sure most of it was marketing crap, but some of it happened too I'm sure.
this is the first song i ever heard and was like hey when the music gonna start and then, MUSIC, and i was like shit i just came in my pants
when i saw a live vid, i punched god cause there was only two people in band and i was like you didnt tell me about that
ok ill try and resist lol, thats all i can promise so if i piss you off, . . . . tell me